Why haven't you gone vegan yet? Do you even care about the environment?

Why haven't you gone vegan yet? Do you even care about the environment?

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>plants destroy the soil
>chemicals are reinjected into the soil
>soil still can't hold rain water
>cannot farm without ruminant animals grazing the area to restore the earth
without even getting into the negative health effects from eating plants...

>GF's sperm
Did he mean eggs? I think he didnt...

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>Do you even care about the environment?

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Oh sweet summer child

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>tfw you realize the west would have been better off without charles martel and/or hitler winning.

>womans penis

So does the younger generation understand what they're saying
Women dont have a penis. They know this right

Jesus fucking Christ

Attached: the x-files.png (320x240, 88K)

Reminder that avocados, berries and almonds (staples for vegan diets) are not vegan and the demand for these foods are considered to be among potential culprits for the declining bee populations

Whenever I see images like this (of which there are tens of thousands) I think of all those movies, videos, documentaries, and lectures on Hitler being the "bad guy" and the Allies the "good guys". Or some variation of that.

Sure, those soldiers didn't fight for the right to suck the feminine penis, but they carried that germ known as liberalism forward. The greatest heroic myth turned into the greatest tragedy of the 20th and 21st century. Ah well, gas boomertards.

>cishet man
the bias is astounding

if we push the lefty millennials further, could we create a gen z right wing reaction and end this?

Reminder that low sperm count is likely caused by exposure to wireless devices. Cell phones, wifi, etc.

Being any of this stuff and trying to be healthy is like trying to learn while mainlining lead. ie, absurd and self invalidating.

And by the way, we have as little as 5-10 years before mutational load reaches a point where population infertility becomes overt. We're also facing rapid ecological collapse from this shit helping murder all the insects.

you already did

>my GF's sperm

The bees are already dissapearing.
No seriously.
There are almost no more bees in the wild anymore.
We have to bus in artificially raised and made bees to polinate stuff now.

The world is dying

Best part?
5g wifi towers are being put up fucking everywhere especially schools, and it is only going to get worse.
The only people who had a lobby strong enough and aware enough to fight against 5 g towers being placed were the firefighers in america.
And that was because they had bullet proof evidence that the sheer destruction that it causes on their bodies directly harmed their bodies and made their jobs impossible to do.

If only the lazy cunt teachers would stop trying to fuck over boys and fuck the boys and girls and realize that they are being made infertile and mentally retarded and lobby for that rather then another goddamned pay raise.

The teachers and administrations are complicit and in fact bare the greatest guilt for willfully sterilizing and destroying the minds of these kids. And they've been given high quality information, they've been told by state medical boards (as in California) what they're doing, and yet they continue. Which shows there's a broader control structure at work. Either they're hijacked or it's about federal funding (ConnectED etc).

And even then it comes at a cost, the cancer rate in teachers is anomalously high for breast, leukemia, brain, melanomas and other rare cancers. This is because of fluorescent lights, wifi etc, and dirty electricity. Some cancer clusters have been identified in schools that involved the teenagers though (ocular melanoma, very rare), which is impressive because it shows a very short latency between induction and manifestation.

Wifi 6 will make it worse. Being in the absorption spectrum of diatomic oxygen it'll alter the spin of its valence electrons, rendering it unable to bind to hemoglobin. And who knows what else. It seems designed to be harmful. Just like choosing a frequency for wifi near the maximum dielectric loss of water, gosh, I'm sure making water molecules spin on their axis in the body won't do nuttin'! Fucking braindead cunts. I've come to call these people "a prior" assholes. The Herman P Schwan's of the world. Arrogant retard way of thinking, always gets propped up to prominence by the power structure.

I made some posts on 5G and all this stuff earlier. Refer to:
And some other posts before that one.

We got real problems, and the available evidence is not what's lacking. This stuff does things to you. People will not act.

>"a prior"
a priori*

Go away, Daniel Bryan, no one likes you

>This stuff does things to you. People will not act.
No one knows ANY of this shit.

They think that if it isn't nuclear radiation then it's a-okay.
They know fuck all about electricity or magnetisim or radiation or how dangerous all of this stuff is.
What's worse they are being taught how to ignore the signs their bodies are showing them and ignore and even denigrate any and all evidence stating that it's bad for them.

>The world is dying
>Best part?
>5g wifi towers are being put up fucking everywhere especially schools, and it is only going to get worse.
Yea no shit and everyone in the business community doesn't give a shit, Their profit margins and making more money for these companies will destroy the world
We are already rolling out a new piece of technology that makes me fucking sick to my stomach I even had a hand in this shit (tracking analytics of everyone who lives in a city grid)
I know what they're doing but im just paid to do my job and push the buttons/make sure it gets done

Cant wait to go off--grid and fuck off from the remaining diseased society we have left

The business world is just a shit fest for everyone to piss and shit on each other to make it seems like we're winning and the others guys are losing, idiots we're all in this together
We are dying and killing off everything around us

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Vegans have more test. Stop posting meme pictures to justify your immorale and unhealthy meat eating habits.

Mostly true

They got their pay raise, they continued protection to ensure every school has a nurse, a psychologist and a class size of

no, i dont

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>tfw the wrong side won the war

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>Test drops if you get older
>The youngest meat eater (actually omnivore) is older than the oldest vegetarian participant

Lmao vegans caught doing dishonest science again.

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Vegan tranny here, ama

Been vegan fucks up your teeth and tanks your test levels. Humans just aren't meant to be vegan

Oh dear, looks like /x/ left its containment. Alright then, please provide proof.

SPC: /x/ is here
Im out

Good job, faggot. I doubt your pussy ass would ever go off grid but if shit hits the fan you're getting lynched with the rest of the jews.

dios mio...

Veganism is worse for the environment farmers fuck up the soil and landscape with cultivation and the like they also fuck the eco system by killing every living thing that gets too close to the fields of crops that means every mouse bird mole vole cat rabbit rat they either get mowed down by the harvesters which is why crows will follow them in the harvest seasons and then they come back with monsanto and spray the shit outta everything else which also then kills the insects damaging the ecosystem further veganism is a cancer

fucking lol at anyone who still believes in science in 2019

Can't make this shit up kek

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wasted trips

Nowhere near as bad as the damage caused by cattle farming.

Holy shit I wasn't prepared for that

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*drum roll*
*brass section goes crazy*

Oopsie daisy! This is the same kind of bullshit they pull whenever they make one of their futile attempts at proving that smoking is unhealthy.

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