Lads, has anybody had their septum fixed?
>"Septoplasty leads to a highly significant improvement in quality of life"
>massive sleep gains
>better concentration
>50% reduction in sadness
>general 50-70% overall life improvement
Lads, has anybody had their septum fixed?
>"Septoplasty leads to a highly significant improvement in quality of life"
>massive sleep gains
>better concentration
>50% reduction in sadness
>general 50-70% overall life improvement
did it a month ago AMA
I have this and I never thought of it as a big problem. It's annoying but not hindering really
not everyone have it at the same level your probably doesn't need surgery ask a doctor tho
I've got a massively deviated septim. My air intake in my left nostril is maybe 30% of the right one. In day to day life it doesn't bother me much unless I have a cold, then its hell, forced to mouth breathe.
I'd pay to have it fixed if it weren't for all the potential side effects of the surgery.
I'm getting mine done next Friday, how is it for you so far?
>potential side effects of the surgery
first 2 weeks was hell but know it is getting better sleeps gains are real
Yes. It's a great excuse to have a rhinoplasty, as insurance will offset the cost dramatically and let you have substantial gains. Consider a rhinoplasty and a chin implant in one go
Left nostril was almost entirely blocked. Doctor said my nose gave him nightmares.
Been 7 months since the surgery and I am feeling human again. If I went like that for any more years I might have caused irreparable harm to my body with my shit posture and sleep apnea.
When I slept, I felt like I was dying. And I was. I wish I could have done anything to not ferl that way but this is the only way. Watch out for enlarged tonsils if you were mouth breathibg, which can also caise sleep apnea aka you LITERALLY DYING in your sleep.
Post body
If not fit than you can’t be giving a shit about a crooked nose
forgot to also say that i feel like my smell has improved a ton
sounds fly as fuck, I too do not feel like a human - waking up every night, then also waking up early every day and just generally feeling like shit 70% of the time
op here, my bods average, haven't been to the gym in ogre four months, thing is not being able to breathe out your nose or sleep well affects gym gains pretty heavily. So crooked nose > bod
what was the procedure like? and post procedure? did you pay out off pocket or have insurance pay some or all? given a month how tender it the nose? was it just the septum or was it smoothed out (in terms of a bump)?
>what was the procedure like
we have 2019 you do it with general anesthesia so you don't feel a thing
>post procedure
day 1 you have to mouth breath coz tampons they put to your nose you troats is fucked too from the tubes they shove so you can breth on the surgery
day 2 remove of the tampos fload gates of blod for a day or 2
next 2 weeks will be like a bad cold
>did you pay out off pocket or have insurance pay some or all
europa so it was 100% free
>given a month
feels normal/doesn't hurt
>was it just the septum or was it smoothed out
they only fuck with the inside of the nose no deference from the outside
I free dive regularly to 20m or deeper. Will the pressure fuck my nose up again if I start diving after complete recovery?
thanks m8, that tube think kinda scares me a bit. but its a bit silly
they put it after you are out so you won't even know it was there except the throat thing
thank you. If i think of any other questions and this thread is up later today I might be back. later
-get some sleep and drink some water
just use cocaine on the other nostril, it should even itself out.
Do you need someone to be with you during recovery to help you with stuff? I live alone, would that be a problem?
% reduction in sadness
>>general 50-70% overall life improvement
I hate made up statistics.
I had it done and it improved my sleep quality.
Asuka or Rei?