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holy shit id love to fight her until we both broke each other’s ribs and fuck until my dick snaps off
sophie arvebrink
is she even fertile anymore?
She could be a 9/10 or 10/10 if (((modern society)))
didnt lead her to become this. Really a shame.
my penis approves
A THOT ALARM has been sounded. Your local THOT POLICE have identified a THOT in the vicinity of your wholesome board. Description includes:
1. Ass cheeks falling out of shorts
2. Baseball cap
3. BACKWARDS baseball cap
4. Sleeveless hoodie
5. Half-shaved head
6. Heavy makeup
7. Varbie delts
>is she even fertile anymore?
i hope not
>modern society
haha imagine her making you sniff her butt after a 2 hour sesh of lifting, that would be so weird haha
cute boy
>knee extensions
>forward lunge
lmao enjoy your destroyed knees you stupid cunt
>modern society
you forgot the fake eyelashes. if you wear those to the gym you deserved to be kicked in the cunt
>t. functional trainer
stop that bs
women are so weak holy shit
is that how you get a powerbutt?
is there a machine to get a powerbutt?
nice that you post double.
Well a lot more girls are muscular now and also there are more fat girls.
Girls with nice bodys seem to be get rarer.
Ideal would be anything between Britney Spears in 2000 and a curvy version of that but no monster like in OPs post.
She is cute but why the hell does she need to look like a dyke?!
Lel great posting! How do I click the “like” button??
>ITT: closeted gay men
That doesn't mean society pushes that model, you dunce. If anything, they're looked down upon for being too manly.
2 out of 5 sniffs
>commenting on the lack of sniffs instead of posting sniffs
she's at least a 3.5/5 on the sniff scale
what is she on?
much better before all the tren
Wow, this made me sad actually
She was so graceful and feminine looking, took it too far
>Smith machine
>Confirmed dyel
Damn shame. From beautiful young woman to weird gremlin
Haha, imagine thinking you can take her in a fight only to be surprised at how tough she really is and she beats the shit out of you, keeps you in her basement and feeds you nothing but viagra and water and uses you for whatever she wants? that would fucking suck haha.
smith machine is only used by dyel's or people that are obviously on gear. There is no in between
She should stay away from weights for 6 months, eat sensibly and take off about 20 lbs of muscle. Would be 10x hotter.
based haha poster
I'm not an expert, but I'd bet from observing her form she looks like she should expect a serious injury in her near future.
God I wish.
Fact: lunges are better for the knees than squats and more functional you stoopid idiot
>or people that are obviously on gear.
How come?
Does being on roids make The Smith™ more efficient or something?
yeah thats so wierd haha
I fucking hate gym/instagram thots
Take a wild guess why she looks like a dyke
you don't need to be efficient while on roids
bare minimum will suffice, just getting "that pump" suffices
she lives in Sweden, probably had to get this big to keep from getting raped by all the muhammads
>Justin Bieber twink face
you idiot. they never said lunges were bad for the knees. they specifically said forward lunges. reverse lunges are the proper way to do lunges.
She's been blasting roids or test right? I mean you never see chicks like this, even the ones who lift like 6 days a week.
>go to america
>all the girls are muscular and infertile
Fucking kikes
I have never ever seen a muscular girl in real life, I don't know where you live where the phenomenon is such a plague but I'd like to move there.
pic related/10