Has a girl ever made fun of your physique, Jow Forums?
Has a girl ever made fun of your physique, Jow Forums?
A girl squeezed my ass and laughed with her friends at a bar once
Bitch used to always call me skinny, fucking annoying. Saw her later around 7-8 months into lifting shut her the fuck up dumb whore.
should've taken her home then cut her into small pieces which you then feed to various stray dogs
Once when I worked at a bar one of the servers called me muscles to come help her carry things. At the time I took it as a compliment but then I realized I was 6ft 140lb skeleton and she was making fun of me. I had the last laugh though, I had a future and she was stuck there getting fat off the bar food.
>not eating her for protein and stealing her power to become stronger yourself
>making it
pick one
How do you avoid getting caught?
When I was a young lad a girl told me a had a baby's belly
Oh, it's the goalkeeper Bruno. Where is Pasta now?
Screw you Jessica, lifters rise up
>stealing her power
I got told I had short legs before. I used to sag my basketball shorts which gave that impression, and stopped immediately after that.
The early 2000s were all about that Iverson look.
No, but one in high school said I had tiny-ass ears
You could've just said that you're a manlet lol
I'm pretty big but I have a slight belly from alcohol.
Last time I took my shirt off in front of a girl she visible sighed in disappointment while looking at my stomach. I think girls look at the rest of me and just expect me to have perfect abs.
no girls dont talk to me ever, no compliments, no insults, they rarely ever look at me even though I'm 6'4 and they HAVE to know I'm walking past them. Only when I talk to them they are usually pretty friendly. this makes it really hard to gauge my value as I'm getting mixed feedback, some days I feel like a god and other days I feel like even fatties resent my putrid face
I'm 6'0"
in before >implying
you have to farm xp somehow m8
>be 11 y.o. me
>be white in a very heavily Latino town
>be fat as hell
>16 yo Mexican bitch says "you know I'm jealous of you user. I will never have boobs as big as yours"
>every neighborhood kid hits the deck laughing their ass off
>scoop up what little self esteem I have and walk home fighting tears
Stupid ho became a stripper and drug addict. Good riddance.
Once I got groped at a concert, she grabbed my ass and she and her friend giggled and ran away.
Another time someone called me corn fed.
I've had my share of roasting.
I had several bitches asking my gf at the time why she would be dating someone as ugly and skinny and me.
Right there in my face, and it's not like I could beat them up.
Being criticizes why I joined the gym, and went from 135 lbs to 195 lbs.
Something similar happened to me
>get fat at 15
>get made fun of by latino friend's sister
>tell her it's because she has mosquito size tits
>find out she is into me
>raw fuck her while my titties flop around
Latina's love confident white guys. I was fat but I was getting latina pussy thrown at me like crazy, and they weren't the ugly goblinas type, they were either castizas or pure-blooded white. The privilege of going to an expensive Christian private school.
>in hs math class (am a loser)
>sit next to this try hard stacy who everyone thinks is a genius and will be valedictorian
>math teacher says that i'm smarter than her and that i could be valedictorian if i tried (probably just saying that to make me feel good so i won't kill her in case i shoot the school up desu)
>stacy gets mad
>teacher says something like "what, you don't think user is smart?"
>stacy says " i don't even talk to user how would i know"
>chink jehova witness chick who has literally physically bullied me before says "no on talks to user"
>class erupts in laughter, her delivery was kinda good
that was sophomore year, after that i didn't try on anything and made myself get put in retard classes. the retarded kids never bullied me, it was always the average IQ stacies. they know how to cut deep, whereas a guy will just call you a fag or something then you fake wrestle a little and its funny for everyone. probably why i'm afraid of women now that i think of it. not that specific instance, just my experiences with them saying terrible things to me in general
Based psycho poster. This is the second thread I've seen you in tonight.
I've got two older sisters
If you meant girls I've been with, I have wide ass feet and she said I was like scrooge mcduck because I'm also a miserly motherfucker.
I used to work a shitty retail job, and we were discussing nicknames amongst ourselves (me and 2 other girl coworkers), and I came up with muscles (I was a complete DYEL so it was pretty funny to everyone)
A bunch of other female coworkers would tease me for that name once word got around
I would indulge in the self-depreciation by telling management when they walked by that my nickname is now muscles, and they chuckle and say how did you get that name? And I would say why are you laughing??
