I know you guys are sick of me and im sorry to bring you news from the Netherlands again, but i just had to share this brutal beating of a young teenage Dutch boy by approximately 14 foreign boys, from what i assume, Moroccan, Turkish or Syrian descent.
Oh well, at least they weren’t racists, his cuck parents probably supported refugees and mass immigration, they get what they paid for in the worst possible way.
I bet you at some time him it his parents had called Gert Wilders or any far right person/politician a Nazi and embraced diversity
Gavin Walker
We have issues with refugees in Canada as well. They bring a lot of problems from home with them. Most of the time they refuse to integrate. Canada's starting to distance themselves claiming they offer citizenship to everyone, but when they get here foreigners are denied in closed courts and sent home.
Levi Watson
This is fucking Jow Forums, just because you spend a lot of time here doesn't mean it's your personal fucking blog. Eat shit and fuck off.
Isaac Myers
You deserve it. The french are beginning to wake up; let’s see if you people do too.
Parker Cook
Andrew Davis
its so fucking sad. they can speak dutch but they overexaggerate this foreign accent so the dutch language sounds like utter shit coming out their mouths
Colton Rivera
These people are just lashing out at a system of white supremacy that controls the world. Show some sympathy.
Oliver Parker
the fuck's this got to do with fitness? white boy not share the squat rack with them?
Liam Williams
Dont forget the cuckstream media refused to report on this but had the american cathoclic native thing on their frontpage we need to start killing journalists in the streets
Henry Moore
>people speaking Dutch Ohhh wehh!!! Mein Gehirn!! Was machst du mit meinem Gehirn???
Jackson Bell
Thats german you mong.
Robert Long
who cares, people get beat up all the time you never lived in a poor neighbourhood? Nigger, spic, arab or whitey, poor people attack eachother The solution to this is to make sure that you personally aren't a target, and that you protect those in your community as best you can. Bitching online won't do shit
Levi Anderson
go back to
Austin Davis
t. Abdullah AllahMuhammad
Gavin Jackson
But seriously, unless you can relate this to fitness, don't post this on fit dude.
Hudson Rodriguez
sorry man. just trying to bring awareness on whats going on in this country
Mason Diaz
>muh violent refugees
this shit literally doesn't even happen
it's just rare cases that get filmed and blown out of proportion by racists
Landon Perez
tfw polack living in netherlands tfw just want to lift, have cute dutch blonde gf and be good law abiding citizen tfw learning dutch tfw have to pay taxes on shitskins