

Attached: 1548470481444.webm (640x360, 2.95M)


Seal rows are based.

You try that, pussy. Post body faggot

Attached: sniff.webm (640x360, 295K)

What in the actual fuck? he couldn't just do a regular row?

These threads are always full of dyel faggots

>has never done seal rows

Attached: 779.gif (286x206, 382K)

Nice seal row

you're the faggot for watching him, not him for doing them

is this how you get the body of the weird seal-with-bear-claws thing that Druids turn into?

Niggas are stupid these days and want to do meme exercise
I only do 3 exercises and im more jacked then that bearcub

Its easier to focus on the row if you dont have to stand with the weight so you can put a lot of weight on. Its pretty common among heavy strenght atlethes.

>Doing anything other than bench press

Never going to make it

post body

t. shit lifts, shit body


Standard for olympic rowers, our weight room has a setup though

Seal rows are GOAT

That dumb faggot is not even doing this right. He pulls the fucking weight back even though he is using special bar for seal rows. Literal faggotry in a webm