/plg/ - powerblogging general

fuk s*an edition

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Eat a ton of protein. Squat heavy. Push heavy objects. Have sex. Love life.

Lateral raises are the best gauge of raw physical strength


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Baste. My philosophy too.

Is that Isley?

what the fuck

>have sex

Never gonna make it

t. 7,5kg "power" lateral raise

Repost from end of last thread:
However old you are. Fuck off.

>I'm 21 atm

For fuck's sake, zoomer. I started actually lifting just before I turned 21, and went to the USAPL national meet after years of training for and around golf and rugby seasons. It'll be harder if you're in one of the legit weight classes (105 kg and 93 kg) because that's where 99% of the worthwhile lifters are, and the IPF/USAPL faggotrons don't give them 99% of the field. Instead insisting that some charity case babbyweight pansies get "equal" representation.

It's still entirely possible if you stop asking really stupid questions and go TRY HARDER.

Mirin beard gains. No homo.

Am I wasting time by training the press? I know it's not a comp lift, but god I love it

What's a decent strict (elbows straight, arms above parallel) lat raise? I played around with them and got to like 15 reps with 15 kg

It is the best gauge of raw physical strength, unironically

I do it for building my shoulders occasionally after bench. Typically 5x8-12. Don't really care how I progress on it though.

*played around with them for a month

Won £20 at the casino lads B-)

No, it's good for hypertrophy and if your bench is going up along with it there's no problem

A personal goal of mine is to get lmao2plate on the press. I wish it was a comp lift

>Won 20 euros
>Lost my respect
Sorry, user.

Wow amazing enjoy being extremely wealthy

Yeah 2 pl8 would be fun to do. I always do bench first so I'm usually too burnt afterwards to try it beyond lightweight hypertrophy work. Don't want to waste a day seeing how well my Press has gone up either when I could focus on bench. I did 160x5 like 5 months ago I think. Bench and every other lift has gone way up since then though so who knows where it's at now.

You awake?

Right here, sexy. What do you need?

I have some news for Isley

I'm cooler than Isley. Tell me the news instead.

Can’t even say it here
Needs to be done vocally on discord

I had high hopes for you.

Hahah well I am getting pretty high rn ahah calibunga dude


Yeah I’ll phone you in 5 minutes

I thought we were talking in discord you dumb cunt.

Yeah phone call via discord

Discord ended up being pretty cool once I gave it a go. Its the only place its socially acceptable for me to Voice chat with a sexually confused German guy, overly London sounding British girl, Australian guy who drinks too much, a nymphomaniac american girl, some army vet black guy and a 15 year old Malaysian girl all at the same time

Like obviously I don’t have his personal phone number kek

Form check?
Webm here : Was told to ask /plg/.
I'm now aware that the weight is too light to get a proper form check, but how does it look otherwise?
I'm actually a pretty flexible person, and I'm trying NOT to go full ATG, and get a proper low bar squat going.
Someone brought up buttwink, although I question whether that's an issue, or if my spine is doing anything out of the ordinary here.
Thanks bros.

I would suggest getting a haircut and without weight on the bar it's useless

Gotcha, thanks

anyone else here flirt with girls then get disinterested if they flirt back
for some sick reason I only like the chase, I like when they play hard to get

As others have said, you need to out weight on the bar to actually get an accurate form check. You're going down far too fast, and a bit too deep. You're getting but wink because you go too deep. Stop around parallel.

>anyone else here flirt with girls

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online, behind a computer screen, where they don't know what I actually look like*

>I'm actually a pretty flexible person
No youre not, buttwink happens because you lack flexibity to squat. Something even fat immobile powerlifters can do, so you can imagine how trash is your flexibility.

>You're getting but wink because you go too deep.

No, he's going too deep because of the buttwink. Keep your lower back REALLY TIGHT and the problem should fix itself.

Kind of yea. I love being mired, but not even sure if I'd want a gf.

Never knew it worked that way. Thanks for enlightening me squat nigga.

I definitely don't lack spine flexibility. I'm a purple belt in BJJ and am used to being upside down, on my spine, neck, being compressed, twisted, etc.

I didn't get any discomfort from sprinting, shadowboxing, jogging, burpees or anything like that
But walking 45 min a day and jumping rope a little bit has given me a weird pain in my knees and my calves


for me, I like being MEAN to women, and I like when they get all shy and submissive cause they're not as quick witted or willing to defend themselves

But then you get some who play along, and that's when I feel uncomfortable and afraid of commitment

>tfw too athletic to walk

Who hurt you nigga

I am afraid of commitment please help me i dont know what to do

Stop being a little bitch?

nice, that's what I call your sister when I fuck her lad

Just how important is squatting if you just want to improve deadlift?

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squatting wont make you happy, but it will make you deadlift more.

Didn’t know I had one.

bring your twink boy butt over here then faggot


I fucked your dad faggot

Then how come loads of strongman AND strongman program only recommend squatting once per week
Every other week?

I didn't know they did, but squatting is better than not squatting. The fact they squat merely indicates that you should squat.

I can answer any question you have about anything I am a super boy genius

How do I make her fall in love with me?

Put on a façade and maintain it for the next 40 years

How do I get rid of her boyfriend though?

Real talk, women aren't attracted to men who pursue them, because they're retarded and don't realize that's the biological purpose of the 21st century man.

Your best bet is to act disinterested in her, but have pity sex with her because her man just isn't satisfying her enough and she deserves better. Because all women think they are special and deserve better, even when they really, really don't.

Thanks /plg/! You’re my favorite general next to /nfl/.

I'm just some random dude who's never posted in plg before

I fucked you faggot.

haha never post again

I wish


I'll start to do box squats because I'm too retarded to hit proper depth

I'll alert the media.

(Good idea though)

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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Isley, have you ever pulled on an erg before?


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he's pulled a sperg plenty of times check the archive or his youtube channel

>the bench chad is anti socialist and pro individual

i've got a brand new level of appreciation and respect for him to be honest.

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I pretty much get ptsd going near one.

what's a good exercise for upper traps for hypertrophy and lift carryover?

ask raffy he has experience with traps


deadlift heavy ass weight

What’s the magical bench press to clavicle ratio?

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Anyone got experience with Texas Method greyskull?

I did "regular" greyskull for my begginer LP, I'm just above 1/2/3/4 now and I'm stalling out a lot more. Soon I think it'll be time to switch up the programming, but I dunno what I'd like to do

Average to Savage 2.0, or 28 free programs if you are a poor fag

t. hank

did my first meet yesterday

after i pulled 270 conventional the main judge told me to “work on your squat a lot buddy”

i squatted 180kg lmaoing @ my life. Also benched 150

how the fuck do you have over 100kg difference
mines like fucking 20kg


>being past novice and doing meme cookie cutter programs
just figure out rep/set progression and stop being an gde

I just do more reps when I get stuck seems to work lol

Just pick any weekly progression you like the look of and fits your schedule.

>1/2/3/4 on greyskull
Fucking talentchads.

I notice almost nobody except Pete Rubbish twists the inside of the elbow to face forward when double overhand gripping a deadlift, and even he sometimes ignores it.

When I do this I get a lot more power off the floor, but it still worries me that it is a ticket to snap city of sorts because nobody else seems to do it.

And what's up with Jordan of Barbell Medicine and his love of 4s for pressing and benching. This is some sick shit.

Is he natty?

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reinventing the wheel. Gotta confuse the noobs to sell them new(tm) routine.

>Romaleos 3.5 XD

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My first three lift comp I did 195/115/270

Guess what I was told to work on :(