What is Jow Forumss opinion on gym thots? Are they a negative distraction or do they motivate you?

What is Jow Forumss opinion on gym thots? Are they a negative distraction or do they motivate you?

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they should be gassed in fake shower rooms

Women aren’t allowed in my gym

They motivate me personally, but I can also see why they'd be a distraction and why others hate them.

Gym thots are there for attention. The more you stare/acknowledge/lust for them, the more validated they feel.
Personally I’ve found caffeine to lower my sex drive (I don’t let myself build a tolerance by infrequently having one cup of coffee) so they don’t bother me.

I love them. Free test boost in between sets, and they're doing meme exercises 90% of the time so they're hardly ever hogging racks at my gym.

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>What is Jow Forumss opinion on gym thots?
I go to my gym to roll and wrestle. Gymthots are a plus. That sweet candy when you get crushed by those 20 something about to turn pro mma kids and that your body remind you that you're old enough to be their dad...
>t. boomer considering TRT in around 2 decades.

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why wouldnt you like attractive women lifting and training next to you? everyone who doesnt like that is fucking gay

>Gym clothes

Can't tell if she's from an ad for gym clothes or from the cover of a porn.

I don't mind them. Most gym thots where I live do some pretty decent squats anyways.


There is a time for women and there is a time for training. It is like how Arnold says the average gym rat who uses their phone in between sets isn’t serious. You would rather look at an attention whore instead of focus on your lifts and that is why you are still a dyel.

I get depressed looking at them.

where do you live?

>the average gym rat who uses their phone in between sets isn’t serious
Are you supposed to just gaze into the abyss like a serial killer?
I avoid idle phone use whenever I can, but at the gym there's literally nothing else to do between sets. If you just stand around you'll always be inadvertently staring at someone, and people will think you're a creep since they're oddly sensitive about that at the gym.

Well he would visualize the next lift in his head and practice his posing. But then again he wasn’t afraid of women or what others think like you clearly are

>implying there are only attention whores who are doing meme exercises in the gym

im using my phone inbetween sets to track them, damn arnold really knew everything.

Yeah, the "hurr durr get off ur phone" shit is bullshit. It assumes everyone is doing DYEL-tier pump-n-fluff exercises where you wait like 30 seconds between working sets and do low weight reps to infinity.

I make no apologies for spending up to 5 minutes between working sets on big compound lifts. I'm not in a rush because I've allocated the time, and I'd rather spend extra time making sure I'm fully recovered rather than YOLO it just to get out a few minutes faster.

I guess for me its 50/50 who doesnt want to look at hot and tight girls doing suggestive excercises with thoty clothes but also most of them just want the attention and wont give you the time of day except if you are a legit chad i guess.

Is the goblin the only known natural predator of the gymthot?

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gymthots are just the irl rendition of tinderthots. Tinderthots usually just use the program for some quick validation, very rarely ever actually follow through (unless a 10/10 chad pops up). Similarly, gymthots do what the do because they want the thirsty dudes in the gym lusting after them and giving them looks and attention, even if they don't actually want any of these guys to go any further than that.

Best policy to have with gymthots is to not look at them and not give them an ounce of attention.

They just exist at the same time as me. I'm there to lift and they're there to do their exercises

Who cares? If they are paying members, they are helping keep your gym open. The only time it becomes an issue is if the gym starts catering to them detriment of people there to actually work out. Also, if you are paying that much attention to other people and what they are doing, you aren't going to make it

wrong board baby

I don't lift anymore just wrestle and bjj with youngsters...

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I want my own nigger to follow me around and help me out, this is cripple privelidge

>Are you supposed to just gaze into the abyss like a serial killer?
It’s comfy desu. I basically meditate between sets

my god i absolutely love them,the amount of braphogs at my gym is just amazing they dont do anything but look good and meme exercises,and the absolute test boost i get is insane

>Had a Deadlift top set of 515
>Was only going for 1
>A couple of gym cuties are on the smith machine next to the deadlift area.
>I managed to get 515 for 3

The most likely thought i was a sperg but whatever 2bh

when they are around, I am working overtime to avoid any type of interaction with them - even brief eye contact. I can't handle the thought that they would think I am a creep.

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This user gets it. There are a bunch of gym thots at my gym and they are super friendly with all those thirsty orbiters there. When I started working out there everyone was friendly to me too but once they realised that I am here only for the gains and only focus on my progress, my goals and my form without looking at their direction, they went from sugar to bitchmode within a week. Once I overheard one of these botox lip whores talking to one of her orbiters, that I am weird and she feels uneasy when I am around, even though I ignore everyone. I dont even look at them. Why should I anyways? I am a 170cm manlet. It's not like anyone would care for me. Now these weak willed faggots are becoming rude too and overplay the "protector", constantly standing very close to me when I do my lifts and try to intimidate me. Men are the ones enabling gym thots. This problem wouldnt exist if thirsty ass cucklords would have some diginity.

