Why do we get raided so often? Whats the motivation?

Why do we get raided so often? Whats the motivation?

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Maybe it's payback for the Tumblr incident.

this is the unofficial home of /nofap/ is my theory.

The trannies are trying to recruit more faggots

Tranny discord fags know they’d get their ass kicked irl if they did this
If the media actually picked up on the paki kids suicide and what disgusting pieces of shit they are trannies would be killed in the streets

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because unlike most other boards we aren't all depressed effeminate faggots

Because the other populated board aren't fun to raid I assume. And Pol has been raided by feds for years

This is the only board with users who have a shot at life. No other board has a demographic of people trying to succeed like Jow Forums besides maybe Jow Forums.

>If the media actually picked up on the paki kids suicide.
Care to elaborate?

I think this is trannies and not feds

Remember the kid who blew his brains out with a KSG 12? These faggots doxed and blackmailed him to take estrogen and be a trapor they’d tell his friends and family about his cross dressing problem


Oh... so that’s why he killed himself, damn.

Check the encyclopedia Dramatica for a better summary
They also are child porn peddlers

Leftist devils want to force every single place to believe their dysfunctional ideology. Nowhere is allowed to be neutral in their eyes.

It makes me wonder, I wonder if right wing people should do the same. Maybe they should coordinate and find ways to shift the narrative to the right.

It's our moral responsibility to control the narrative. Whatever you refuse to defend, you give to the left.

If anyone is interested in such a thing, hit me up on discord. #9328


People who contact me on discord will be forwarded to the real secondary location.

Everyone gets raided. You're blind if you don't see this is a sitewide thing.

But Jow Forums is special and I'm the only person that can stop it.

Sounds more like a scam to me senpai.

The only way to stop their intentional, coordinated narrative shifting to the left is to engage in intentional, coordinated narrative shifting to the right.

Nothing else will ever work.

I don't get it either honestly. Typically people who work out are more right wing so they're threatened I guess. We're such a chill board too. But even /ck/ gets hit so I don't think anyone's safe.

huh, f am gets autoshifted to senpai. interesting

Discord tranny detected. You turds must be shaking in your boots, realizing somebody is figuring out how to do what you do, but back to you.

Will do, wouldn’t surprise me to be honest.

Hmm... Well thought out.

>faggots involved with childporn
Gee what a fucking surprise.

I'm so fucking tired of it guys. I can't fucking wait to leave this degeneracy when i emigrate. Raise my children knowing they're safe playing in the street and degenerates are at least treated with reasonable disgust and derision, if not the ideal destruction.

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You sound like a man who is interested in shifting the narrative. That's good, nothing will ever counteract leftists shifting the narrative in a coordinated, intentional fashion except rightists shifting the narrative back rightward in a coordinated, intentional fashion.

If this interests you or anyone you know, message me on discord #9328. From there, you will be forwarded to the real secondary location.

There is nothing honestly to hide, we are just doing the same coordinated shilling leftists do.

Eat shit, you literal mentally sick shill

Probably faggot commies seething at the thought that there is a community of men who don't give a shit about their pronouns and want to better themselves.
Being a fit white guy will probably be a supremacist hate crime in the near future. The way I see it, if you attract the attention of the thought police, you're probably doing something right.

Fuck you mean r9k streamer right?

You weren't wrong.