>go for max without spotter
>spotters fuck up lift anyway
Gym shit that makes you rage
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That video made me kek
Poor guy, looked like a big PR
Nigga had it, I would have slapped the shit out of both of those fuckheads.
>I got you bro
Have something similar, cockteased when trying to PB
>Still getting noob gains, benching around 95kg for reps.
>Big guy in the gym repping 100kg
>Ask if he can spot me
>Excited, could be first time I bench 100kg
>Bit wobbly but bar is moving, start to push up bar moving slowly
>Continues to slow down, I'm ready to grind out this rep
Big guy just grabs the bar and racks it
"It's too heavy"
>"Yeah, that's the point"
He just stares at me
funniest shit
I could see myself having a pop off for that one. That was awful.
looks like they were gonna spot him but man-bun tripped up nigoid and everything went to shit
Someone doing 12 sets of 5 reps of dyel weights with five minutes of rest per set on the only platform or squat rack.
Fucking 24 hour fitness in january.
If they dont ask for a spot and hes not trapped under the bar, fuck off
maybe your form was breaking down too much ? regardless he should let you decide how you want to train...
>do bench 5x5
>not sure if i can hit the 5 on last set
>ask guy who does db stuff next to me if he can spot me
>make it very clear that i can probably do it, just need help if i cant make the last rep and get stuck under the bar
>he says sure
>i start benching
>he curls half of the weight each rep
>th...thanks for the spot
>doing roll of shame ever since
>Someone gets on what you want to use next right when you're walking to it
>Someone takes shit you're clearly using
Roll of shame is the shit, only pros like us do that
still too much assisting, where tf did all the good spotters go
imagine going for a PR and a fat dyel nigger and a sandnigger with fag hair wearing a polo comes fuck it up
>whole gym runs over to help him left babby weight
>doing roll of shame ever since
The majority of people at commercial gyms never max. They're happy hitting 165x8 forever. If they see you fail, they claim the right was too heavy. If the bar isn't moving at 30mph, they grab it. Doing a burnout set of 225 until failure? You could hit it 15 times, if you fail the 16th rep they'll tell you to deload.
After 3 years of lifting I'm finally big enough for dyels to stop giving me advice.
Why has no one come up with a pulley system that holds the bar in place if triggered by your foot or something but does nothing otherwise?
I dont get it, there seems like there could be thousands of ways to come up with ways to self spot yoursef.
Catch bars. I lift at home in a rack. My catch bars for bench are set to about one inch into my chest, so if I fail, I'm not failing too hard and can just chill for a bit before rolling it or lifting it from the bottom of the lift.
Actually the best way is using a power cage / half rack, where you set the safetys to a level so that they dont interfere with your lift, but when you deflate your chest and completly breath out, the bar rests on them. That way you can work out without interference, but if you fail you just let the bar down, relax and breath out a bit and you are safe.
>Old lady comes in every wednesday, probably 65 years old
>Always takes the lat pulldown
>Does 20 reps of literally nothing, the pin isn't in any of the weights
>She does about 5 sets of this then does the exact same thing on leg press
>She alternates between doing these two things for about an hour
>mfw I never get to do lat pulldown or leg press on wednesday because of this dumb shit
because you literally cannot crush your chest with the kinds of weight that it's possible to bench. It takes a half ton of pressure at least to break the ribcage. All you do is tip the bar and it's on a lever, hardly dangerous.
It's still unnecessary danger, plus the real problem is for people who panic when that happens and the bar rolls up to their neck or whatnot.
>mfw I never get to do leg press
This woman is saving you from snap city. You should be more appreciative.
A guy asked me to spot him once, said he wanted to do 8 reps. Gets pinned on the 3rd and he starts to go off on me, apparently he wanted me to do 5 negs with him because 'that's how you bulls muscle'
negatives are a great way to build muscle, but he should have told you has plans of course lol
This guy died, though
You don't think it's good for high volume calf work?
