
Summer is only 4 months away

put that fork down and start running fatty

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Summer is just finishing faggot. It's time to start a glorious Winter bulk

posters who remind you of time passing by quickly deserve a beating and then a bullet to the head

fuck off you cunt

How are you able to type when you're upside down?

This kid forgot to work arms kek

shieeeet 1 more week of summer then time fuckn giga bulk on chocolate milk and kfc

go back to the /fat/ general fatty
this thread is for people with already nice physiques

>dingo took muh baby
who asked for the opinion of convict island?

fuck off trump slave not everyone has to wear a kevlar 24/7

disable your encryption steve irwin

i was going to make a mean comment about this guy's physique but then i realized that i was too close to his, so instead i'm going to self-pity and say "maybe next year".

the problem isn't how it looks but how peoples with this physique fucking act... who doesn't want to punch him already ?

sounds like jealousy

dunno what you could possibly say about his physique besides the douche pose ...

if he is in his early 20s this is literally the body to slay in the 18-23 age range (maybe a little more chest for the girls who like jocks)

I'm 175 at roughly 17% bodyfat. Can I do anything good in 4-5 months or just keep bulking and try sooner next year?

>tfw you'll never be a chad highschool mutt

>douche pose
There's a chick applying sunscreen on his back, that's why

Don't you mean 5 months?
Doing my cut in spring. I only need to lose 12lbs or so.

Implying I will need more than 2 months to cut

gotta keep that lat pump going

Summer is 5 months away. If you need 5 months to do a cut, then it's not a cut. You're just fat and need to lose weight.

Also glorious fasting master race. Gonna not eat for a week in mid may and then I'll be solid

>Summer is 5 months away. If you need 5 months to do a cut, then it's not a cut. You're just fat and need to lose weight.

this, you cut for a few weeks, maybe 2 months tops

>Put down the fork?

I think you mean, get back into Intermittent Fasting. 18/6 Master Race.

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time to get the beer and ciggies

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And also you dont need to be at your absolute lowest bf% at the beginning of summer. Just be good enough by memorial day and continue cutting through summer to where you're comfortable

If you need to start cutting now you're probably fat as fuck

possible to lose 30 pounds before summer?

Do you keep your ground harness locked on when you sleep ?

Do you guys actually go to the beach during summer? I live an hour away but have no one to go with. What do you even do at the beach?

Fuck off, summer doesnt even start until the end of June up here, I've got tons of time.

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>cutting just because it's almost summer
you seriously won't gain mass well this way, lean bulk for 2-3 years brother

>applying sunscreen on his back
>has to spread his arms like that which is basically a fucking pose
the only thing you really need to do when getting a woman to put sunscreen on your back is separate your shoulder blades and lean forward a bit

I’m sure that was a deal breaker to all the attractive women around him.

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a good proper cut to where you want to be shredded not just beach lean should take 3 months if you hit the bulk just right

>posting the blurry photo again because it's less ugly

if you want to feel like shit yeah, but if you start now and take it at a good rate you could lose 15kg comfortably by the end of summer without feeling auschwitz mode

This. The problem gymnoobs have that causes them to be forever DYEL is theyre afraid to ever carry eve a little fat. They want to spend january to may cutting, and june to september maintaining. And then what, you get like 4 months out of the year to put on some mass? That shit isnt going to cut it, and people who do this just stay perpetually in the bro cycle

15 kg is more than 30 pounds tho

>takes 4 months to lose weight
Fucking yikes.

If you havent' started cutting 11 months out there's no hope.

eh barely, my point still stands though, if you cut now at a steady rate you should be fine, post pics first to see if you should cut or bulk

...may is summer?

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Definitely. 2 pounds a week, 17 weeks til memorial day (the unofficial start of summer). 35 lbs. Gotta be dedicated though.

Imo people call the end of May the beginning of summer because that's when it's officially okay to open your pool, water pump open at the end of May, people start going to the beach, etc

According to my BMI I'm only a few pounds from obese status, need to fucking fix my fat fucking life

Kids get out of school end of May in the South. I believe it tends to be June for northern states.

BMI is a meh way to judge your obeseness, according to bmi every 212 and opens competitor is obese

Gimme a min

Natty dear said I'd be 100kg with a six pack this summer. Natty dear doesn't lie, does he?

100% cut man no question,

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Do any of you guys even go to the beach or be shirtless in the summer? I never go out. I'll be cutting all the same but no one will see my work.

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If I was you I'd go down to maintenance calories for 2 weeks and see where that takes me, tracking vs not tracking honestly has such a huge fucking difference on your body

Whenever I got bank I hit the beach with the mrs, even if I'm on a bulk and got some boobs

Yeah, but I keep my shirt on. I have had girls walk up and ask me to take it off, but I'm not indulging in degeneracy.
Damn beach thots, ruining all the beach fun.

besides my larde hips i have the same body with a little extra fat since i've been drinking like crazy since mid december, but i'm sure in two months if i lose 3kg i'll be just as lean as he is, but with more chest

fucking running.

lift and give nutritional keto a try. (not bullshit typical low protein keto for butterchuggers who think too much steak turns into cake)

check out sources like ketogains and your life will change forever.

yeah, but i'm 100% sure no one in this board or 99,9% of the population of the earth aren't competitors at the 212

>Running when there's black ice outside


Well dude I've been tracking at 1600 cals for a few weeks now

I'm so fucking hairy Bros even with a visible 6 pack I wouldn't take my shirt off at a beach it has cost me multiple times jobs too


Rim jobs*

Let me be clear, is lean bulking 200-300 calories above your maintenance? Want to cut then lean bulk for a few years.

if only there was something you could do with body hair

Lol starting cut in April crew gonna be shredded by mid June bitch

Wait, they let you crims shitpost in prison?

Alright so should I cut if I'm close to 1/2/3/4? I'm planning on starting the cut in March and I've calculated that with current progression I'll hit 1/2/3/4 by May. It is possible to make strength gains on a cut, right?

Same here brother. That shit is like magic

water fast you lose less muscle

You're telling me random strangers on the beach walked up to you and asked you to take your shirt off? I don't believe that.

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Have you tried trimming your body hairs just a little bit? That usually looks good, better than shaving it all off in my opinion.

How long to lose 10kg?

how to get this body from skinnyfat im curently on deficit and doing bro split

There's a small conversation leading up to it and my friends usually are hyping it up. It's a sidenote in a conversation between two groups who mostly don't have shirts on. It's really not that uncommon at the beach in the summer.
I worded it like it's a Youtube prank video situation, but it's p normal.

10 weeks if you're dedicated longer if you're not

>lifting for girls

not gonna make it

cutting takes twice as long as you estimate, trust me.

anything shorter than 11 weeks and you'll lose a lot of muscle

Anyone done fasting plus the eca stack?

I can lose 30 lbs in a month on hardcore keto, it's def possible doing less severe methods

Is kangaroo a good source of protein?

>first day doing cardio
>get rhabdomyolysis

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How to go from skinny fat to op pic I've been on deficit and brosplit

>30 lbs of body weight
>15 lbs of water weight

Never change, ketards.

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>douche pose
You sound like the kind of person that gets upset about how other people act.