My gf makes fun of me all the time for having skinny thighs. Its honestly really fucking annoying and makes me want to start doing squats so i can be like who has big thighs now. It also motivates me to lift her all the time to prove my strength. (Not much there but still enough to lift her skinny ass lmao.)
Yes a ex made fun of my moobs when we were friends, i fucked her anyways
Yes, it's called a shit test and I can take it like an alpha.
No, they've always inexplicably look past it for some reason. Must be face. Girls have always called me handsome, but I've always felt average at best. Weirdest thing.
What. The. Fuck.
if you wanna be really thorough you could abduct a dog and bury it above the body in case anyone tries digging it up, otherwise i feel like the dog grave shit would just draw unnecessary attention. what is that from btw?
kids get raped a lot. at least the catholic pedos don't just off their victims, also the fact that they don't makes me think the whole thing is a jewish psy op. if you raped a kid, why the fuck would you let them live to tell people about it?
>Every 40 seconds a child goes missing somewhere in the United States. There are more than 460,000 missing children each year.
Where did the child rape come from? What the fuck is happening in this thread? I'm on Jow Forums right?
>what is that from btw?
Don't know, just found it on a fucked up shit thread. From this looks of it it's off some darkweb pedo forum
>Where did the child rape come from?
easier to bury
got any more fucked up shit like that? its good to be reminded of the filth thats out there
Very peculiar
guess not really physique but I have some moderate back / shoulder acne that I am currently working on fixing. Playing shirts vs skins basketball at the university gym and a girl I had class with was on the other other side of the rec center. Chit chatting later and she asked if I take steroids (im 6'2 185 13%, definitely DYEL with clothes on). Asked no why. She said because she heard that dudes who take steroids have bad back acne. Feelsoilyskinman.jpg
>"Holy shit user your chest is as thick as my head."
>"Shame about your arms though they could use work."
Fuck you my arms are long.
No, but when I was 9 years old I moved from Scotland to America and there was 1 black girl in my class and she made fun of the way I spoke
one time a girl come to me and said : user why u didnt start lifting u have a good genetics and u can look very good if u do it.
Me: yeah? diid u think so
Me in my head: WTF i have been lifting for the last 3 years
Based hue poster.
so sad
The vast majority of kids who are reported missing each year are found. A lot of this is just weird fucks larping, although I have no doubt there are some true monsters out there who try and do shit like this. The craziest shit is how easy it is to get away with a crime if you aren't a retard. It's actually an excellent argument as to why the state should have a little more power, all the bullshit legal hoops you need to jump through to legitimately catch someone is fucking insane, and then years of goddamn trial because our justice system is a complete fucking joke. Sometimes I think we should just go back to letting the community kill the town rapist.
Look at me know Melissa
>caring what blacks say to you
cringe and bluepilled
Media: "what's with all these depressed kids shooting up schools lol must be the gun's fault"
my wife called my legs chicken legs. which is fair, they never grow, no matter how much i put into them.
i responded saying "at least i dont have love-handles."
I think one time, in high school. She had a meltdown on my facebook wall. Mostly they just go for my lazy eye, especially these days when I look nicer.
a hooker kept groping my ass during a session
she said she really liked it
felt weird being the one being sexualized
A girl with borderline personality disorder i was dating made fun of me for having ms.
fuck white people god damn degenerates
A girl would have to notice me for that to happen
that's fucked up bro
fuck you bro its hard having bpd
lol yea i know i have it too i found out later but that was cold blooded. She was a big cunt. Mental illness doesn’t excuse your shitty behavior
what the fuck
>mother laughs and pokes fun at me for being so skinny all through my teens
>figure out that I like exercise and want to lift
>force down calories and start lifting
>eventually escape skelly mode
>even while I'm still dyel she starts telling me i'm big enough and not to not get "too big"
>quote her old skinny jokes about me
>she denies ever saying ANY of it
Yeah that's not okay you bitch.
I got this in high school, pretty sure she just liked what she saw
Sounds like my mom. I used to be angry at her, but I feel like if you can put up with that shit during youth and eventually make a real man out of yourself, you've only come out stronger.
She was hitting on you, retard.
I miss that board
>not being Moldovan
>not having a town rapist
I feel ya bro.
You're an idiot.
