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>be manlet
>make manlet threads

You're supposed to ask "and when was your last confession"

Theres very little in my life outside of exercise, its the only thing i can cling on to convince myself that I’m not a waste of space, thats why I’m very adamant in not missing even a single workout, and when i do, I’m depressed for a week

I don't think I got enough of a pump today, but after I failed bench last time, I'm terrified to do so again without a spotter.

I like those too, but I feel bad for the insecurity. Height helps, but it is not all that matters.

I renewed my pornhub subscription, but I'd been jacking off for a month now anyway.
But I'm paying for porn

There was creatine in the whey I bought and I swear I didn't know.

I'm terrified of bench, deadlift, squats etc. What if I fuck up? Where do I even do it? Where do I start? I'm up from staying away from that area to dumbell benching.

I just ate a fat as fuck pizza, what do fit?

Start with an empty bar. Do not put clips on the bar when you bench. Ask for a spotter if you're not sure that you can do the reps.

I'm lonely af.
I u abashedly tried to hit up friends from hs to no success.
What do normal people do outside of work and their house? I used to be actually happy in my loneliness as a child. It was okay that people hated me. Fuck that. I'd like to be normel

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Hobbies, dipshit. Go to a bar, start doing any kind of a sport.

I really like using the word 'dipshit', even if I don't mean to offend, it just has a zing to it.

This sunday I drank almost 5L of beer. Also ate half a pizza but it was this 30 cm diameter hipster thin pizza, no biggie there.
Yesterday I had some chips.
This weekend I'll be drinking too, but not too much as I'll be driving.

I'm letting the >tfwnogf feels creep up on me again. All because I went to a girl's house the other day, she used to be a little crush of mine some years ago and she's available now, but i only have a few weeks before my holidays stop and I have to leave again. I only managed to stay there for an hour before I left. At least she said its cool if I ever want to go back there to hang out.

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>Do not put clips on the bar when you bench.

What are clips?

I fucked my shoulder workout today, used lightweights and skipped abs

The metal things you used to keep the weights from slipping

These or similar. Things that prevent the plates from sliding off if you tilt the bar too much.
If you tilt the bar while benching, lower the weight and improve form first.
You don't want to fail a bench without a spotter on higher weights. Low weight you can roll down your body, but at some point it becomes easier to just tilt the bar and let the plates slide off.

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I long ago stopped exercising so that I could keep up with the children I take care of and look after my parents in their twilight years.

Now I'm doing it so that I have the kind of body that the "blacked" guys have naturally and to get into porn. And have a steady supply of pussy from women who can take a dick my size for long periods and cash at all times.

I'm a tall well built black guy and have a natural thick 9+ inch dick. Now all I need is to fix my teeth and figure out how to get it up for gay dudes and transexuals in case I have to do that.

I don't use barbells neither do i train legs

>no clips when benching
This. Just a couple weeks ago I missed the re-rack pins with one side, benching heavy and at failure, but the weight slipped off, and nothing happened. Felt like I got off with a warning.

i hate those clips, they bend in every direction and they never hold big weights

If this isn't bait, then please seek God. I'm not even religious but I recognise that you'd benefit from Christian morals.

why'd you leave so early?

nigger dont go gay for porn, thats mega fucked

Some long-distance relationships work out fine, user.

I keep wanting a gf and meeting up w women but i lose interest and ghost

Just stop. Are the vids really better than the free ones? Plus once you start degenerating in your fetishes again you'll start paying more and more to get your fix. Trust me been there before.

Hearing about the guy my ex is now getting with still bothered me some, despite me moving on more or less entirely from thinking about her.

Also my bulk is being sabotaged by me not tracking my macros every day, which arguably feels worse than the shit about my ex.

im manlet twink who shitposts and gives advice since 2011 but had gym membership for 4 months in my whole life

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It won't help.
I see how the religious act behind closed doors. Many times, they are more depraved then the irreligious. The church or synagogue or mosque or hindu religion simply allows them more power to realize their wants and less guilt for their actions. "Atheists" are even worse.

I know what I'm getting into. It's not going to be easy on any level. But I'll have something.


