If it wasnt for you bros I would never had the courage to go for it. Im leaving for Seoul in 48hours and will stay there for a year. At 5ft8 im hoping ( best case scenario) to achieve 6ft1 and leave this manletism in the past to go on with my life a new me. Never would have I dream of this but 5 months ago my mother annnounced that she was selling the house, retiring and moving to a condo and wanted me to have my inheritance while she was alive so she can see me enjoy it. Total cost will be 130k US$ if no complications. Wish me luck bros
Its happening
8/10 bait
Being a manlet is a mentality and it cannot be shaken
Even at 6’1” you will just be Super King of the Manlets
wait don't
what kind of complications can arise? I know I can google it, but I am asking you
Feeling like it wasn't worth becoming a monster.
I'm 6'2 and can tell faggot I'll still bully u
Imagine perma fucking your legs and knees over fucking memes lmao
Well in 2019 it is not risk free but pretty much safer then it used to be when doing distraction osteogenesis of the limbs but still things like infections, bleeding or laceration of fibres, tendons, muscle etrc,, if the bone dealigns and some more
But I am being taken care of by the best there is in Seoul so no worries for me anons. Will post my legs after the surgery. going to gym be back in a bit.
On the slim, slim chance it isn't bait; don't fucking go ahead with it, you absolute retard. You'll be in fucking pain your whole life having your legs lengthened, that is too much money to blow on fucking nothing. If you didn't get girls at 5'8 you sure as fuck won't get them at 6'1, maybe invest in facial surgery if anything and you'll get women, not because you are a few inches taller.
>getting memed so hard you blow 80k to have your legs repeatedly broken
Pls be real
How fucked would someones squat form be after this??
Its kind of too late to back down now and this is what I want have wanted since I was 16 years old. Im living for me now. Like Les Brown said : If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.
>Never would have I dream of this but 5 months ago my mother annnounced that she was selling the house, retiring and moving to a condo and wanted me to have my inheritance while she was alive so she can see me enjoy it. Total cost will be 130k US$ if no complications. Wish me luck bros
5'8 is literally not manlet in real world. man what the fuck this sure is bait
You are literally living this comic
This is bait. If Im not mistaken they only do a max of like 2-3 inches because it weakens the fuck out of your bones. Plus your proportions are gonna be all out of wack. You legs will be way to long for your arms.
Dude dont even try it just get jacked and slay pussy.
t. 6.4 havent had sex in 5 yrs who cares I got BTC
> it's the size of my little son
Lad's got a 2 - 4 ft dick
ive tested it on photoshop and it did not alter my general proportions, i thought of everything. Also not sure about the US there was so many restrictions thats why I decide to go to South Korea( and they have better doctors there)
>olga come here
>theres a bunch of regulations in place so I dont pay someone to ruin me for life
>I've decided to circumvent these.
Manlets really dont learn
hold on a second, so they just break your fibula and they don't do anything to it? what the fuck?
Take a minute to realise just what the internet and the opinions of others have done to your mind. Really think about it. I know how long you've wanted this but please dude try to think. This is not human.
How old are you? If you're below 25, just wait, you can still grow. Most youngsters who take the operation grow naturally over time.
Around a year ago I was your height, but I'm still growing at 20 and reached 5'11
That's fucking retarded
5'8" is not bad at all, but I've come to the conclusion that nothing is a waste of money if it's used to improve your quality of life. Be sure to invest what you don't use.
nah bro its too late for me to grow naturally. im 38
nigga what
dude if you haven't got a gf by 38 it's not your height keeping you back.
And here to prove that it wont affect the proportions between leg and arms I took a random sample on google and modified it: you cant even see a difference in proportions.
Spending 130k inheritance on a stupid fucking surgery because of your insecurity instead of investing, buying a house, traveling.
Jfc dude. I fucking hate you.
>Mfw no inheritance
>Mfw 6'4
>Mfw work my ass off
Fuck thats scary looking
that guy looks weird as fuck.
If at 38 you have a height complex, I think you need to put that money into a psychologist. 5'8 is average. If you're desperate, you can even increase an inch or two by doing stretches. Anything is better than breaking your bones.
haha jesus christ
You got greedy, user. The bait was at least believable before this
Top Kek. Who the fuck is Les Brown? My sides
one piece during the skypia arc
I wouldnt minimize such a complexe procedure to mere ''broking my bones''
you forgot about bone weakness for the rest of your lift, imbalances in both how you look and move, lifelong pain...
>Like Les Brown said :
my bad this is a b8 thread. saged and hidden
Lol your fucking dumb give me the 130k I'll do something worthwhile with and I'll break your legs for free.
being at peace with who I am is something worthwhile you dont know what it feels to be ignored and laughed at all your life. now i rly got to go , be back in an hour bros
Dude im not fucking joking, if you really want to get laid just buy a fucking McLaren 570s or Lamborghini Gallardo. They go for the same price as your leg surgery except aren't a retarded decision.
if you do pixel measurements the "6'1" is actually 6'5 you mongoloid
Dude, don't waste 130 grand on that, you're gonna have fucked up legs and you'll still be a manlet at heart which is the real thing holding you back
In the off chance this isn't b8, I look forward to the thread next July of user lamenting that the girls aren't interested in his obese, greasy, uncharismatic, but now disproportionate self.
