How's Jow Forums holding up?

How's Jow Forums holding up?

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Getting better. I'm on TRT at 25 years old and slowly but surely the darker days aren't as common. Dick working more. Feelings of bravado and aggression and confidence and tranquility returning. Is nice

Lifts are going up, that is all that matters or so I keep telling myself

Going to the gym consistently and seeing some nice progress. Still not over my ex.

Losing weight but stalled on squats at 215lbs. Almost decapitated myself on the final rep last night. Going to try supplementing lunged or box squats. I just want to hit 2 plates.

Why do girls one day are acting really warm, telling you that they love talking to you etc and on the other day they ignore you and act really cold?
This type of shit pisses me off

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I'm still trying to get my shit together but I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Quite depressed. Sick of being rejected of jobs, everything feels like a chore now and its fustrating me. Fucking hate where I work right now but I'm stuck there. I'm gonna try and get into the Army because they've got a scholarship for university. 40k a year while you study would solve all my problems. However I fear my autism would hold me back because it'll be a leadership job.

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>Not getting enough sleep
>Stressing over receding hairline
>Stressing over needy gf
>Stressing over work
>Haven't been to the gym consistently >when I do go my lifts are shit
It could be worse

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Mentally and emotionally I'm the best I've ever been in years. I'm happy with where my life is and I'm genuinely excited for what the future has in store for me. Physically my lower back has a slight injury so I'm taking a week off from lifting to let it heal. On the positive side I have more time for yoga and bouldering now due to my lower back injury so its not all bad.

Mirin glorious medieval fizeek

love of my life just left to the Peace Corp for two years and I'm trying to cope with having nothing going on in my life anymore and the future of having a family and kids is completely uncertain as I have no idea who's going to steal her affection or whether or not she'll even be coming back after taking on an NGO job after it's over.

>still 5'6 and can't accept it

I'm not sure desu.

Almost had a nervous breakdown (I'm in my second year of University, 19 years old) because I've probably fucked up my degree.

I'm really into learning/studying and revised my tits off to get here (no friends at sixth form, bullied, toxic family) I revised 10am - 6/8pm from February to mid June 2017. But now I've basically fucked my degree up because I became a raging alcoholic in my first year and didn't do any of the things I came to University to do, and spent most of this year sorting out the mess I made in first year.

Have any other anons had a similar experience? I'm sure my 20s will be awesome because I'm going to the gym 3 times a week and have nearly developed autistic tier form, doing yoga etc.

I just feel like the stress and depression is endless. All the time, I'm thinking "brilliant once X is achieved I'll stop having stress in my life" but every time I get over a hill there's an even bigger one.

I can't deal with the stress anymore anons. Does life get better?

When a woman is acting like a stereotypical woman (ie cutesy, lovey dovey, soft) they're being feminine because you're being masculine. When a woman starts acting like a bitch, its because you're acting like a bitch.

Their emotions go all over the place because they are emotional people. That is why you have to be a rock. Be masculine, and don't let her take you off center. They will try every once in a while to test you, as long as you don't fall off center you're good.

Don't use emojis or shit like "lol, omg", etc. That is what a fucking teenage girl would do. Be a man, and she will be a woman. Sometimes she'll say shit like "I wish you would open up more". Don't be fooled, she is once again trying to take you off center. Be a fucking man.

>Broke up with 2 years ago
When will the pain stop Jow Forums


Father also completely narcissistic, brother turning into him, sister lazy as fuck and depressed, and my mother has severe PTSD triggers from marriage to my Father...

My family don't want me in their life anymore. My brother is adopting my Father's bad habits, my sister adopting my Mother's...and my sheer existence, now that I'm not a doormat anymore, upsets them, so they're basically like "just be a fucking doormat or we don't want to speak to you".

What do anons? I can't see any of my friends from where I grew up because that involves staying with my narcissistic Father whom I despise (tried to strangle me twice over Christmas).

Winter time and the wind is blowing outside in lower Chelsea and I don't know what I'm doing in this city...the sun is always in my eyes

Drank a bunch yesterday by myself and today I feel nauseous and anxious.

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Basically the only thing I'm missing in my life is a gf. I'd fucking kill just to have a nice girl to talk to at the end of the day. I'd love to have someone to meet for dinner a few times a week and buy her nice things and make her laugh.

