
how much did you run today ((fit))

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back to the /fat/ general

I run every day for 30 minutes.
I don't really see a point in running longer.

Went to running in the gym today (not going to do sprints outside at -5c)
2 km warmup run
5k speed run immediately followed by 5 k sprints
Changed shirt hit the weights
2 k cool down run

i only do cycling because i don't want to have fucked up knees m8

how much time do you spend at the gym?

I run at least 2.5 miles a day. I added sprinting outside into my workout and my BF% has plummeted.

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>actually needing to run for cardio instead of playing sport

I think fat people look better than kenyans desu

>erectile dysnfunction
BIG yikes

doubt it, besides its okay if im wrong, i don't need it anyway

It must have been around 2 hours about half of wich was in the treadmill
I m really looking forward to spring
But at least I can still dox comfy runs outside got 20k planned for Saturday

I ran 1km today,i do this 3-4 a week, after lifting, is this good enough for basic health?

10.2Km/6.34mi in 50 minutes. Not so great but I was kinda tired.

how do you go about training long distance running? i only managed to run 5 km at a time with a snail pace

keep running

I walk 8km every other day. Tried to run once but I got tired quickly, there's any tricks to help the newfags to start to run properly?
Also if I just start run should I stop with the bodyweight exercises?

Starting C25k as soon as the weather gets a bit more amicable.
Do I need to start at the absolute lowest-intensity splits if I'm not a hamplanet?

let's assume that i would like to participate in marathon, i think that
>keep running
in that case is not a really helpful advice brah

When I started I couldn't even finish 5k
I did a couch to 5k like program started running a few times a week after that at some point I did a 10k training plan and then a half marathon training plan

The best thing would probably be to slowly increase your weekly milage and throw in some sprints the Nike app will build you custom training plans that adapt based on Performance also consider checking out Dr Jack Daniels hes got good advice for everyone.

Oh also I didn't start out with running I started with 80s aerobic tapes on YouTube (not a recommendation just trying to give you an idea of how out of shape Inwas)

Depends how unfit you are, go run for as much time as you can and start yourself at the level that fits you best.

how your knees are holding up? do you have any health issues with them? how can you avoid them?

yes! keep it up, good work! you'll do more in no time!

I had issues before I started now they are fine(better than they have been in a decade)
Had some pain for a while because I ran in a cheap pair of shoes for too long(I wore out the cushioning in a way that had me running funny)
Also had some issues once when I increased my milage and skipped stretching (yoga 3-5 mornings a week)

Avoid Heelstriking beginners do this and it is really bad for your knees) try landing on the midfoot I'd suggest you Google running form

And avoid minimal shoes till you have decent form Nike frees for e.g are real fun but they don't cushion you as much so you can mess yourself up if you're running wrong

> Nike frees
i have those and the are quite good imo

karnazes inspires me to run in the middle of the night

Daily reminder that a 5 minute tabata is superior to a 45 minute jog

you do 1 month of 5 min tabata and i will do 1 month of 45 minute jogging
lets see who finishes a marathon
you see the problem here? we have different goals

Only 15 km this week due to bad back and still need to run more until 50 km. Since it's almost friday I probably won't reach my weekly goal and only run ~35 km this week.

Like I said they are real fun I did my first 21 k run in a pair free rn distance and they are nice for practicing running form on shorter distance I just wouldn't recommend them as the main pair for someone that doesn't have a handle on proper running form (I've even heard stories of running stores refusing to sell them because of how fat normies can mess themselves up)

Get me a mcchicken and a soft serve.

Ran 2 miles in 17 min

Run 1.5 miles in 9.5 min every other night. Only do /nightrun/

It was raining all fucking day. Its still raining. I'm not going out fuck that

I'll go tomorrow

I love manlets they all try to get buff and big as possible.

Might even look big in pictures but then when you see them IRL

Just give it up already

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So does anyone else watch run with the wind
I really love watching it after my longest run of the week

What did he mean by this

Forgot pick

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bretty good anime brah
im enjoying it but it reminds me that i wish i had bros to run with

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am leaf, running during the winter isn't viable where I live. been seeing good results from HIIT skipping tho

How cold is it I'm still running outside and we have -5c(not doing sprints outside though )

not cold, but we got about a half foot of snow yesterday

Been out for 5 months from knee surgery. Still swollen and sucks. Can't wait to start trucking around town again.

