Be me

>be me
>wake up
>remember that I am 6'7
>start my day knowing that I will heightmogg 99% of the people I meet

And how do you start your day?

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>be me
>wake up
>remember that I have great looking arms/shoulders and a great shoulder/hip ratio
>start my day knowing I aesthetically mog 99% of lanky people I meet

5'11" is the perfect height change my mind

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You forgot
>shitposting on Jow Forums because u are an insecure virgin

I lift to be that 1%

>be me
>wake up
>remember that I am 4’11
>start my day knowing that I will snatch more pussy than 99% of the people I meet due to my cute charms

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>be me
>wake up
>5'11 240
>solid as absolute fuck
>know I will facemogg 99% of the people I meet
>the 1% that shows me a hint of disrespect will get a firm "sir?"
>100% of them back down

my day is going to be great, just like yesterday

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do women notice short people?

>be me
>wake up
>remember that I am 145 IQ
>start my day knowing that I will mindmog 99.9% of the people I meet

Who are you quoting?

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>be me
>wake up
>remember that i have a manly, chad like jaw
>start my day knowing that i will chinmog 99% of the people i meet

gonna be a good day like everyday boys

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i'm 5'9 or 5'11 with me boots on so i just wear my boots all the time and then by the time i have got the hoes back to my crib and got them on the bed, they ask me why i'm still wearing my boots and i just tell them i don't give a heck what they think but one time when i took my boots off by accident and tried to kiss a girl who was also 5'11 then she kissed my forehead by accident because i turned the light off and she thought i was still the same height so just be careful of stuff like that which is why you should just be honest so they can aim their kisses lower at you but honestly guys, as soon as you stop caring about your height then you are instantly more confident and attractive, it just shows you are insecure if you even talk or think about it, so stop doing that and you will have more luck, i promise your bad hygiene and terrible personalities are holding you back more than your height

>be me
>wake up
>don't even remember who I am until I've showered
>start my day with protein pancakes
Also I'm 6'1 in the Netherlands so that's kind of average

BullFUCKINGSHIT post chin

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What the fuck kind of clown ass shoes are you wearing to gain that many inches? It must look retarded. Also pls dont do this, it makes us genuine 180-182cm-s feel short

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Tfw 6'3 white with a good jawline and quality arms.

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My sides

normal shoes already add about an inch though so 2 inches really isnt that much especially for boots

>Be me
>Wake up
>Remember that being a dysmorphic homo is cringe and bluepilled
>Start my day by thank god for making me the way I am, knowing this will trigger 99.9% of insecure people I meet

My confidence helps the people I meet feel better about themselves, and they enjoy being around me; and I dont associate with anyone who is blackpilled in any way because they are weak and probably gay.

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>be me
>wake up
>remember that I am 6'11"
>immediately forget it after smashing my head on the ceiling fan, causing severe amnesia
>god dammit not again

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They notice interesting people.

>be me
>wake up
>remember I'm 5'7
>remember I'm a 5/10 at best
>remember I'm unemployed
>remember I'm alone
>remember ruining things with the love of my life
>remember I'm an alcoholic
>remember I'm the failure of the family
>go back to sleep
>can't sleep

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