How do I fix my acne quickly? I can't leave the house like this. I'm already using accutane

How do I fix my acne quickly? I can't leave the house like this. I'm already using accutane

Will sodium bicarbonate work?

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cheese grater

I had terrible acne like yours, still have acne that most would consider awful.

- Shave your face hair off. all of it. shit is probably trapping grime and causing you to touch your face more.
- wash with neutrogena deep clean till they're bleeding/popped/fallen off
- be fucking conscious about touching your face
- avoid extremely oily foods (works for some people)

to add to this, I was on antibiotics for several years and it is effective vs cystic acne, but it's not healthy to keep curb stomping your normal gut flora

If you're on accutane you shouldn't be doing ANYTHING other than what your dermatologist said you can do. I've been on it so I know firsthand that you don't fuck with any chemicals. Anything outside the realm of a cleanser and moisturizer can burn and scar your skin. Put up with it for now and realize that you'll be clear soon enough - that shit is a miracle drug

Fasting + whole foods.
Eliminate milk and grains and excess sugar

Pop em

go get a facial at an esthetician

Just wait user. Accutane makes it worse for as short as 2 weeks but as long as 3 or 4 months. Wait it out and it will get better. Remember to always take your accutane with at least 15g worth of fat in food and to drink 1-2 gallons of water a day.

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>shave all facial hair
>wash with regular soap
>apply rubbing alcohol liberally to kill p.acnes and keep from spreading
>DO NOT touch your face
>drink a lot of water, stating hydrated works wonders for me
>wash your pillows/bedsheets and sleep with a fresh towel on your pillow each night and keep em washed

fix your diet
do some fasting
you are fat you can fast for a while
go watch Snake Diet videos

you're also disgusting.



The upper layers of your skin stay in a constant cycle of producing and reabsorbing sweat and sebum if you develop intense acne during adolescence. The best way to be rid of that shit is to just strip those layers of skin away. By completely removing that section of the skin in one go, the younger and less hormonally imbalanced skin underneath comes to the top without contacting any of the oily, acne-ridden skin.
I had a few facial peels done as a teenager and went from an absolute pizzaface to having perfectly smooth skin on my face and have literally never done a facial wash routine since the peels. I don't take medicine, I don't have to eat a certain diet, etc. The facial peel just stripped that shit out of my skin.

1. Drink one gallon of water throughout the day MINIMUM

2. When waste, dead cells, and bacteria can't be pooped or pee'd then they come out your skin. They have to come out somewhere. Eat more fiber and DRINK AT LEAST A GALLON OF WATER A DAY

3. Wash only using a mild soap, apply a VERY thin layer of moisturizer. If your skin feels dry after 20 min and apply another THIN layer. Repeat every 20 min until you don't feel dry skin. DRINKING WATER HYDRATES YOUR SKIN

My cousin had severe cystic acne until he cut gluten out of his diet. Purely anecdotal, though.

This and:
Wash face regularly with facial soap
Get rid of facial hair
Buzzcut head hair, oils from it get to your face
Clean towel on pillow before sleep
Eat as clean as possible
Consult your doctor before, it could be okay to clean your skin with mild silicilic acid

Cut out carbs
Cut out sugars

Start taking loads of Vitamin C, K, and Biotin

Got on a water fast for a week, but take multivitamins


Fast. It will cure it and improve your skin

Holy shit, how does that even happen? Have you been smearing shit on your face, OP?

That looks so disgusting I just wanna fucking grab him by the loose skin and squeeeeeeezzzzeeeeey cheeesee

Stop eating all forms of carbohydrates and sugar. Adopt a ketogenic diet.

Take more meth. You've taken just enough to make your skin dry but not enough to peel

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You are very greasy user

All of this is meme advice and you're a retard for asking here
Go see a dermatologist. Retard

Cutting out gluten, accutane, working out frequently and a cream my doctor gave me worked for me

All of your problems seem to be internal at this point so external aids won't help you now.
You need to figure your shit out and stop piling shit on top of shit.
I know you wont though. We all know you wont.

This. Only listen to deem. Moisturizer lips and drink water. Do not screw with it.

I can see your fucking hair all over your face, no shit you should trim it, even without the acne it looks greasy just it sticking to you

what are the speed holes for/from?

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Improve your diet and get more sleep.
Meds only stave off the problem.

this is gonna make me throw up

change your pillowcase every single night and wash your face with tea tree oil soap 2-3 times a day ESPECIALLY before bed tho

>Just one more month until I can start getting my acne scars removed

I can't fucking wait. It makes me so fucking insecure and has had a seriously negative impact on my life.

Extreme but that's the best way


------ACCUTANE USER HERE---------

DO NOT DO ANYTHING. when i was on accutane for my cystic acne, many a times i had to be a shut in and just cocoon mode my life away cause my acne was so bad and my skin was so sensitive.




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Fuck off back to r*ddit, wojakfag.

his name is feels guy and ive been here way before you even started lifting summerfag dyel

Eat oily foods and moisturize, literally all u had to do , u idiots , specially if ur a man all u need to do is moisture


Every guy here moisturize since they were teens, best r korean brands

Pour battery acid on it.

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Go back.

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soap and water dood

accutane made me bald lol. still have breakouts at 27

Acutane takes a while to work my guy. Wash your pillowcases, quit the dairy, don't use whey, do not touch your face, listen to your dermatologist, and lower your sugar intake as well.

4 major food groups that can aggravate your immune system. Only way is to cut it out completely for a month at a time and change to the next group if you don’t see a difference- wheat, gluten, dairy, red meat. All of these are inflammatory and can trigger an immune response which can manifest as acne on the skin as well as other side effects you can’t see. Cut out soda and fried foods as well in general. Try it for a month and see. Also drink a lot of water.

Hygiene: Wash sheets every two weeks, shower every night before you sleep on your clean sheets. Shave your hair off. Put sunblock on every time you go outside if you are on acutane. Moisturize at night every night without fail.

Face routine: wash face twice a day, don’t use anything abbrasive or too harsh it will make it worse 100%.

Finally, see a doctor. If you haven’t seen any results on acutane maybe it is time to come off it and try IPL laser.

go to the fucking doctor. jesus christ.
>nb4 muh shekels
If you rather be an ugly freak than spend some money to take care of your skin, then you are stupid.

He's on meth. A doctor's not going to help him other than tell him to not do meth.