>spent 130kUSD to get leg lengthening
>year long rehab
>get back to the US
>now girls just look at me like I'm a circus freak
OP you unironically need Jesus
You will regret this
>based Olga and Svetlana
this is so stupid. you are just getting bigger legs, dude. You body is not going to be proportionally bigger.
what makes a bigger man attractive is that he is bigger. take a strong 5'8'' and a skinny weirdo at 6'; 5'8'' will be more attractive no doubt.
5'8'' is not short, and with 130kU$ you could invest in your social game, go out meet new people and that would make you less insecure and more attractive. also you could use this money to make plastic surgery on the face it's looks that you want.
Anons, don't fall for that.Don't fall for the shit you see on the internet. Don't let the fucking memes make you spend this much money.
fucking idiot
not even that short breh, I mean if you were 5'5 I could understand it,
Bruh when i was 5'3 i was still getting bitches. Just bee yourself. I wouldnt advise this surgery for anyone under 5'7 dude 5'8 is fine just buy lifts.
ayyyyy looking forward to seeing your retarded manlet ass in the new year's comic lmao
An 80 second surgery doesn't seem so bad though.
Ebin b8 m8
this is a manlet cope. its well known women
I'm sure this is bait, but in case it isn't: Your mother gives you $130k and you use it to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that she fucked up when raising you. Good job, faggot.
No surgery will help you from having Manlet Sons
oof oof ow my bones
Are you illiterate? He's going to Korea.
good lord with that much money I would get the best dick size-increasing money can buy, which will look even bigger against a manlet frame, you don't think sluts would be 100% into that? they wont even notice your height, you will have the biggest dick they have ever seen, woman will sooner cheat on her average-dick but tall boyfriend with a manlet with a big cock than the other way around. You're fucked in the head bro
imagine the videos you could upload onto xvideos of you stretching pussies and asses with your monster dong
Yeah, to be bedridden. Sounds like a blast
>Not embracing your height
I’m barely 5ft and I still 10/10 woman at this point only women that make jokes about my height are landwhales with kids
yeah im calling bs/larp, there's no way you're fucking 10/10 girls at fucking 5 feet, even if you had a model face
I have a scar that large and in that location from knee surgery. Ouchie
You will just have retarded looking long legs and be disproportionate.
>$130k USD
>To just to be 6 inches taller
Holy jesus
The only reason I'd get the surgery is if it'll let me be 2.4m like Jack Hanma
Are you getting your arms done btw?
It'll be funny if you don't
Is there a lanklet discord like the tranny discord and theyre blackmailing manlets into getting leg lengthening surgery?
>Total cost will be 130k US$
Investing conservatively, you could take $4k/year out of that for your whole life.
IDK about your life situation, your income and your expenses, but that's a good amount of money.
>>year long rehab
Is this real?
That's pretty crazy, I wouldn't be able to live confined to a bed/wheelchair for a year, and I'm a total shut in.
Are your bones easy to snap after this surgery?
I imagine they'd be far weaker than unmodified bones
He'll be a terminal lanklet, won't even be able to squat anymore.
Have you considered just becoming a tranny instead? 5ft8 is pretty avg for a girl and the surgery is definitely cheaper and less painful.
This would actually be pretty sane if you were talking about a 15k hair transplant.
so you're gonna get 5in longer legs? You'll look goofy as shit lol
Seoul is great though, the shops are like organized by street. Enjoy going down puppy store blvd
holy shit i didn't even know that was possible! keep us updated OP
OP, do not let the haters ITT keep you from following your dreams.
Please post periodic reports after the surgery.
how mentally ill do you have to be to even consider doing this to your body???
i can't even watch the whole thing
>When he hammers the big spike all the way in after drilling and cracking the bone
Serious question:
I know this is a b8 thread, but I’m serious considering doing this surgery on my right leg, for a 3/4 inch increase, to even out my different leg lengths. Is it worth it? I’m doing it so I can run easily so I need it to be strong enough for impacts.
>mother up and moves from the family home to see user enjoy life
>he fucks off to another continent
you could easily have just moved to japan and been comparatively average - tall and saved yourself 100k
hold up... tell me more about these "stretches"
>you can't even see a difference
say goodbye to ever doing squats again enjoy being skinnyfat your whole life
the problem is actually in your lower back, not your leg
Gr8 b8 m8 etc etc
Lol no its not, I’ve had xrays done
This is a lanklet cope. It's well known lankeys can't even finish a fucking sentence.
Okay it's over, this is obvious bait
Lanklet cope
Shit yeah, it's like a free vacation every year of your life.
Stand up, stretch, and whisper: "Grow, grow, grow". Then squat and repeat 30 times every day.
Manlets, will they ever learn?