Any medfags? I have had these ulcers in my mouth for the past few days, and can barely eat or swallow without pain...

Any medfags? I have had these ulcers in my mouth for the past few days, and can barely eat or swallow without pain. Will ibuprofen help?

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Wouldn't hurt

Looks like some kind of infection. Could be strep. Go see a doctor and get antibiotics

Had similar a few months ago, ibuprofen helped when eating and it went away after a couple weeks

you definitely have full blown AIDS

Is the smaller thing in the red circle on the left not your third molar erupting? Isn't that what's rubbing on your cheek to cause the second thing? Chew your food on the other side and hold a bubble of air in the cheek that's bothering you while you chew so you don't further irritate it. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash after every meal. If it doesn't go away in a few days see a doctor. The white color makes me think it's an infection. You may need antibiotics. Does it smell foul?

Have this right now, can barely eat, can barely sleep, can’t talk at all without bad pain.

Bonus annoyance it’s rubbing against my teeth constantly causing more pain.

Ibuprofen does help a lot, but when it wears off the pain feels worse.

Last time I had it this bad was probably 12 years ago. Shit sucks.

Also, 31 year old KV, so it’s no sexual related

try rinsing with lukewarm saltwater a couple times a day, that normally helps mine heal faster, dentist recomended it when I was younger

Holy shit, brush your teeth, and stop eating sweets 24/7.

HSV-2. Eaten dirty pussy lately?

HSV-1 is the most common oral herpes but you’re the lucky bastard that dun got genital herpes in his mouf.

im 18 and I had something similar not too long ago but apparently its my wisdom teeth fucking my shit up.

White dots in mouth can be oral cancer. Please see dentist.

The one in right circle on top looks like a canker sore, so I’m willing to bet that’s what the others are just based on their proximity. Do as says, gargle salt water a couple times a day and chew on the other side of your mouth. They should go away within a week if you don’t mess with it.

are you britbong? wtf do you not have free dental care?

I think it's just from your tooth rubbing against the mucosa. Agree you should rinse with salt water or sodium bicarbonate. I can't tell if it's infected or not from.that pic but you should see for antibiotics if it gets worse.

Your mouth is disgusting. Guessing you brush maybe once every 2 days and floss never?
Could be canker sores, dissolve some iodized salt in warm water and swish like mouthwash (which you've probably never used).
It'll hurt but it usually gets them gone by the next day. If they don't go away, see a doctor because it could legit be cancer.
And take care of your fucking mouth you idiot. Doesn't matter how swole you get (though you clearly have the mouth of an overweight person) if your teeth are brown and your breath stinks like shit.

enjoy your mono

1) Don't touch them/put your fingers in your mouth
2) Brush teeth twice a day. If this is too painful, use mouthwash with no alcohol.
3) Swish salt water when convenient: this will help speed up healing process
4) Opt for foods that you don't have to chew much. Opt for colder foods over hot foods.
5) Take a multivitamin: this may help aid recovery
6) Buy and use mouth ulcer gel (numbing)

I think you'd find a dentist more useful than a doctor if this persists/get worse. If the area becomes swollen, hot, and/or leaks pus, seek attention immediately. Bacterial infections in the mouth can be nasty.

Good luck OP.

Do you suck cock by chance?

coconut oil pulling + hydrogen peroxide multiple times a day.

Why do people never go to the fucking doctor for help, but feel perfectly fine asking an Mongolian basket weaving board for help.

If it doesn't go away or diminish in less than a week, go see a dentist.
I had mouth ulcers all the time but hardly anymore since I upped my vitamin B intake and started intermittent fasting (maybe because of the liver cleansing).

Get that wisdom tooth pulled. Chances are it's already fucked and you're biting your cheek in your sleep and the infection is going into the bite mark and swelling.
I got mine pulled last year and the infections in that area stopped.
For the immediate relief go buy a bottle of mouthwash.

Bro i get these fuckers all the time but because i involuntarily bite my inner cheeks and lips while eating


It looks like a molar pushing through, this will cause the gums to bleed slightly and give a high chance of infection if not well cared for.

Switch to an antibacterial toothpaste and mouthwash, ideally containing chlorhexidine.

Avoid drinking oats etc.. in a fine powder form, these can easily hide in the recesses of the mouth, break down into sugar quickly and rot teeth. Not to mention feed bacteria.

I would forget the doctor, and go to a dentist instead.

If it turns out to be a simple infection then they can still give you anti-biotics to treat.

Also, your rear molar looks slightly impacted, hence when its not folly grown through.

It'll be easy for food to get trapped uner the covering of gum on the top of the other 1/4-1/2 of the tooth.

Get this shit user. Or something similar (I’m in aus). Saved me from so many awful ulcers and has a numbing effect to stop the pain of teeth rubbing up against the affected tissue. Currently have an ulcer in the exact same spot so I felt compelled to share my wisdom with you. The gel burns like hell, feels so good after you’ve dealt with days of pain

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Looks like that back tooth has some weird shit going on and is infected.

op everyone is dumb literally just rinse your mouth with warm salt water after eating 2 or 3 or so times a day and it will heal. be very conscious when chewing and eat food that aren't spicy that will burn your canker sore

youre the dumb one. i’ve had this a few months ago. it was due to my wisdom tooth growing fucked up so i had it removed by a dentist and my sores healed

if an ulcer is causing you that much pain, either its not an ulcer or you're a giant puss

Thats a brown recluse m8

imagine being american, so you have to rely on Jow Forums for medical help instead of just going to a doctor

Looks like an infection, go to your doctor and get some antibiotics.

It’s an ulcer, it’s just in a spot where it’s consfanfly grazing against teeth so it’s constantly trigger pain signals

Yeah you can have them in spots where it doesn’t really effect you.

Mine are on the side of the tongue, so it’s raping the life out of me, I can’t even talk right now because of it, good thing I’m a NEET

Dentist here, it's Pericoronaritis. Go to your dentist.

You don't have those gel things that you apply directly on the ulcers? It helps big time.

thats herpes

Is this what an american mouth looks like?

>it's an American is too poor to go to the doctor so he ask Jow Forums episode

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Do you goto the doctor for every minor issue that pops up?

Fucking hypochondriacs

Get some oragel and apply it constantly.

Your mouth is disgusting. Judging from your tongue you might have a fungus infection on top of whatever you circled.

Ya those look like canker sores, when they are bothering you too much to eat I always rubbed salt directly into the , kills the pain for 30 minutes.

They look like they're just canker sores, dude. Try alum. Just a little bit on a cue tip works pretty well

Aphtae, also known as canker sores. Harmless, but annoying. Takes around a week to heal. I used to get them regularily, now I get maybe one per several months.

Avoid spicy food, cold water seems to help. Switch to an electric toothbrush if you can. There are treatments which, essentially, create a barrier between the sore and the rest of the world, which makes symptoms less annoying.

A simple dressing made out of a small square of wet toilet paper helps.

doctors cost money in the god emperor's land


This. I get those fuckers about once 1-2 months. Break out usually happens during a period of stress or bad sleep.

Bonus tips:
8) drink Salvia tea. (works as disinfectant)
9) reduce stress factors, accidious and high sugar foods, alcohol and nicotine
10) get 7-8h of z’s every night