Tfw you finally figure out who the fuck was making fun of you all those years ago.
>be white in a very heavily Latino town
I'm so incredibly pleased I will never experience this
Shouldnt have forgotten your rape whistle user
My ex, all the time. Called me lanklet, auschwitz survivor, etc when i was lean, called me fatty when i was bulking
>tfw no abusive gf
>a guy will just call you a fag or something then you fake wrestle a little and its funny for everyone
I never realized how happy I am to be a dude until I read this.
fuck Melissa that dumb bitch
my mom does the exact same thing since I've started lifting and putting on weight, not as lean as I used to be when I was an endurance athlete, tells me I'm eating too much and jokes that I'm getting fat even though I still have abs, just not as lean as she's used to seeing.
I love my mom but fuck that cunt
Yeah she said im skinny fat. but i had my dick and cum in her mouth that night.
When I was a senior in high school I got my first job as a stocker at pottery barn. My boss was a 30 something year old redhead. She was an absolute MILF with a fierce and direct personality. I was an autistic sperg at the time which amused her so she would call me into her office to fuck with me. One day she called me in and said in a very angry voice to take a seat. She sat on the desk in front of me with her legs crossed, no more than a foot or two away from me. She rocked her ankle back and forth awhile, letting her high heel dangle from her toes. She then put the heel between my legs and pressed on my dick. She said I was a lazy worker and that she would have to fire me if I didn’t make up for my poor behavior. She then let the high heel fall to the floor and pressed her sole to my face. I can still remember the feeling of her stockings as she pressed and rubbed at the side of my face with her feet. Her eyes never relaxed and only seemed to become more determined and more entrenched in a glare.
Another user here checking in. Its horrible. "White boy" is basically your name all the years up until youre like 14/15. I realize now that Spics were just jealous , and the spic girls just wanted white babies, but at the time it was so demasculating and so many dudes tried to fight and bully me to look cool in front of Juanita and Esmeralda.
I'm getting out of CA so my kids won't have to put up with this. The only thing is, it taught me how subhuman spics are first hand. I see Europeans and other Americans who are clueless about it.
No. Even when i was fat in school.
Not my physique directly but I did have a girl tell me she didn't want to date me because I wasn't "hot" enough for her. Years later when she got fat and was dumped by the black guy she had shacked up with, she sent me a message on Facebook saying she regrets not dating me. No, I didn't fall for that.
god damn it that looks like a sweet party. Why was I never invited to house parties in high-school?
God I hate my life
My school's network security just fucked with my internet for few minutes as soon as I opened that shit.
Sounds paranoid, but I don't believe in these kinds of mistakes happening once every few months out of nowhere and without any recognizable cause on the surface at a time of day on the weekend that there probably isn't more than 300 kids connected to our over 600 miles of fiber-optic cables....
This school is so fucking gay.
>fat since birth
>not genetic i just never stopped eating
>never truly bothered me, till high school
>hormones, people start dating, i get left behind
>no one wants to date a fat fuck
>try anyway, im not a sperg
>approach my crush in 2nd year and finally admit feelings
>she looks visibly disgusted and excuses herself
>Im confused at first
>turns out her friends all think its fucken hilarious that I tried to "reach" for someone so high out of my league.
>people talk shit about me behind my back for the next week until the hype dies down and some other poor fucker gets the spotlight.
>Find it difficult to talk to any girls from then on, like they're actively keeping me at a distance.
>what the fuck all i did was tell someone i like them
That was the day I died inside. Her friends all treated me differently, just in case i "fell in love" with them too.
Haven't attempted relationships since. It was 11 years ago.
had remarks like
your body is not my type
you have such a weird body shape
you are uniquely attractive
Only my mom
Ask me again Samantha, I swear I can open the pickles jar this time
Some people are sick.
Yes, they call me small all the time (random girls too). But thats what you get for being 5'10/160lb manlet in scandinavia. I also have SIBO or candida so i can't gain mass without getting lethargic, bloated and depressed. What do?
My mom would laugh at how skinny I was while keeping me underfed
fucking retard
who the fuck is this girl, i'm tired of seeing her posted
No, but I’ve been told “I’d rather fuck X, than you”, where X was a twink she previously described as “wouldn’t fuck if he was the last man on Earth”.
some whale told me i have really small hands at a bar last week
Who is she?