Being lonely is fucking awful but I have 0 social skills so even when I know a girl is interested in me I have no clue what to say.

That's a great remembering man. I know this in theory, but I guess sometimes these bitches get me off center
So what should I tell the girl if she just says she love talking to me and stuff like that

Winter session’s three days from ending and I’m either going to have everything in on time or I’m going to fail everything. Got another date with this girl tomorrow though, so I have that going for me.

Ask her out on a date. If she refuses, don't talk to her for a week and try again. I'm assuming you haven't been out with her yet. You need to be careful with that shit bro, giving free attention to a woman is bad. You need to make your intentions clear, if you let things go on as you just being an emotional support beam to her fucked up psyche she'll friendzone you hard assuming you're not already there.

Always remember, your time and attention are only afforded to women you're actively pursuing. Female friends is something no man needs, I'd even argue women look down on their male friends. Male friends get nothing in the relationship, while the girl gets free attention and validation. The truth is, pretty much every man who is in the friendzone to a girl would rather be fucking her and they are only in the friendzone because they hope it will put them in a position to rebound when she comes to the guy to dump her emotional baggage when whatever relationship she is in fails.

Thank you man. Needed this reminder. It's actually just a girl I have on snapchat which I met travelling, but we live really far away. So we dirty talk, exchange nudes, etc... but also talk normally, which I enjoy to pass time.
Do you have any material on this stuff, like youtube channels. This kind of mindset seems like Alpha Male Strategies videos

Alpha Male Strategies is the Jow Forums approved dating coach.

lonely mostly, thinking about something that happened today

>car in for repairs so get picked up so I can get hire car
>turbo qt picks me up, chatting and bantering for the half hour it takes to get back and sort the car
>see her playing with hair a few times
>conversation flows much better than normal, not like we only just met
>tells me to phone her (work) phone any time to chat about the non-work related stuff we chatted about

Still too autism to know if she was just being friendly or worth trying to get her number when I drop the car off, I rarely ever meet women these days in the field I’m in and have no friends around here so I’m resorting to desperate measures

im cutting :P

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Third day now I sat at home doing nothing because my shitty job is a clusterfuck fulled with retards.
>Wake up at 645
>Breakfast, shower, and get dressed by 745
>Sit and wait for the guy I'm supposed to be training with to text me where we're going
>Wait until 930 before asking the boss WTF is going on
>Boss says just to stay home and train even though I have jack shit to do
I've essentially been having to schedule who I ride with for my job (field tech fixing printers) and 2 weeks ago I said fuck it and they hardly keep themselves organized. Been putting in applications here and there and have a phone interview on Feb 2. Either way, I'm highly considering going back to college to be an actuary and wanna set up an appointment with an adviser from my local community college. Did 1 year so I'd have 3 left. Just would need to figure out finances.

I'm scared, but I'm more scared of ending up like the 40-50 yo dudes at this job who work more for less. I'm willing to take the gamble.

not well
girl i like wont really talk to me, need to forget her but keep hanging out with her and other people almost every weekend

Front squats with less weight and more reps is a good alternative for a nice boost to the quads

im very close to the edge i think, but im not sure cause i cant feel shit, also i pumped cause im gonna hit chest tomorrow

absolutely fucking poorly - anhedonic to everything

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Same here.. almost 2 years ago. even after seeing other women. what the fuck is wrong with me.

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ThisBut also make a joke about it too like “Yeah I’m pretty cool. I love talking to me too.” Because it’s funny and sounds retarded

>playing with hair
>call anytime

Ask her out

not good man
im real lonely
realizing im 18 and have never even had my first kiss is getting kind of depressing, even tho everything comes in its own time and all that shit, my time is coming a lot later than it should really and its upset
and its having a very bad effect on my self esteem.

pay a whore and fuck her pussy, but don't kiss her
did that when I was 19 and boosted my self esteem a lot

I work at UPS and have not attempted a leg day in => 2 months. My legs are twigs :-(

>Fucking 7-8/10's on a regular basis, no longer invisible to women
>Thinking about relationship with fat ass black qt
>Making real life friends out of co-workers/classmates, more open to meeting people and trying new things
>People unironically care about my well being
>Rarely have time for this underage board/Jow Forums in general
>Haven't had a lonely night in almost a week
>Still make time for autistic shit like anime and vidya when I get home
Doing bretty gud :DDD

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I'm 19 might be able to offer some advice.

