Any of you Jow Forumsizens have HIV/AIDS? How has it affected your gains? What about your life, any major differences, besides taking some pills? Mental health?
HIV Thread
OP is a fag
do you have something you'd like to tell us user?
Please go to your hivs+ containment board also known as pol.
In all seriousness...join a real support group. Nothing of value is on 4ch if you are really hiv+/
>implying I'm not a virgin
Nice try, but no, I'm just a hypochondriac brain-dead autist who thinks the phlebologist who drew blood from me more than 4 months ago reused the needle and somehow got HIV, although the chances are about 1.6*10^-9
if you think you have HIV go get checked out and stop worrying about it on Jow Forums
I'll get some blood tests done in 2 weeks tops, I'm getting myself a Class 2 Medical Certificate to become a glider pilot. Thanks for your kind words, both you and
you forgot to add multiple personality disorder to your list of illnesses.
just remember that it's not a complete death sentence nowadays. good luck user
Mate, do you honestly think your gonna get serious advice from the cunts on here?
(OP here, also , ) So far, a few people have been quite nice on this thread, so I'd say yes. But also, this was mostly to ask others who have experienced living with HIV/AIDS
The test is not necessary. The virus doesnt survive well outside of the body. Even if it did, there must have had been a significant amount of blood on the needle for you to even get a chance of being infected. And in your situation there wasnt even any blood visible on the needle. You are also assuming that IF the needle even got reused, the patient it got used on before you is HIV positive and not on antiretroviral drugs, which is extremely unlikely. You probably got the flu or a cold and thats why you think that you are positive, right? Well, I had the same and I got scared just like you did. I convinced myself that I got HIV and it tortured me for over a month. Got a test and it came back negative. Same will happen for you because it is impossible that you are positive
Stopped reading there, fuck off faggot
Holy shit dude, this calmed me down for a bit. You, sir, are a great person. I've actually been doing some research about this. It turns out, even if the patient before was HIV positive, and there was blood in the needle, it would have only a 0.03% chance of getting to me. Also, the needle would have caused bruising, due to the clotted blood. I've also been torturing myself over this for the past four months. It turns out phlebologists also prepare their needles in advance sometimes. This really cleared my head, thank you for sharing your experience
If this has been eating at you for 4 months, you should’ve just gotten a test a while ago to put yourself at ease. Idk where you live but most places test for free
Yes, even that would be extremely unlikely to cause infection. Dont you think the person drawing blood knows the difference between a used and unused needle? And even if that person fucked up and was about to reuse the needle, someone would have noticed trace amounts of blood on or inside the needle. You would have noticed it yourself. There is no way that you are positive. No ifs. Stop googling and if the fear is really bad just get tested. There is no chance that it will come back positive, but it might calm you down
Finally, I can sleep in peace. Thank you all. Now, as for the initial purpose of this thread, I wonder if anyone here, on Jow Forums, has HIV/AIDS, and given the anonimity, if they could share their experiences and hardships with us
What if the HIV blood test gives you aids?
Your relief won't last very long, you'll just diagnose yourself with some other bullshit.
t. former hypochondriac
Right in them feels, man. Ever since I became one, I either had: brain eating amoeba, hepatitis, tetanus, lymphoma, HIV, etc. It sucks
As for , kek