How do you get Jow Forums if you're skinny? I've seen what Wiz Khalifa has done with himself. It can't be as simple as just eating a whole bunch right?
How do you get Jow Forums if you're skinny? I've seen what Wiz Khalifa has done with himself...
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eat at maintenance duh
retarded fat blobposters think the only way to put on muscle is through overeating
Don't eat at maintenance, I wasted a fuck ton of time like that.
I've noticed it's harder to find these kinds of resources for skinny people than it is for fat people. I've never been on this board before so I figured you guys might get this question a lot.
Yes it can. Wiz has a trainer that literally forced him to eat a fuckton while doing all that training, both weights and MMA. He did no cardio besides the MMA.
it's hard to eat a lot when you don't have a lot of money. That's been a big issue for me, Is it better to just get a bunch of chicken and eggs and high protein? Or is that not the correct way to go about it?
Or does it not matter what you eat as long as you're eating?
All that matters is protein you can eat whatever other shit you want, the body will keep stuff it can and throw out the shit it can't keep. You are skinny because you currently eat at or below maintenance that's it.
>inb4 discord trannies shit up the thread with their cuckoldry
Nigger did roids
racism is the biggest sign of unintelligence , but you didn't have to say that word for us to know you're a retard.
So I should focus on eating a lot before I start to work out or do I combine the two?
>high kicking with instep
fatass blob poster
for most of my life I was on methylphenidate and other meds for depression, ADHD, anxiety etc.
I moved and started weening myself off them, and now I have stopped.
I went from 125-130lbs to 155-160lbs in less than three months. I started working as a carpenter and gained muscle through the general labor.
Now I'm going to start going to the gym since I was laid off due to lack of work.
Not really answering the question, sorry OP
You are queer.
so did you just eat a bunch and cut out the meds? I'm not on meds or anything I just can't seem to gain weight. I'm 30 btw, I know I should have started bettering myself and getting healthy years ago, But I really just want to start seeing what I can do with myself. I know it's hard work but I think the ends will justify the means.
Racists vote against their own economic interests
>this is what retards think roiding is
>against their own economic interests
You children used to instant gratification so much you can't even think that there are always consequences for everything. From scrolling instagram feeds to listening nigger trash music
I started eating lots of meat and eggs. The meds I was taking suppress hunger, so there were days I would go into starvation mode.
I have a small physique, so I still seem skinny, but not as much as before.
I've tried but I can't find a lot about what i'm asking exactly. I know about eating more calories but It can't just be "eat a lot" that sounds way to easy.
Holy fuck gentlemen just eat more and eat relatively healthy. Chicken and rice is not healthy. But add some steamed broccoli, raw onion, steamed mushrooms, and a couple diced peppers and that meal is healthy as fuck
It is that easy, boy. Just eat big, sleep big, and lift big. You will get big. And if you eat clean you will stay lean.
Beans are much cheaper, calorie dense, rich in protein and iron.
Eat beans and stop chasing memes
>grabs onions latte with pencil arms
>Goy they’re equal! Feed them!
bless you man
in the rare chance you're not just memeing I'll break it down a bit for you
use Cronometer
start lifting
SS+GOMAD are recommended for twink boys because;
a) it's a simple program and you will gain strength
b) twinks that complain eating is too hard usually have no problem drinking calories
if you're concerned about getting fat then eat at "maintenance" which you will have to find through experimentation
again, use cronometer
when you stall, and you definitely will if you're not eating at a surplus, then eat more and lift more
if you get "too fat" then just fast for a few days
go watch Snake Diet videos and fast safely
i'm not memeing
thank you for the chart and the help.
Looks more like time, money, and a damn good personal trainer. Roids? Why bother.
While you are correct, Wiz is definitely a nigger.
I’ll believe he’s natty after I get proof
OP it’s all about your diet. I used to be scrawny as fuck as a kid but eventually I started eating more meat, eggs, and drinking milk like crazy. Now I’m thicc. Granted I went overboard the past couple years so now I’m dad bod but still.
Dairy products yo. You are what you eat.
I don’t know who that nigger is and quite frankly watching the video he doesn’t even explicitly state it.
What was the point of that? Fat guy shocked a skinny guy packed on muscle?
are you stupid
if you're skinny and you eat at maintenance you're, by definition, going to maintain your weight. How is a 140lb twink supposed to look jacked? jesus
yeah idk what he was trying to say with that video. Yung Chop is a producer from Chicago, all he said was Wiz got big pretty quick.
and can you please not use "nigger" this is one of the few boards that's actually legit.
t.melanin enhanced gentleman
It's no use, I got used to being called a fag on here ages ago
>thinks this is from roiding
Shiggy diggy mah nigga