If you START getting your shit together RIGHT NOW you can become a serious sick cunt by the time you're 20.

Imagine you're your dream self. At 20. That's possible for you.

So many losers on this site are khv at like 30. You're 18.

You can do something about it! Who gives a shit if you haven't kissed anyone by 18 if you're dating a really fit bird when you're 21? Fucking no one!

It might be embarassing now, but you'll go to University (probably) and be a completely new person. Then when you go into a new job you'll be a completely new person.

Each time, you're a better version of yourself.

Eventually you'll meet people when you're the best version of yoruself, and they will never have known any difference from you.

You think hot chicks give a shit about whether or not you were a loser at 16 when you're 25? No!

what's the secret man?

>you'll go to University

fuck, I fell for the meme too. College isn't pussy galore unless you're attractive

It might sound cliche as fuck but your attitude towards whatever slump you may be experiencing in your life is a self-fulfilling prophecy, you must understand that if you're unhappy it is 100% your responsibility and your fault. I struggled with believing that nobody wanted to be around me and nobody wanted to be my friend but eventually I realized it was entirely true so I changed my toxic attitude towards normies, actually started undertanding them, and just focused on being the wholesome person that id been without the majority of my life. Find joy in just being as nice as fucking possible and I guarantee people will want to be around you, don't do it just for pussy tho. Break the Jow Forums conditioning, there's nice people out there, don't be an autistic judgmental Jow Forumstard

cool, get the fuck out of this thread then

>day 4 of nofap
>hAHA this is easy enough
>end of day hits, get drowsy, endless boner
>can only think of Larkin Love
>don't even like her
made it tho, feeling productive and getting a lot of stuff done at home. Diet is still not where I want it to be right now, but its better than it was. Obligatory
>tfw no gf

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But fix the unhappy problem first before step 2 if you can't learn to be happy and enjoy life on your own you will actually never make it, get more hobbies

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I've been really yearning for a gf as of late. More so than usual. I'm 23 and I feel the time ticking.

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>>Walk past a bar full of young people having fun
>>see stacies and chads enjoying their youth

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exact same my man, don't really know where to meet them. The only non /tg/ thing I do is gym and concerts every couple of months

Came the closest I've ever come to killing myself Friday during a bad and sudden depressive episode (bipolar), and while I'm upset cuz I've been really good for the last few months and this is sort of a reminder that I'm stuck with this for the rest of my life, my confidence is real good right now. I don't think I'm any less garbage, but now when I look in the mirror it's not "I look like shit," it's "damn I look pretty good for someone who almost killed myself 5 days ago." I'm out in the store riding carts and lip syncing to my music and shit, if I could straight off myself any random day because of sheer dumb luck why the fuck should I be self conscious? 7/10 would recommend near suicide for self esteem

Corey wayne?

i just found out my GF of 3 months is 6 weeks pregnant. im for the most part pretty excited. although a little down on trivial things like, she wont have a 6pack much longer and neither will i.

I'm doing alright. in med school so it feels like I'm getting somewhere, but I'm starting to realize how socially screwed I am cause I never had a gf and now barely have time for a relationship. I see all these people in ltr or getting married and I feel like I've fallen behind too far in the race to catch up

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How does it feel to bring people down who are achieving their goals in life because you can't find motivation yourself and you prefer basking in the company of laziness as opposed to working for what you want

Not holding up well at all tbqh
>21 years old
>two weeks left at university in another state, will graduate in a few months, am living at home right now
>have done some volunteering at university before but no proper paid work, besides that my hobbies and interests are fairly simple (gym/exercise/reading)
>hate living with parents because they are extremely controlling and appear more and more annoyed at me not having a job
>do not have the money to pay for things I want
>trying to get into government departments but am held back by a lack of experience
>even supermarkets like coles and aldi have told me to fuck off because of no experience

What do I do Jow Forums? I really hate being a borderline NEET like this, but I can't do anything at all about my circumstances right now. I have no genuine control over my life and while I'm not suicidal my life fucking sucks all the same, I'd like to make it in 2019 but I can't see how

real shit

Just garbage. Don't even have the energy to post about it, I done it a lot in a lot of threads and it just doesn't help in any way.