Yeah that's a problem

What happened, best of luck don't push yourself too soon

Does Dance Dance Revolution count?

If so, about an hour (not including rest between songs)

You will never finish even half a marathon if you don't take that advice to heart.
Cardio is suffering. I've heard about this so-called "runners high", and boy oh boy is that bullshit. The only mental switch for me is the one that happens after about 5k, in which all the pain I'm in takes a back seat, and a passive suffering settles in while the only thing in your head is you telling yourself to keep running. At some point you'll have to stop obviously, and it helps putting down a milestone on paper. That's why those couch to 5k programs work, it's not because it's good programming, it's because it's a moderate improvement you have to keep up with.
You can run probably double what you think you can, it's just a matter of how much pain you're willing to endure

>Thinking you get as much cardio from running 2 miles in an hour long sport as running even a short cross country event (5k)

I only did three miles this morning.


Runfag here, if you are just starting focus on distance (aim to continuously run a 5k without walking and then increase the distance as you get better) and proper breathing (nose in mouth out for relaxed, mouth only for a high pace, nose only for hard mode)
If you are running out of breath you are running too quickly and should slow down
Get good shoes and find a lace pattern you find most comfortable
Don't wear too much, hydrate, fix your posture, do sprint interval runs once or twice a week (sprint until exhaustion, rest, repeat) to increase stamina
And lastly try to find a running partner
Be careful of runbros that don't watch their pace and will always try to one-up you
Girls are ideal running partners because they tend to run a relaxed pace
Running is pure cardio and will not build muscles so it doesn't make sense to stop bodyweight exercises
Good luck and keep in mind you will have to push yourself a lot to improve your pace

Ran 2 miles in 14 minutes
Followed by a mile total of HIIT. Sprint 1/12 mile in 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute.

if I ever do cardio its rowing because it's based and hits the back fairly well

I don't run, do burpees for HIIT in winter, sprints in summer. About 20 mins worth 2x/week.

I'm going to the skatepark to rollerblade. fuck running

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Three miles

trying to do 5k every other day with my dog
yesterday we did it in 26 mins which I thought was pretty decent considering this is only our second run and under 25 mins is considered decent to most runners

aiming for solid 8 min mile by the end of febuary

25 min 5k is like the universal 'ok' standard. I'm struggling to get my PB under 20 currently. I got 20.14 last weekend at an event and I'm doing a 1 hour run each Monday that covers about 13 ish k, then 2 hour long military style HIIT sessions (bodyweight and running combined) per week. One solid gym sesh to keep the muscles in shape and then I attempt to break that pb every Saturday on the 5k. It's a pretty brutal regime but I've lost 6 stone since last March and my run coach is expecting me to get a 1 hour 30 min half marathon time soon.

Thanks bro.

if you want to improve faster you should try changing it up a bit. have a couple days you go slower but for longer, days you work some sprinting intervals in, days you run hills...

doing a 5k every day and shaving maybe seconds off is not going to be rewarding enough to continue to do it consistently, and it isn't the most efficient way to improve



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nice dude
i'd be fine with "ok", once you get decent you can only get better
yeah i'll try this
I do live in a very hilly area so i'm already running up and down hills

Fatty here. Been running 5k per day for 5 days straight but a two days ago I hurt my knee (not when I was running) to the point that it's hard to walk. Two days later I can walk just fine but my knee still feel a little tender. Do I run or should I just rest for one more day?

5.8 miles, I'm trying to get to where I'm running a 10k a day then I guess work on getting faster

Try jumping rope instead. I think it's more fun than running if you're confined to a treadmill, and you can do it anywhere. I like to jump rope on top of the parking garage next to my

Hopefully, about 2k, if my knees let me.

Any tips for dealing with cardio doms

rest it another two days, then run only if running doesn't cause discomfort particular to the injury.

also, its just a good idea to take days off. you're going to wear yourself out and get injured going every day. most runners have off days, easy days, and hard days. hard days you want to do hills, try to run faster than usual even for short bursts, or go for a much longer run than usual. easy days you should be the majority of the days and you should be running at a pace at which you could hold a conversation without losing your breath. and off days should be just for resting and recovery or possibly for cross-training (lifting, swimming, rowing...). as you're a self described fatty I assume you are just starting out so you are really motivated, but without rest days you will get injured

if you're fat you need to take it easy on your joints, you can cause permanent damage if you aren't careful

This is retarded, running doesn't exist. You're either sprinting, walking, or jogging.

