Something is possibly wrong
I eat maybe 2000-2500 calories a day and I lose no weight at all
Shouldn't I be dropping weight no matter what because this calculator measures my activity level and I'm burning over 4000 calories a day?
Something is possibly wrong
not necessarily, you could be gaining muscle and losing fat, scale ain't everything chief
calories burnt is basically a meme
focus on what you eat more than what you do if you want to lose weight
Try drinking loads of water mate.
>maybe 2000-2500 calories a day
Don't "maybe". Fucking KNOW. Weigh/measure EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth.
1) What's your maintenance cals
2) Subtract at least 2000 from your "total burn" based off just waking and being awake.
3) Take your calories in, subtract your calories out ("Total" - 2000)
4) #3 needs to be at least 500 less than #1, ideally half to really lose weight.
Did that make sense to you when you wrote ?
You dont get it... I already know all of this but I should have dropped maybe 10lbs this month and i didn't at all
Like wtf, i know sometimes i go over board with my meals but right now im dialed in and i should be dropping weight but im not
already at over a gallon a day
doubt it, im fat
Also, don't trust "calories burned" calculators. They give you a good starting point, but they tend to estimate high.
Really what you need to do is work backwards. You should know your calories in, and what your weight is doing. From that, you can calculate calories burned:
>(CO - CI) * 7 / 3500 = WL
>CO: Calories Out
>CI: Calories In
>WL: Weight in pounds lost per week
You SHOULD already know CI and WL. Now solve for CO. Once you do that, then change CI (ie eat less) until it's 500 less than CO.
just take your BMI kcal (meaning what your body burns just by being alive/sitting) and eat 500 kcal less. Don't trust any app or whatever that says you burnt x and y calories by doing exercise or walking. Just don't take that into the equation at all it is always so much less than you think it is. Weigh yourself every day at the same time and adjust your deficit if you don't lose weight or too much.
>I eat maybe 2000-2500 calories
This is your biggest problem. A 500kcal difference is massive you need to weigh your stuff better and ALL of it even or rather especially sauces and caloric drinks.
Most average dudes have a BMI around 2000kcal btw
Based mathposter
are you using myfitnesspal? are you using a food scale to ACCURATELY measure everything you eat? are you inputting EVERY snack you eat info mfp?
If you answer no to any of those questions, start there
Show us what food you're eating too. I it's all sugar you're going to stay fat
Calories in calories out is king. What nobody explains is the calculations for both are inaccurate at best. If you are at a steady weight at 2500, now you know your actual calories burnt, 2500. Maintain protein intake and cut another 500 off.
1. You aren't actually weighing your food so who the fuck knows what you're eating
2. "Calories burned" calculators are notoriously inaccurate, especially if you're describing an activity that could have a range of intensities.
There's only two possible explanations:
1. Your math is wrong somehow, either you're eating more calories than you think or you're estimating more calories burned than you actually are. Or both. Probably both.
2. Your body is capable of spontaneously generating energy and/or mass from nothing, in direct violation of the known laws of physics. We need to study your body and figure out how this can be, as it would solve the world's energy crisis.
Yes but I hate measuring everything.. usually I cant stick to measuring out every day but my meals are the same daily
Chicken beef or pork
And carb source is only potatoes
I dont eat rice but sometimes PWO I will have a protein shake with oats
Not losing any weight at this point and yes I lift
Also do cardio but I'm still fat as shit
I bet it's the fucking olive oil!!! I drizzle that on everything
My gf says it's because I have a desk job and I sit all day until it's time to go to the gym in the morning... idk anymore but I need to make sure I know each gram of protein or carb is going in me
I’m at a lose for words.
>Chicken beef or pork
>And carb source is only potatoes
>I dont eat rice but sometimes PWO I will have a protein shake with oats
Based, you're gonna make it.
Lift heavier
>I hate measuring everything.. usually I cant stick to measuring out every day but my meals are the same daily
There it is. You really gotta be measuring shit. Two chicken breasts can look the same but one might weigh 100 grams more than the other. The only way to be sure you're accurate is to weigh it. It's even harder to gauge properly with shit like potatoes.
Stop being a lazy fuck and weigh your foods or stop complaining about not losing any weight.
Stop putting olive oil on everything you dense fatfuck are you being serious? Is this bait?
listen!!! you cant cook for shit without oil
I dont have anything else to use for my cooking style/taste
WTF do i do than? how do you cook potatoes, eggs, chicken and beef without olive oil?