>random NYR girl doing babyweight DL on the platform infront of the Squatrack
>ask her if she minds if I get a bar and use the rack or if she needs it
>stutters around telling me that her bf is coming soon and she doesnt know if he wont need the rack
>dont want to deal with this shit and just leave to do some cable rows before I start squatting since all other racks are taken as well
>everything taken again so I ask some dude how many sets he has left and he tells me he has only one left
>put my stuff down to wait for him to finish his last set
>tells me he he is working in with his gf already
>tell him it is fine I can work in with her then
>he awkwardly thinks for a few seconds and nods
>see him head off towards the girl in the squat rack
>finishes his set and takes his towel with him
>start doing rows, she never comes to work in
>after I finish my set see him DL babyweight where his gf just was at
>he didnt even use the rack
fuck I hate NYR normies
that is god damn infuriating
What about the a part in F=m x a though
Don't you break ribs doing CPR? Half a ton of force seems incresibly high.
>Someone gets on what you want to use next right when you're walking to it
I feel like I do this all the time. Snooze you lose I suppose (Or ask to work in I suppose)
I'm a newfag at the 24 gyms as well but I get annoyed that there's so many people who hog benches or racks. Im trying to min max my gains fuck people.
He was using suicide grip. Thumbs weren't securing the bar in place
Yea that's a good use of it. I was more joking about the people (I used to be one) who use leg press as their primary leg lift.
gym thots using the leg press next to me and constantly seem like they want to initiate eye contact when I see them looking in my direction from the corner of my eyes. I just turn the music louder and ignore them.
Thats not the point though, he got crushed by that weight and died, doesnt matter how he got to that point. You could have a muscle spasm, some sudden blood pressure loss, stung by a wasp or whatever other reason, its kinda dumb not to have some safety net imo.
dubs then trips checkt
Gym thots chatting on yoga mats in the squat rack.
It is the point though. Usually the bar would descend slower.
Spotters could deal with most other situations besides this.
But yes, safeties are a must at this sort of weight. He still died from his own stupidity than anything else.
Yes, it happens often, even by trained people.
I hate it when spotters grab the bar on every rep. I've started to give spotters a little speech about how I will only need help on the last rep.
what's dumb is that faggy looking spotter on the left not even close to the bar.
He wasn't even using a suicide grip though
Yes he was. That's how the bar slipped out of his hands
Here's an example of it happening with a normal grip
Here's another
>Posts a different video to what is being discussed
What did he mean by this?
That really grinds me gears. I don't take the weight until they ask for help or the bar starts moving down or goes wildly out of position. You never know when someone's going to grind it out. I've had the bar stall for seconds and still manage to push it out. Sure get your hands close and be ready but don't fucking touch it. Not to mention that you don't get to moving a 3+pl8 bench without knowing what you're doing, and he had the collars off.
The point of contention wasn't whether it was possible, it was what occured in
Even just pulleys that work life a safety belt would solve so much
>ropes have the bar secured at 4 places
>they do nothing but hang slightly lose most of the time
>if the bar goes down too fast then the pulley locks it in place
It'd be that simple to avoid a few deaths/broken ribs.
To be fair, maybe that was their intention all along, just that the nigger tripped on manbuns there.
Draw a diagram in Paint pls
Alright. Watch the video then. The video quality is poor, but you can see he uses a normal grip
When anyone (almost always women though) stand and talk in front of the plate racks. When I’ve got two 45s under my arms after finishing a set I’m really not in the mood to stop and politely ask them to move.
nigga you can break ribs just by sneezing hard enough
lol Jesus Christ. During CPR on adults, if you DON'T break their ribs doing compressions, you probably weren't doing them effectively. My 120lb wife had to do CPR recently (she's a nurse) and broke the man's ribs. (he was revived but died a few hours later.)
Ah fug, I was wrong on the internet.
I had someone accidentally push me over when I was squatting with 405lbs. Rolled off my head. Hurt like a bitch. I was pretty mad.
I respect you for being honest on the internet
>maybe I’m finally /fit enough to pull a solid two points above where I would rate myself, on a gym thot no less
>I glance over for the third time, thinking she’s dodging holding eye contact after I look over out of the corner of my eye
>she looks at me for a split second, but I can’t tell if it’s fear or attraction in her eyes
>I look away and decide “if I look over one more time and catch her looking back, it’s not just in my head”
>notice she’s turned her head toward me
>time to test my hypothesis
>after finishing my set, i start to head toward her
>I stand up and notice Thaddeus, Destroyer Of Worlds was preacher curling behind me but still In a direct line of sight from her position
>mfw I finally thought I made it.
