6.6 x 4.7 inch dick
What am i in for in life after HS?
6.6 x 4.7 inch dick
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its all downhill from here
So you're saying he should off himself?
hey same dick size, feels pretty bad
Of course he should. You're supposed to get all the pussy in middle school and high school. After that you have to settle. And if you missed out teenage love, it will leave a huge scar in your peesonality that you will never be able to heal.
Everybody develops different.
>5'9 84Kg. Are you a round boy
No, just muscular. Top row of abs is visible when flexed, since i just started my cut after bulking.
Are you still a virgin
No, but i left the girl i was with 2 years ago.
This seems to be the most accepted idea around Jow Forums. I think it's just people accepting a life of fear and everything that comes with it. Think of it for a minute. "If you don't get teenage love in hs you will never heal and you can't get a gf" That's fucking stupid. That's accepting a life of fear and pain no matter how you look at it. I did browse r9k for a good while but I got out and now I feel like a normie, and no life didn't magically get better for me. I fucking made it better.
Or maybe I'm just overthinking about a stupid Jow Forums post just like I always do
>84kg at 5'9
Are you seriously jacked or a lardass?
The former, big legs and wide shoulders combined with a higher BF, thats where i stand currently. I have trouble losing weight because i hate seeing my lifts go down. Took me nearly 2 year to surpass 1/2/3/4, and now numbers start falling back to that? Smh
5.9 x 4.3 inch dick. Hold me bros, why are genetics so unfair, not only I had to be a fatass but am also a dicklet.
>measuring dick HxW
How insecure are you? Kill yourself.
Those are literal pencil dicks lmao
>6.5x5.5 probably thiccer at bottom
you lose some you win some
This is the mindset of a fuckin' quitter. OP, you got your whole life ahead of you, go build an empire.
have you fucked women? curious what they think, my dick stats are the same
only hookers. 2 told me its thick
also it hurt one from behind. (not anal lmao) man its king of dicklets: the size
u saved my life
going ian curtis with dior belt over having that dick size is most retarded thing you can do lmao
pretty retarded shit to suggest but go bang hooker and see yourself since youre autistic like me and cant seduce thoths
>He doesn't know
Guys who worked on their bodies and their $$$ in their early 20s are the guys responsible for the 19-25 bracket of girls having more than double the amount of sex the guys in that bracket have.
Jow Forums 25-35 year old single guys have access to more easy sex than any other male demographic.
LISTEN UP NEETS. If you are a kissless virgin neet at 18. Just lift and get money. Focus on it for 5 years. You can bang unlimited amounts of HOT college sluts for literally 10 years from 25-35 later on
This is the final neet-greenpill
>asking a prostitute for honest feedback
Nah No way this is real
i didnt. probably told me because he realised im autistic retard and might come back and become regular lmao
S H E *
I got >17cm girth. Is that chart real? My dick doesnt seem huge to me, but according to that it is. Are others realy so thin? I only know my own
According to research it is, take a look for your self.
its because you're used to seeing pornstars
Go gay and find out for us
This is oddly familiar. I'd say it all depends on your GPA.
5'10 here, 73kg and I consider myself a little chubby.
With a sample size of 15k, there's no one even 18 cm length. (155 guys out of 15K at 17.1 apparantly)
And girth stops at 145? (4% so 620 guys out of 15k)
i didnt know teenage love and turned out fine. Ask my favourite hookers, they tell you the same thing.
6ft 86kg here and not tubby in the slightest
I keep seeing this and I haven't seen what it's referencing. Spoonfeed pls
Based self improvement poster, felt the same way with browsing r9k last year, changed my life around and started hooking up with girls
Never got into a relationship but I’ve had some good experiences, I’m about to be 20 in a few months and I’m sure I’ll find love and heal the heart