Anyway, I probably can't do it. I was offered hundreds of bucks for sex once, and have very feminine twinks with fake tits throw themselves at me. But I couldn't go through with it. Even when I needed the money and I was so horny at the time I would have fucked a hole in the wall.

I don't know.
To tell you the truth, most of the sex I've had was innitiated by women and I've been told and have gathered that I'm very good at it. So I thought, hell why not use it for money.

oh and im chainsmoker and did drugs too

>Cutting for summerbody because of honeymoon.
>Doing One hour and a half cardio at morning and at night 30 minutes.
>Taking clenbuterol
>But at weekends I can't resist and eat like a fucking pig.
>Week begins again and complain about losing barely 2pounds.

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Time to hand in your natty card user

Two hours of cardio a day is pretty extreme. You're going to burn out. Losing 2 pounds a week is pretty good unless you're obese. How much do you weigh?

You’re a retard

been slacking on gym and uni because being a sad fuck atm, I know I can just pull myself the fuck out of it but I just want to be a lazy cunt.
When I awake from my next slumber i shall finish my uni shit and hit a phat leg session

go back and hang, trusssst

I'm too afraid to deadlift, and I dont know how. The only guys deadlifting at my gym are huge and I look like a stick in comparison

>2 hours of cardio a day
>summer still few months away
just eat less

pick up a sport fella

youtube is your friend, deadlift is not a very technical movement

nobody cares about how much you're lifting, proper form will garner 10 times more respect than somebody egolifting

I used to eat 5000 cals a day

I've built up a folder containing pictures of the same user for almost more than three years as a goal body. He's also made me realize I was repressing gay feelings and literally made me realize I was gay.

Is it creepy? Probably. He doesn't seem to mind though considering he has replied to me multiple times and keeps on posting more pictures

I had a pain in the knee almost 3 weeks ago while squatting, told myself I would take a break for 1 week...
Skipped leg day since then

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5'8 209lbs
I'm trying at least look like in 2015 for the photo wedding session

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was for

I said I'd do keto for a month but I still eat pita pit pretty regularly

I killed a tranny once.

lmao nice

I unironically enjoy boomer music

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I've never met a serious lifter that's not happy to help out earnest beginners. Literally. The worst experience I've had with lifters was as a freshmen dyel highschooler when I got placed into the weightlifting class because I triple jumped on the track team in 8th grade. And that worst experience was that some of the guys were a little distant. Most always tried to help me improve, and they only talked bad about people phoning it in. If they're lifting heavy, they're going to take pretty long rests. Just find someone with good form and ask them to critique your form during one of their rests.

Guillotine yourself and die in the gym to retain any honor.

Do us all a favour and don't fall for the keto meme

I was getting high as fuck and it was only 11pm, I needed to drive for 40 mins just to get home, I thought it would be too risky if I get caught but now I know it was mostly me trying to run from the feels, she doesnt live alone btw she has roommates so nothing was going to happen but we were all going to watch a movie and I realized I should've stayed.
I'm going to try to go back today or maybe tomorrow and see what happens
In this situation it wouldn't work out, both in early twenties, going to different unis, living with crazy roommates, i'd rather have some nice moments with her and then we go our own way, at least having someone that likes you for that little bit is better than complete loneliness. When i go back up north its Constant K all over again, and it takes alot for me to not feel down when i know nobody and connect with so few people.

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>be fatty for most of my life
>start losing weight a couple of years ago
>join a gym almost a year ago
>cutting for 10 months
>it got cold a few days ago (UK) and I've been doing nothing but eat. 3000 calories a day minimum.


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>deadlift is not a very technical movement
you are a retard

I payed 2 times the restaurant to a chick, and i might even pay it the third time just because i want to suck her vulva, lick he asshole and smash the shit out of her vagina afterwards.

This is also a reason why you should ALWAYS lift, even when with a flue.

Also 3000Cal is not even my maintaining intake.

My gym visits has been irregular for two weeks, only been once a week

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I eat my own jizz to maintain gains

Have you tried the smith machine? It's not great, but might get you over the fear at least. Otherwise just start with an empty bar

Don't use the smith machine. But if you have the Johnes machine with two directions of railings, that's fine for a beginner.

I know I should go vegan because industrial animal handling is the evilest aspect of human society since forever but I'm spooked that it will fuck me up in some way or goblin my gains, so I'm eating a steak burrito right now.

