Post people you thought were huge before lifting

post people you thought were huge before lifting

Attached: marlon-brando-on-set-of-the-film-a-streetcar-named-desire-1951-ETBHJW.jpg (1016x1390, 150K)

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Attached: 4ddafa19c61b05ac836986929d0b9232--casino-royale-sexy-men.jpg (468x925, 42K)

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Every pic you post you have to post body.

>still a better body then most of fit tho

Attached: 71M4JBihqFL._SY606_.jpg (412x606, 31K)

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I wish I'll look as good as him at the age of 50.

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first physique i saved when i started browsing Jow Forums. i mean his abs are good and his pecs are decent, but his quads are pathetic and he's basically a dyel

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someone show me 1 (one) celebrity who actually has good legs.

He did not age well

Attached: Marlon_Brando_old.jpg (375x669, 39K)

how fucking dare you

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looks like fucking mafia boss. how did he not age well

Attached: Larry-Wheels.05.jpg (850x850, 206K)

Attached: bradley-martyn-flexing-his-muscles-while-squeezing-his-hands-against-a-bench.jpg (850x1081, 126K)


we need to go W I D E R

>cant even bench 3pl8

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Raiders of the Lost Ark airplane mechanic

Not saying that he doesn't have a good look going, but his physique is all bone structure and fat deposits.

Attached: Indiana.Jones_.and_.the_.Raiders.of_.the_.Lost_.Ark_.1981-pink.jpg (1600x680, 117K)

Man, Carlton sure aged well.

Goal body (my legs are already better) possible natty?

This so much!

Attached: 1547696889853.jpg (1024x1024, 249K)

Imagine being this autistic

Unaesthetic milkers desu


thats the best image i've ever seen

I would say that ~500 lbs is much more than 3pl8.

Of course it is. It's not even a peak.

how is it autistic?