>44g of protein per 100g
>0 carbs
Why didn't anyone tell me this? It's cheaper than whey per gram of protein too.
Food thread
Ye i was surprised by these things as well. I always kinda assumed that they are mainly fat with very little protein, but the % of protein is actually really good
Oh fuck, now I see why. I just fished a pig hair from my teeth after eating a handful of them. Ok, that's repulsive.
much more likely to be a pube or something from one of the factory workers, deep frying hair usually incinerates it very quickly
haha, ye, its literally fried pork skin.
I dont know how exactly it works, but i can guarantee you that those things still have alot of hair on them. So apparently the fried doesnt get rid of all the hairs. Or maybe its because pigs hair is really thicc.
I like the ones with a tattoo. Delicious
but user pork isn't NWO compliant
Do these shits kill you? They're fucking delicious but I try to limit my intake of them cause they're often referred to as 'a heart attack in a bag'
those are the same retards that meme that keto will give you a heart attack too
They do have quite a bit of protein. But the catch is a shitload of salt. I have yet to find one that doesn't have a whole lot of sodium
The 'Saturated fat' meme fucks me up, it's like both sides of the debate are completely religious about it being true or false. This makes it really hard to find the truth cause every article is heavily biased.
Yeah they're salty as hell. There's a brand here in Britain that advertises lower salt than most scratchings. I really like them and actually think they taste better with less salt.
Saturated fats was never proven to be bad.
There were some studies showing Unsaturated Fats lower cholesterol. Now we're onto the "Cholesterol meme"
I think Unsaturated Fats are dangerous because of pic related, free radical oxidation/attack. The double bond is required for this process.
Saturated fats don't have double bonds.
Ok, I made it through a third of the bag and I can't eat it anymore. The taste is fine-ish, but so far I found three hairs and it's salty as fuuuuuck.
eat up pussy.
that's interesting. People say unsaturated fats have been scientifically proven to be good don't they?
They go best with onion
They do say that. And I'm pretty sure it's because of cholesterol, but that's a whole other rabbit hole
>that's interesting. People say unsaturated fats have been scientifically proven to be good don't they?
That is purely based on the studies that find that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated reduced cholesterol. It completely ignores that cholesterol has never actually been linked to heart disease aside from the correlation.
Besides atherosclerosis but this isn't actually caused by Cholesterol. It's caused by damage to the arterial wall.
Nah pork scratchings are reknown for having hairs. It's good because there's more for people who can handle some hair when they go munching
if. ever.
What damages arterial walls?
Is salt really that bad? I mean.
Not cholesterol obviously as that's only a lipoprotein. Probably high blood pressure.
2 large factors are vegetable oils and high blood sugars (which ironically are both caused by eating too much plants, instead of animals)
No, high blood pressure is what happens when your arteries are allready damaged. It makes them go hard, so that they cannot flexibly deal with pressure anymore.
What causes damage in arteries is inflammation and blood sugar. The main cause of inflammation seem to be omega 6 rich vegetable oil, and the main cause for blood sugar seems to be the fact that we eat every couple of hours and that we eat way more carbs than we are naturally intended to.
I've been reading into this recently. Got any good sauce for me?
Would be useful to formulate my thoughts on the matter
Seeing as they're feeding unsaturated fats to animals in the form of onions and other oils/beans/seeds.
There's a strong possiblity that the fats that make up their animal matter is now partly unsaturated.
The only way out is grass fed
This is unironically my favourite post gym meal snack. It’s tasted so good has like 30 grams of proteins and almost no carbs. I buy them so often
Isn't the protein in skin mostly collagen which is shit tier protein?
Yes this is absolutely true. Non grass fed animal products contain quite alot of omega 6, sadly.
This user brings up a very valid point that i have never even thought about yet... damn...
Those things are so goddamn addictive, once I start a bag I can't stop