I just got a packet of white cheddar cheez-its and a package of veggie wheat thins from the office vending machine.

And I had a big Mexican lunch

it isn't. yes it's dangerous if performed incorrectly but it's easy to do right

bench press is harder to learn correctly even if you're less likely to hurt yourself

I squat in the OHP rack

>have gf
>still fap like before
I don't want my dick to start going soft. How the fuck do I cure this shit

Two days ago instead of eating 2200kcal I ate 3200kcal.

Fucking mom with her fucking cookies

>even if you're less likely to hurt yourself
Bench press is extremely dangerous. Yeah, you might hurt your back if you deadlift heavy weight wrong. That's nothing compared to holding a thin metal bar that weighs at least 100 lbs and potentionally a few hundred pounds over your neck in a mechanically disadvantaged position. Every person on this planet regular deadlifts weight as part of their everday lives. Not many put it directly over their face.

Why are you confessing when you are doing God’s work?

I tend to think pic related explains why I'm a 30yo khv but I guess I should have suck it up.

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>get on a diet because I like someone and I refuse to confess my feelings 'cause I feel ugly and fat
>plan to confess my feelings next time I'll see my crush
>5 months to drop 60lbs
>drop only 35lbs, didn't get to gw
>gonna see my crush in one week
>I hate myself

I usually walk to the gym, but it's raining pretty bad right now. I could just do the routine at home and make due or i could go through the rain and do it properly. I can't decide on what to do father, help me.

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I had Wendy's today.

A Dave's Double.
Forgive me I have sinned father.

I've been on this board since 2013 and I've never actually been to the gym

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my pull up bar at home isnt straight but its still holding my weight so im fine with it

A little rain's never killed anyone. Go to the gym, my son.

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I unironically wish reading books was more socially acceptable at the gym

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This and my parents sent me to school at six when normal age is seven, so I was always a year younger. For them it might've been nothing, they just wanted to be rid of me a year sooner, but for a school kid a year of difference is fucking massive. I was never even considered dateable by my 'peers'. Even if I was the second strongest kid in the class.

>Kara poster

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If you've got knee pain, you certainly have a bad form. Pay for a trainer to learn the correct form for squats, because it'll wreck your knees

I'm a pajeet, that's sin enough

0.5l ben&jerrys

eat less

I'm stringing several women on and I'm doing the same to a few male friends. I like attention, I'm disgusting.

Because of dental work I have going on i can't play any contact sports in Uni. I used to play rugby all the time growing up, both for a club and for my school, and now I feel like i'm missing out on what could've been .

I keep failing ohp despite lifting babby weights

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I've been browsing Jow Forums since like 2012 and haven't done any lifting

I've also given advice to other anons and pretended to know what I'm talking about

Bare this in mind the next time you're asking Jow Forums for advice

yo, imagine seeing my kingdom death crappy OC here.
do you hang out in the /tg/ kdm thread when its up?

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300 lbs
small penis

I’ve been here off and on since 2013 and only started going to the gym last November

I've been going to burger places for lunch and order lettuce wraps and water. All the while parking farther from my destination. I legit think this is "good enough" to lose weight. I'm sorry/fit/

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I've been training for 6-7 years and basically just now reached 1/2/3/4.
I fucked up so much, sometimes stopped for many months, hopped programs, didn't watch my diet.
I am embarassed to tell people how long i've been lifting for.
Any PR or acomplishment feels like I should've reached it years ago and isn't satisfying at all, even though i am now making very good progress that i found a program and a diet that i am consistent with.

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I eat fast food 5-6 days a week

Bro I don’t think you should feel bad at all. 1234 is an impossible goal for me at the moment, be proud of yourself in the present

do nofap

>wastes 2 hours a day doing cardio
>taking clen
>negating a week's worth of work by eating like a retard on weekends

Who's marrying you? LMAO

Feels good not being a dopamine addicted idiot.

All you have to do is eat less, lower the cardio to 30 min, ditch the clen, and be a little more patient. Stop being a faggot.

I don't know if I ever want to stop bulking

The satisfaction of getting stronger outweighs the shame of an increased body fat %

Plus I get to eat whatever the fuck I want