>Yes but I hate measuring everything.. usually I cant stick to measuring out every day
Then close your browser and just accept that you're going to be fat for the rest of your shortened life. If you were capable of guessing accurately we wouldn't be having this conversation.
>Then close your browser and just accept that you're going to be fat for the rest of your shortened life
no, the old ball and chain really wants me to lose the weight so i have to do this
You will absolutely never make it with this type of thinking.
>like everything in life I also approach my goal of losing weight half heartedly and half right, putting in somewhat of an effort not actually though thus wasting my and everyone elses time. In the end I will just abandon it like every other endeavour in my miserable life without any results which will lead to the the only lasting thing being frustration and a hatred for myself and the injustice of the world.
You can use olive oil, just be sure to count it in your calories total.
Or just use a good nonstick pan.
What elementary grade did you drop out of that impaired you from reading.
You're not dropping weight because I guarantee you that you're making up your in/out or that method just isn't going to work for you and you should fast.
Seriously, how can you anticipate the pounds to just shed when you're "going overboard on meals"? Shit doesn't happen overnight. Don't tuck in your shirt, it just perpetuates the gut being squeezed into those jeans.
Calculate your TDEE and cut that number in half. That number should be your total In/Out. You're not burning 4000 cals a day, because if you were, you would be losing weight. Simple as that, no rocket science here.
Take your ACA and have your local clinic test your thyroid.
jesus, come on how do you cook food without oil? do i need to go to /ck/ to ask this shit
You're cooking meat, veg and carb sources you have to cook with oil and tons of it
A gram of muscle weights 2x more than a gram of fat, which is probably why your weight isn't dropping -- you might be turning your fat into muscle.
I know but im still /fat/
just count the calories in the oil if you can't cook without if you smooth brained brainlet
fat doesn't turn into muscle unless you're speaking metaphorically
lmao you don't need tons of oil for most foods
a good steak should only need a drop of oil max
>non-stick pan
Bait. Even fat fucks aren’t this stupid
>fat doesn't turn into muscle unless you're speaking metaphorically
you just build muscle and the fat drops off of you, when they say fat into muscle they think it works that way but it doesn't
You build muscle and FAT starts to go away over time
Muscle also helps burn the fat as well
Steamed veggies
Chicken breasts in a crock pot with water or broth and spices
Eggs, just use a nonstick pan
Fat people don't actually need carbs at all.
Ingesting plastic
well, i dont have any other choice, do you want your food to stick to the pan? you need to use oil and im positive its the fucking oil
grams of this shit will equal 1000 calories just in oil
>non-stick pan
Do Americans really do this?
Well, get a GOOD one, not one of the cheap Walmart ones where the coating scrapes off if you touch it with a metal utensil.
>Fat people don't actually need carbs at all.
this is BS
I need carbs as they fuel my workout much better than fats or protein (you dont want protein to fuel your workouts anyway)
>do i need to go to /ck/ to ask this shit
You can try, but they seem to know as much about cooking as /fa/ knows about fashion, which is absolutely nothing.
>i'm fat so I must not be able to gain muscle
makes no sense chief
If your goal is to build muscle (ie gain weight) then yes. If you're a fatty, that's not your primary concern at the moment.
They have spray oil with “”””””0”””””” calories.
False. It's still pure fat at 9 calories a gram. They just round the serving size down to a laughable amount. Read the label.
Even weighing everything to the nearest gram you can be off by 100+ cals a day.
NOT weighing shit? lol you're fucked at guessing how much you're eating
>I PRETEND I eat maybe 2000-2500 calories a day and I lose no weight at all
So yeah that's your real question
9 calories is worth my stir fry not sticking to the fucking pan and ruining it
Okay, but that's literally "tsst" worth of spray, like less than a second.
NOT "tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst".
Also, lrn2steam.
Not that guy but thanks man, I felt like maybe I was hitting a wall because I bought a new scale and I keep getting on it all the time.
Did the math.
Quick calculation of last week's weight to today's. I'm on track.
BMR you mean, not BMI
>basal metabolic rate
>body massage index
You're not burning 4000 a day you fat faggor
really? i just checked the Pam i have in the kitchen and it says that 1/4 second of a spray has 0 calories, so it legally must be less than 5 calories
i bet a full second spray is like 9. what you described sounds like 3 seconds
Wus heavia? A kilegram a stil o a kilegram a feythers?
Boil, nonstick pan/low cal spray, poached
George foreman grill, air fryer, oven
George Foreman grill, actual grill, baked
>George foreman grill
You lost me there
I dont use these and would rather low cook or fry in oil ,lots of oil