>mfw my autism and forced optimism has only led me to a place of regret for ever letting myself feel confident enough to think I was actually pulling a solid 8/10 from my looks alone.
>I breathe for a moment and pick myself up, then move to start my next exercise.
>start feeling better doing curls where Thaddeus was previously curling.
>”I’ll be like him one day, he probably went through all of what I’m going through - but he stuck to it and now look where he is. So that’s what I have to do: Stick to it.”
>start third set, notice a cardio bunny looked in my direction.
>I grin
I’m in, boys
Shit nigga, I'm horrible at paint and not an engineer
>Rolled off my head
how? like forwards?
We need more labels
My gym has a single Oly platform for deads/cleans.
I've seen people doing calisthenics on it and walked in last weekend to a family doing group curls on it. Literally a mom, dad, and two kids. Doin curls.
I mean yeah it's nice to see a family in the gym together but goddamn it
the liability incurred from a product like that is why it doesn't exist.
My gym only has one squat rack.
Some nog was doing lmao1pl8 diddlies inside of it.
Had to do bench instead which fucked me up for squats after.
Kek, yeah thanks user
Spent about 5 minutes to find a gif that showed what happened but the best one was too big of a file. This is the closest I’ve got.
>tfw my gym has 8 platforms, and 8 squat racks with platforms jutting out (16 total platforms), 7 more racks set up for benching, 2 power racks, two sets of j hooks on the side of this weird monkey bar thing, a huge open matted area, and over twice as many barbells as there are cages/platforms, in addition to several specialty bars, fixed weight bars in the dumbell area, and there STILL are occasionally no open racks at 5:30AM
I was probably convinced because his wrist looks flexed, which I guess was why the bar could fall even with the thumb around
damn dude
what did the person who bumped into you say?
What are these?
you stand on them while squatting and it forces you to clench your core more to maintain balance
I see, thanks
Needs more labels
Oh he felt horrible about it. I wasn’t hurt so I wasn’t too mad. We’re teammates on a powerlifting team together so it’s not like he was some rando.
It actually happens more often when the person doing it is trained in it, from my understanding, as you're supposed to push the chest down further than most people realize.
A better, easier idea. Havent seen them in literally any gym though.
>tfw my gym has a pair for every rack
Literally why the fuck isn't this standard issue? I had a similar setup at my home gym, and I always thought its just how you bench. Later, enter commercial gyms I go and see only one bench with these. Why?? With them, you dont need a spotter, and if your back is even a bit arched, you can do full ROM no problem.
This one isn't using a suicide grip. Did his thumbs just break?
He might have curled his wrist during the straining
I'm guessing its part "why update equipment lol, it costs money" and part "IM NOT A PUSSY TO NEED SAFETY", but mostly the first one.
Nixe picture
It’s basically a safety net if you bottom out while squatting. No, don’t stand on them.
I was taking turns with some guy in the rack. PR so I got stuck a tiny bit. Twice he rushed to almost fucking hump me to help lift the weight, even though both times I made a motion with both hands and head to stay away.
Fuck off, gains goblin. Don't fucking touch me unless I've started descending again, fuck
"Half a ton" is mass, not pressure and it's energy that breaks shit
But yeah, tipping the bar is usually easy even if you attempt a (sensible) 1rmpr. This is why I never use clips benching, I'd rather tip it than be calling for help.
>>stutters around telling me that her bf is coming soon and she doesnt know if he wont need the rack
What the fuck does that mean? Let me just fucking book half the equipment. Just tell her that when he comes over, he'll wait for it if he wants it. Even if you're shy you can just suggest he work in
They limit your rom though, unless if you're lucky enough for them to be no more than an inch below the top of your chest when expanded
And although in your example, the accuracy is quite high, probably about an inch, the accuracy in most racks I've seen is closer to 4 inches
try jumping on a scale and see the numbers sail past your actual weight until you understand why your post was dumb
did he ded
Stop doing lat pulldowns and do pullups.