This is why I lift.
This is why I lift
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For an ugly and skinny Jewess from Israel?
comic con?
if a girl dresses like this and gets sexually assaulted she is mostly to blame
No woman even half as beautiful as her will ever love you.
>those hands
Every time.
I know an Italian girl in college with a similar face. Bigger tits and an ass though.
Con thots are a good niche for Jow Forums nerds
she fucks black guys
Lol I disagree because Ive had women twice as beautiful as her fall in love with me, and they werent skinny jewesses from israel.
No you've had women twice her size fall in love with you. Bigger doesn't mean better, lad.
Defending a random woman on an anime imageboard won't get you laid, user
Shalom, my JIDFriend.
A woman twice her size would be normal size.
>t. muhamad
Time to cut, you fat fuck.
Cutting is for twinks.
I hate when people hate stick girls.
For a flat chested 7/10?
>this is why I lift
>stupid fake tits
to throw her in an oven?
La goblina de los muttatos
Sometimes she looks 10/10 others she is average
She is legit ugly, you have shit taste in women.
100% aryan
She always looks like shit lol
She is ugly.
This is peak performance. Just LMAO at Americans for supporting the ugly kike, and trying to kill the beautiful Iranian woman. Burger brains.
lift for yourself, no one else is going to
natty tits dont make them any less laughably small user
Except for, you know, my girlfriend.
well la-di-da, mr. girlfriend over here
I'm not op, I just hate fake tits
better than fakes
>lifts for some other dude's wife who gets fucked by her husband on the reg
sounds pretty you-know-what to me
someone post that fast and furious webm that shows this chick's horrible skelly body
Why are you lifting for a jew instead of pure wholesome girl like this?
Because she's 14, user.
based muslim poster
She's no match for the original Wonder Woman.
10/10, best part is she still looks better today.
Because she has all the immaturity of a 13 year old with all the beauty of a 40 year old chain smoker
I'm not sure I understand?
This is why I lift, to carry on the 14 words and go down in fph history.
point is she's not only an old hag, she already hit the wall that other women hit at 30, somehow
I don't care what exactly they look like as long as they take care of their health and love me for who I am.
Why did you have to make it weird?, that pic you posted is pedo af you creep.
Also your wrong.
*sends you to the shadow realm*
An Emily is fine too
Do you think she has a brother called Guy
I didn't know Jow Forums had cunny threads too
That’s not his son
gal is a unissex name , it means 'wave'
anyone who replies to this reply will fuck mom.
I lift for this smile
Based I say!
Cheers friend
That's the guy from the memes, nice to see him happy. Blonde hair is recessive, so how did they have a dark hair son? Poor guy doesn't even know.
You lift to post a webm on Jow Forums? weird flex
Wondertranny? You should get your head checked, you faggot. If you find what is quite blatantly a male attractive; then you are a bona fide FAGGOT.
Really ?
If more women in their 30's looked like Gal Gadot I'd start banging chicks my own age instead of chicks in their early 20's. I'm 32 and the oldest chick I've had sex with was 31. She was 5'11 and a former ballerina and fit as fuck, but she was a crazy commie / sjw which I only found out after nutting in her about 5 times. 99% of women over the age of 28 are disgusting.
the cope
I'm a JoJo guy myself.
Lmao for that ugly skank?
holy fuck, I thought this was a woman