Sideburns Jow Forums approved?

Are side burns a good manly look?
or should they stay in the 70s?

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another example

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Nah. Make you look like a '90s sleazeball

surely more 70s?
more fit example but still pretty twink

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It will only look good on you if you’re handsome.

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does this qualify?

Attached: Screenshot_20190120-224420__01.jpg (326x278, 17K)

Couldn't grow a beard so rocked the side burns look.
You can make it work but you have to have the face and hair to match.

My round 300lb face definitely didn't make it work.

Attached: GuyMartinUlster.jpg (666x460, 30K)

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are we saying they look good on him?

being lean seems to be a factor on what makes people suit sideburns

zyzz had sideburns they're aesthetic as fuck you mad bruh?

Maybe. Right now, no; if you are fat, there’s hope.

zyzz had side BANGS, not side burns.

EVERYONE looks better with sideburns. I fucking wish my hair genetics weren't garbage so I could grow some nice ones


Why do you care about what other men find visuallu appealing?

If you're not black, a good old white boy, or a thug(insert race here) then it's kind of a gay thing.

Would asking women be better?

Attached: 8EE826E7-9B2B-4507-9DAF-0873AFEE01F9.jpg (1600x1200, 384K)

>Be me
>Have solid beard genetics
>Start shaving in the 7th grade, have a respectable goatee by high school
>Technically not allowed to have facial hair while doing sports, but my coach let it slide for No Shave November
>Have to shave my pride and joy for a family event
>Ask my coach if I can regrow my goatee
>Says no because it's January by this point
>Ask if I'm good to grow sideburns
>Rockin' a pair of boarder line mutton chops by the end of the month
>Mom hates them and tells me she'd rather me have a tattoo
Man, senior year was fun.

There's a kid in most of my college classes who has side burns and he pulls them off. You need to have dark hair for it tho

Looks Good to me. Don't sweat that other user