Same. Ill look at them when I am no where close to them but when we are in close vicinity I pretend the don't exist.

its only so fucking annoying because they dress like that and then give you the stink eye if they dont think you are attractive enough to look at them. if you are wearing this, and get upset when the guy directly behind you barely checks you out for a second, you are a cunt. the male equivalent would be showing up to the gym in a speedo or some shit and staring down anybody who looks in your direction. Fuck gym thots, except for the based ones that tie a sweater around their waist or just wear normal clothes. Im not saying women cant dress how they decide to, but i am saying that leggings are super revealing and you shouldnt expect men not to completely avoid looking at you when you wear them in public.

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>This problem wouldnt exist if thirsty ass cucklords would have some diginity.
Exactly. I find gymthot behavior annoying, but they're just doing what comes natural to them. It's the thirsty beta bois who enable this shit. I cannot imagine being an unironic white knight beta orbider who goes around tipping his fedora for m'lady for no compensation.

And I've had somewhat similar experiences, albeit without being called a creep. I'm athletic and pretty attractive and I'll have women approach me in certain situations. And in the gym this happens too with the gymthots, who will approach me from the other side of the gym pretending to have a problem using some piece of equipment and needing me to help them. I'll either quickly fix whatever the problem is or give a quick piece of advice and get right back to what I'm doing, usually leaving them feeling dumbfounded. I really don't want to talk to gymthots or give them any attention.

Palling around with the actual boomers can be fun though. Old dudes have a good sense of humor and I like giving them advice when they ask for it.

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Never understood why people say they’re a distraction. Can you not deadlift if there is a thot within 50m? Just do your workout and enjoy the eye candy between sets

you're an enabler. kys

Same here in general for me. I have a home gym so I don't see them there, but when I'm out at the store or going around town and see all the qts it really makes me sad that I don't have a gf.

>you're an enabler of something you don't think is a problem

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what is that meme shit thots do stepping on the step thing and slowly moving it down. like what the fuck does that even do


Who actually films this shit? Their cuckold boyfriend? Does he upload it to her IG too so that every abdul and pajeet can call her beautiful and ask to show bobs+vagene?

>tfw seeing people record thots during sets
Everyone in the area becomes uncomfortable

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it's a 10% bodyweight step-up

> doesnt have an aneurism when i see a gym thot
> doesnt get so sexually frustrated that i bitch about imaginary gym thots on a fake online image board
Damn guess that makes me an enabler. Dumbass

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>Women in the gym
Fine, as long as it's clear that they are there to exercise just like anyone else and dress accordingly (aka for comfort while working out)
It is NOT comfortable to be lightly dressed, that shows a lot of skin, not for men or women.
I have women in my gym who exercise, some to lose weight and one or two that are actually going for strength gains. Also tons of thots (80% of women at my gym are thots) who are very lightly dressed and make no gains in any department, weight loss, nor strength, because they only do meme exercises at best, and at worst stretch or do body exercises while pouting/looking at their phones.

TLDR; only allow women in comfortable COVERING clothing in gyms

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Actually seems like a decent exercise. It's a bit of a meme, but its basically just a leg extension. Lunges are better but maybe some women don't have the grip strength to do them.
This is the weirder thing desu.

The truth is that gym-dudes are just as vain, they're just less confident about show it off. They'd do just as many IG thottery if they could.

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the hot ones with tan skin, blonde hair, wear gymshark, huge boobs and ass, pink lipstick and makeup, squating an olymic bar with 2.5lbs on each side get me such a hard on and it's fun as hell to hit on em inbetween sets. my next favorite is cardio bunnies and god damn i hate fully clothed women who do men routines and go for strength and nonsense taking up everything with unimpressive numbers and not looking sexy

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never smashed?

I'd lie if I said they don't motivate me to go hard, but I'm already motivated to go hard anyway and they do distract with their stares between sets. Also take up the basketball section to stretch, which I always use, as a basketball person.

>the male equivalent would be showing up to the gym in a speedo or some shit and staring down anybody who looks in your direction
no sane male would ever do this. imagine how insane you would have to be to do this. that is the gymthot's mindset

“Look Babs, if you're truly worried about people seeing your ass, just go ahead and do what all the other girls do and tie a sweater around your waist.”— Dr. Cox