Tfw 5'11

>tfw 5'11
>tell women I'm 6 foot

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You sly sly debil

>tfw 6'2
>tell women I'm 6 foot

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>slept with 70 something guys
>tell boys I only slept with 2 exboyfriends

>Tfw 5’9’’ (177 cm).
>Tell everyone I’m 5’5’’ (170 cm).

>Tfw I’m 140
>tell guys I weigh 120

Same except I go for 5'11 just to see the looks on the faces of the guys around me.
It's priceless.

>got a girl pregnant
>can’t tell if it’s me or the 69 other guys she slept with

>5'8" 3/4
>Tell women I'm 5'9"

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170 is 5’7
I’m 170 grill
Tell everyone I’m 167 to seem more cute and smol.

Post brapper, you cunt roastie whore

>say I'm 6'2

The pit gets deeper

> be 6'2
I am the tallest guy in our family, heightmogg my 2 brothers and father
>still stand on my toes to make them even more insecure by having to look up to me when they talk to me

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>say I'm 5'3" or 5'2"
increase that difficulty level

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>round up to a nice even 6'0"
We're all gonna make it bros


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>am 6’5 with 5” cock
>tell women I’m 5”10 with 12” cock

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6'4, 215 pounds, 9 incher

That's some devilish shit brah.


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The thing is, seemingly every man lies about their height and adds about 2 inches. And because this is so prevalent, everyone's perceptions are also completely out of whack because everyone is used to being lied to.

this also means that the few of us who DON'T lie about our heights get shafted because that height is compared to everyone else who lies about it. So you say you're 5'10, you get associated with all the 5'8s who lie. you say you're 5'8, you get associated with all the 5'6s who lie, etc.


That doesn't seem like something JFK would say t b h

>am 6 foot
>say i'm 5'11 and 3/4

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>be 5’10 that claimed 6 foot
>fixed posture
>got measured at 6 foot
Do I claim 6’2 now?

Imagine actually believing this
The manlet cope is real

Post posture fixing secrets.
6’1 is modest white lie

>be 5'9"
>don't have any contact with any women whatsoever so it doesn't matter

fuck, you're right. I just googled it and some dude name Phillips Brooks said it

if I can make it, you can make it bro

It's not a cope. Self-reported height figures are regularly 1-2 inches higher than measured results. Seemingly everyone lies about that shit.

I had horrendous anterior pelvic tilt and rounded shoulders from years of slouching in my gaming chair and never exercising. My spine zig zaged up instead of straight. Stretched basically everything but main focus was on quads/rectus femoris, hip flexors, pecs, lats, rotator cuff (particularly subscapularis), levator scap. Lifting and strengthening my glutes, abs, traps/rear delts, and back in general. Wall slides helped too. Finally had to learn how to sit and stand properly with good posture.

It was a bitch but I look much better and can’t believe the height gains. Saw some senpai I hadn’t seen in a year and they said I looked taller