Another shit day wageslaving. So fucking sick of my co-workers. Motivation to do much of anything going down, and I need this job. Going back to the bottle sounds so nice every day, but I'm not willing to let myself go again. Fucking hell, bros.

Whished my ex happy birthday with a short, straight and cutting message. Clear enough that was pure courtesy and she didn’t needed to reply.

She replied it with an ironic answer and called me by my last name. Triple sign that she’s angry and hopped better.

Seriously wtf did she expect. Most people wouldn’t even care to say hi

Drowsiness will always give you boners. I’ve been pulling my sock every other day and still get erections after lunch when I get sleepy at work

Shouldn't have even messaged her bro

Jow Forums SUCKS


What's your story? Your background? How did you get from the stereotypical 4channer to this?

>27 year old
>meet girl on tinder
>kinda chubby, but I dig it
>go on 2 dates, shes really into me
>make out in the car for like a half hour
>pretty much ready to fuck eachother next time we hang out
>wake up this morning, after the 2nd date
>no earthly desire to spend time with her at all
why am i like this

u wanna fuck her, but u don't give a fuck about her. She's a fuckpig, thats it and you know it. I've been there too.

>be ancient rome time
>caught stealing bread to feed your children
>thrown into a cage
>wake up to the roar of a crowd, and guards usher you out
>youre guided down a long hallway, bright sunlight blinds you as the guards open the door at the end
>they throw you to the ground on the other side
>you look around and realize youre in the center of the Colosseum
>at the other end of the ring stands this man
>guards hand you a sword and shield and slam the door
wat do

I just honestly dont care about fucking her either. I should see a therapist

just ascend bro

I can't get out of my head and just talk to people.

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whats more ascended than being a virgin for 27 years

just b urself

No worse way to find women than feeling lonely. Try and acquire a sense of style. It is what most men are lacking. Women actually greatly appreciate how a man dresses but above that how you carry yourself. If you're walking around like a thirsty mother fucker you're not going to catch any mires.

They’re going to bring you down, YOU don’t want THEM in your life anymore, not the other way around.

Practice on me desu

Volunteer somewhere that will give you skills that translate to a normal workplace. And then once you have skills you can put on a resume just keep looking. Just start from the bottom and work your way up, slow and steady wins the race.

The worse pain is when you get over her only to realize that what you felt was never real. And then the panic that now that you are no longer naive you cannot pretend it's real

What's your job, user? I was getting shit faced every night for 2 weeks thinking it wasn't gonna happen until I realized I had an addictive personality

Don't feel happy or miserable, just a persistent mediocre feeling through my life. Only thing worthwile was getting an interview scheduled for next friday for an college help internship that pays $16 an hour. Maybe I'll feel some kind stimulation by hanging out with my co-workers.

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Breddy good.
>have a great gf
>we are planning a future together
>she plays violin and is a neuropsychology researcher
>she got me into rock climbing and snowboarding
>encourages me to lift
>sex life is improving
>trust her completely
>she played violin at my brothers wedding and 17 separate people from my family and friends told me she's a keeper/asked when we are marrying
>last night she made me dinner, jerked me off onto her tits and sent me home with food for lunch the next day
>is my immediate family is absurdly conservative and doesn't know yet that i/we are not
>afraid moving in with her will greatly damage my familial relationships
>still planning to move in together in July
>our sex life has always been just okay at best, though it's getting better lately and it's not the core of our relationship
>I'm having a hard time balancing lifting, climbing, and gf time
>I have no close male friends after college, because I moved far away

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I work in a warehouse. The job itself isn't an issue, but the pay is about enough for bills and dealing with everyone there and their bullshit hardly makes any of it worth it at all. I'm just not in a position in life to find a new job right now. Plus, it doesn't help that family life has kind of gone to shit as of late for more reasons than one. Shit is just a mess right now, and I can hear the alch calling. Not gonna give in though.

fuck him

>finally got a job interview
>planned a getaway with gf
>losing weight
>getting gains
All in all things are going better than they have in a long fucking time. Just wondering what's going to try and stop me from succeeding.


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>3 months

praying for u, hope she doesn't fuck up your life

>have used old spice antiperspirant deodorant for a few years
>always have had wet sweat marks on undershirt, yellow stains, end of the day i have the smell of sweat and the deodorant smell mixed together

>find a bar of this tom's "all natural' deodorant, figure it will just be a meme
>put it on this morning
>end of day
>undershirt is dry, armpits have a bit of moisture but not bad at all


Yeah I can't imagine even moving in together after 3 months. Congratulations, you've just tethered yourself for life to a woman you've known less than 1 entire season of the year.