I don't do much cardio because I'm skinny, trying to make gains, and struggle just trying to consume enough calories everyday to make said gains.

This. The elliptical is much better at burning fat

like 20 minutes of tennis and only 1.5 miles of running at the track lol. very shitty cardio day desu but i'll make up for it tomorrow at the gym

And why?

>run a few miles twice a week
>cycle 4 or so miles twice a week
>lift weights full body once a week
>muay thai once a week
>jui jitsu twice a week

My "mild activity" tdee is 2300 and im eating 1700. This will work right

I cycled 20 minutes uphill. But no running.

I walked on an incline for 40 minutes
Not on purpose, just to waste time

6 miles. Running has been my antidepressant for the past 6 years. I am a US government employee and haven't worked in almost 6 weeks. It was awesome at first but now I'm so apathetic and kind of depressed. I don't have an appetite and I don't have energy to run or gym. I've lost 5 pounds in a week. I'm running a marathon in 4 weeks. Idk how I'm gonna do it if my depression train keeps rollin. help me

Join a gym; get on the rowing machine and row 2k’s

0.25 mile

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So I’ve hit my weightifting goals aside from Bench press and want to work on my cardio.

I have a Spartan Super in June And my cardio is nonexistent. What program or routine should I add in.

Just some additional info. My RN program is Wednesday thru Friday 10 hrs each day so I work out Saturday and Sunday and Tuesday and Wednesday.

Which days should I make my run days and how do I go about getting to at least 9 miles in 5 months?

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Fuck man sorry to hear, not to be a dick, but I hope this situation inspires you to look for work in the private sector. Washington is a god damn joke, your paycheck and stability are nothing but chips on their table game.

cross train
50 mins

>doing only 1 sport with cardio that shit
Dam brother you must be fat

rugby players run an average of 7km per game

Run five days a week using that routine or is that supposed to be a single sesh

if running killed you knees, our ancestors would not have been able to eat meat
what you mean is YOUR running form kills your knees

Benched right now with severe plantar fasciitis, pissed as hell about it and unable to keep off of my feet due to working 7 days a week, at least 8 hour long shifts, so it's just a vicious circle of pain getting worse and worse. I'm so frustrated that I can't get out there and keep doing what I love to do.

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Anyone have good recommendations for some quality running shoes? Not too concerned about cost, but I need something that makes it so I can actually fucking run.

Right now I have a cheap pair of bullshit Nikes I bought from an outlet store that compress mid sole like a mother fucker.

>size 12
>somewhat wide feet
>slightly flat footed
>only run a few miles at a time and am hoping to eventually run first marathon

rugby is also a shitty sport that just looks like kids making up a game as they go on

Yes but lift more.

Whats your best? I remember being so fucking good at that shit in high school. I was the kid that would get a crowd around me, I would do shit like spin when you had a split second to rest. I would do songs on lower difficulty and actually dance and still score perfect. God I miss those days.

Once you hit ok, you'll wanna do better. I've managed to take my time down from 26 mins back in September last year to the 20.16 now, which is pretty quick, but I know for sure that cutting the next 16 seconds down will take more effort than cutting the previous 6 minutes or so. I suggest doing a lot of hill sprints then jogging back down as active recovery and back up again. This has helped me build a huge amount of mental stamina. With sub 7 min miles and running for over an hour non stop, it really becomes a mental game (If you have no injuries of course). If you can feel the burn, accept it and detach from the pain, you can run for hours no problem. Focus on your goal and don't give your brain the option to think you won't hit it.

Slept early around 8 pm and planned to go run in the morning around 5 am.

I woke up at 11 and it's now 12 and I'm wide awake so I most likely won't run anymore.

why does this happen to me when I try to sleep normally.


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Pull day followed by HIIT sprinting.

Probably ran 1km in total.

I am dead.

I had to go see a physio and they recommended not to go with meme Nike running shoes. Got some decent Asics with insane arch support and boom, no more knee pain at all while running. Also, build strength if you have a bad knee by doing one-legged squats on the affected side. Put a hand on the wall if you have shit balance but work towards doing it free. Keep that back straight!

I use Asics gt2000. They are like night and day compared to my old Nikes

Just a 5k then another 3k on the elliptical. My knee's been giving me a bit of trouble lately.

How often do you guys do cardio?