Only oldfags will remember

Newfags not welcome. How many oldfags remember this guy? Did he help you get Jow Forums?

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>How many oldfags remember this guy? Did he help you get Jow Forums?
Good guy, he was nothing but good advice when he posted here, too bad those turkish sandniggers doxxed him and posted pics of him at the gay festival with his husband.

He taught me the sacred techniques of the dumbbell fly

He needed to train his neck more

he helped me find my sexuality

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I'm not an oldfag but I really took his chest building tips to heart.
For a while I did an equal amount of pushing and squeezing exercises and my chest actually grew.
I had a shit chest because I only pressed and and didn't do my flys.

He helped me feel comfortable with farting

Yeah I really hate doxxers, they ruin everything. I actually checked recently and he still uploads to his Youtube channel, I resubscribed to show him some love. He is one of if not the single longest running fitness Youtuber on the platform still. He's a good guy, helped me quite a bit as a teenager.

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I remember this guy. He told me I had the best body on Jow Forums and asked for more pictures. True oldfags will know who I am.

scoobert teaching us the ol' natty lickeroo isn't oldfag territory you fucking child

If only I could pull that off as well as him.

I'm trying to remember how he started posting on Jow Forums

>How many oldfags remember this guy?
Yeah I remember Scooby.
Does Jow Forums oldfags remember him almost getting a restraining order against you faggots because SOMEBODY took shit too far and started stalking/screwing with his life? I sure as fuck remember that.

Pic related. Jow Forums faggots eventually ruin everything for everyone.

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>I'm trying to remember how he started posting on Jow Forums
Jow Forumsfags reached out to him and he came in here not understanding how much faggotry he was going to eventually bring down on himself.

yeah but I'm trying to remember where, youtube comments, his site, misc, reddit, I remember him posting with a gingermod the first time

All that shit got erased from the internets as much as it can be erased because his life more or less got ruined for a while there, courtesy of /b/tards and other gigantic faggots.

There's some here:

>dumbell fly
>not mentioning his greatest contribution to the Jow Forums world

cmon, user you're telling me skateboard squats aren't the best?

poor scoob

Based skateboard squat man

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I loved being a "special friend!"

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I don't know, he's a smart guy, there's no way he didn't get even a vague idea of what was this board about, he probably still browses without his trip admiring shirtless dudes.

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If Scooby is for oldfags then I must be ancient. Scooby was a running joke until newfags in 2014 unironically took him seriously. I remember when Frank yang and zyzz would post

this pretty much

RIP Zyzz

my spider sense is tingling

lol I remember those times. everyday there was a thread about his youtube antics

he was /oldfit/'s Alex

Probably saddest day on Jow Forums history

We lost a dad

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I remember how we used to make fun of him, and he misunderstand it as admiration. He's really pathetic sometimes.

Zyzz was considered an overcompensating attentionmanwhore and was shitbanned for it.

yeah he was pretty hated, tinytrip too, but the bullying on tiny was brutal with his dead parents and stuff

fuck scooby and his stupid hats

>Tiny Trip
>Frank Yang

zoomers will never experience peak Jow Forums

>6 months to get our lives back in order

What an absolute load of shit.
All you newfags don't know he had a shiny new pay-to-use website ready to go right after the alleged doxxing took place, ready to soak up those sympathy shekels.

adie's tinder threads before tinder threads were a thing

I just watched a good doc on him actually..

Its fucking hilarious to me, old Jow Forums fitmisc and misc culture is now documentary worthy.
It really was good times.

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well let's not forget that Elliot Rodger used to post on misc and get ridiculed, probably posted in here too

Remember the Pigpen pasta?

His advice is god-tier and he helped me become a functional adult and a big guy