Just had my first kiss age 19 bros. Felt absolutely nothing during it, no boner no emotion, just vaguely awkward lip contact. It lasted a second and then she invited me in to hers for a drink, I ended up staying about 10 minutes then leaving. Not really sure how to feel rn, I’ve just completed a goal I’ve been working towards for years and yet I feel better and more excited over a 1 rep increase PR.

Its a strange thing. I had my first kiss at 20, a drunken sloppy makeout at a party. Then by the time I was 23 I had fucked 30ish chicks. It's like I popped a seal. But kissing always gets me rock hard still.

sick brag on having 3x more partners as most people in their life within 3 years

I got extremely Jow Forums and played the tinder and bumble game relentlessly. I maybe fucked 25 actual intercourse, but got head and various things from others. Thing is, it was really fun, but now im settled down with a gf who barely cares about sex and I've got it out of my system for the most part, and I'm happier than ive ever been.

i think it sounds worse than it actually is. we spend every moment of our free time together so it definitely feels longer than 3 months. we literally live together as is at the moment. its going to be a life long commitment now, to her and the baby.
a little advice for the younger bucks here is, the pull out method DOES NOT WORK.

Fucking awful. Guys I need help

My legs are fucking busted from a stress fracture even after over a whole year of resting
My life so far literally revolved around my fitness, I'm not smart or handsome. So I thought I could atleast become strong
I've been lifting weights and running since I was 14, I was at a 4:50 mile when I reached 17. But then life told me to go fuck myself and broke me legs

Now I'm 18, in college, and joined a military science class because I thought the leg would have healed already, since I can't even do the PTs with this still bum ass leg. What do I even do fellas. My grades have been in the shitter, so I can't even get a good job. I literally relied on the idea of joining the navy and becoming a SEAL.

Now I'm fucked, and probably going to be shitting around in college debt for the next decade ;_;

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>was always the weird but funny kid, never extremely popular but knew everyone and had friends
>lost friends in HS
>get isolated, weird personality gets worse, become friendless shut-in
>go to college, lack of social development leads to me basically being a shut-in even in college, personality gets worse
>misery and severe depression caused by social isolation leads to poor performance in college

>now 27
>have tried 4 years to get into the programs I had planned to but haven't because grades not good enough
>work pathetic job i feel like a complete retard at for 4 years since graduation that was supposed to just be a year or two to help get into programs and have no idea what to do now, no idea where to turn

>too insecure about my worthless life and lack of lifetime social experience to even try with girls or to make friends
>now everyone just annoys me, i'm just the weird socially retarded angry guy who always jokes around and makes people laugh but no one really wants anything to do with, can't even remember the last time ever even having an real conversation with anyone
>complete manchild living with parents, can't even drive (have license but have never driven on my own, i don't have faith in myself) and know i can barely function on my own
>no motivation to do a single thing because I know I'll be killing myself, it's just a question as to when I finally get the balls to do it

Pretty good OP thanks for asking.

Jesus fuck dude, it's worse than it sounds.
You're not even remotely out of the honeymoon phase, you don't fucking know each other yet. I've had longer relationships with a carton of eggs.

Simple, replace the bitch bone in your leg with metal. Easy. You can trust me on this.


Actually not bad for once
finally becoming free of my thoughts
went full robot and created a time schedule for myself
starting healthy habits but worry I'm going to burnout

So how do I avoid this?

>tfw having passionate sex with qt3.14
>long talks about how I mean so much to her
>spent years together building our relationship
>not even a week later she’s cold, distant, and interested in seeing other people to “find” herself
How did things change so drastically so fast? It’s like I don’t even know who she is anymore.
I’ll never understand women and I don’t think I want to. I’ve learned to be happy by myself and found myself someone again.
But the fear of such a thing happening is constantly there. Women are all the same in the end after all.

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that would probably cost too much money for me...

It's whatever... atleast I found out that being a soldier wasnt meant for me early on in life. Tomorrow is my first PT, I'm going to try my best and if my leg fractures again, so be it. I'll just have to move on.

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