Cringe or based?

cringe or based?

Attached: 1548545788666.webm (480x480, 2.55M)

peak human evolution

what about this?

Attached: 1548546248454.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

There has to be an easier way to kill yourself than all that.

Gym fort is my garage goal but i would turn one of the adjacent garages into a studio since I like banging on my drums.

Attached: arm wrestling.png (1116x629, 809K)

That was his gym in his apartment not his garage gym.

I know.
He's done stupid stuff with bands at gym fort too.
He even got a midget to hit the ceiling.

It's my dream one day to have a gym. It's guys only. It's gonna be called Guy Heaven.

Why would some dude join a guys only gym if he wasnt gay?

lmao what the fuck dude
>he could've legit kill himself

>meanwhile, at Jow Forums university's college of engineering....

Is that juji


That is a legit death trap.

100% Reddit humor.

>training to punch manlets

what am i looking at

Attached: 1440176629_filthy frank's boat.jpg (470x265, 49K)

this is juji before he let that twink tom into his life. He was living on the edge doing whatever it took to gain that sweet sweet internet fame

>Got a midget to hit the ceiling
Excuse me?
Could I get a recap?

>chad workout

haha yeh he used to be a funny shitposter now he just does cool grip and arm wrestling stuff. fun dude but people on here dont like him because this board has a no fun policy and superiority complex or something

try Jow Forums as a whole.

idk man he did some fun stuff (rollerblade deadlift, horse mask freakout, etc) and some of his new youtube stuff is pretty good, I just can't fucking stand his forced "youtuber" personality. and don't get me started on that numale fuccboi tom.

Tom and him act cringe as fuck if the channel wasn't spotlighting their lame ass personalities i would watch it.

Would be funnier if he wasnt a manlet himself


>our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our lifts.

tick tick BOOM!

>When you want to suicide but make it look like you're a dumbass at the same time

Attached: fit1armfloordrags.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Was just about to post this kek.

His videos are fucking shite now that he is trying too hard with that edgy fuck "Tom".
They were good when he was just vlogging his workouts couple years back.

he's like 3'5"

>I do kickers I do fucking twisters

i remember that thread LMAO

Thats only 225, its a 45, 2 10s, and a 25
Its cringe

Attached: 1527626709776.png (136x102, 26K)

God I bet that sling smells amazing. I want Juji to fuck me on it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2018.06.15_22.12.32].png (491x637, 472K)

Glad I"m not the only one who thought that's who it is

Fucking based

Attached: 1540759483689.webm (576x720, 1.46M)

Oh Sam.

The Chad chariot

wtf is this lol

I would join a guy only gym. It'd be like any other gym but probably have a lot more free weights and less machines. Planet Fitness is an example of a female gym, bunch of machine and cardio because women don't want to lift heavy. Most women at my gym are just doing meme shit. Stuff they could have easily done at home, like stretching on a yoga mat then biking for 15 minutes.

This looks like something Sam Hyde would do as a joke.

sam hyde much

>sometimes, I pull on the cable so hard the handle breaks

Attached: You peak my interest, as well.gif (250x231, 875K)

Neither. Shit looks fun desu

when ur balls so thick'n'big u cannot close dem legs anymore

Attached: big balls.jpg (615x740, 68K)

Are you retarded? Having to stabilize yourself is way harder than resting on something stable. Try doing push ups with your hands on top of of a small exercise ball, bet you wont even be able to do 10, even with an incline advantage.

Stopping to care about safety and doing retarded but fun shit with weights is the final fitness redpill.
Insert random video of Jon North here