Lol @ men drinking milk

"The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk."


Attached: Men-Have-a-Great-Reason-to-Sue-for-‘Men-Boobs’.jpg (937x750, 103K)

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non-white hands posted this thread

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That's right. Have fun being out-bred.

colossal cope

enjoy your glass of estrogen

So drink milk without added hormones.

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I’m high test as fuck and drink milk literally every day. Fuck off with your bullshit.
Pic related, god tier milk.

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The Virgin Anonymous Man on the Internet Claiming He's High T vs. The Chad Peer Reviewed Research

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Hormones occur naturally in milk. Even without added hormones, you still get a huge dose of mammalian estrogen.

Peer Reviewed study > user on anime imageboard

Do you even know what the milk I posted is? Take advice from and fuck off, you chimp.
I have a hot wife and a beautiful daughter while you sit post with sausage fingers. Pathetic.

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t. larping incel with bitchtits from milk

Imagine being this retarded and grouping all dairy as the same product. Slim milk has next to NONE hormones. Steroid hormones are fat soluble. Without any fat there can't be any hormones. Get you fucking facts straight you onions cuck.

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Cope harder. I’d post my family but that’d be a stupider idea than shit posting about milk on a fitness board on a Saturday night.

>I have a hot wife
Yeah, I bet you do. :)

everyone believes you

milk is for babies, when you grow up you have to drink beer

subhuman cope

t. Won't be around in two generations

Imagine thinking whites becoming minorities is a good thing for non-whites

God I love being white

Imagine becoming globally extinct like some unfortunate animal, overtaken by a superior force.

> superior force

So you think whites are being destroyed by something inferior? Sad!


These values are on the order of several MICROgrams for 1L of whole milk per day. That's NOTHING. Still I bet manlet weak-boned dairy avoiders have no problem taking finasteride to save their hair -- an estrogenic progestin taken at doses of ~5MILLIgrams per day.

Vegan pharma shills really make me think sometimes.

t. inferior brown boy

t. Seething, scared whitey. We're enjoying your women very much. :)

In response to OP, it's almost like consuming almost anything will acutely impact circulating hormones.

But yet utter smooth-brained retards will latch onto an acute affect. Just laughing my butt off over here

These researchers were either complete hacks and don't know shit or they are WILLFULLY trying to deceive you

Reminder that governments do not want you to eat animal products. It's cheaper to feed a slave labour on grains and not have to pay out a pension package.

Look up "bigu" to understand why monks have known this for a long time

I’m very scared. Shaking in my boots. Posting about your imaginary qt3.14 white gf on Jow Forums must make you feel content with yourself hm? Tell me, what kind of darkie are you compadre?

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>People drink milk for thousands of years
>Suddenly it's bad for you

"When I grow up, I want to live like people did thousands of year ago!" said no one ever.

Also, appeal to nature fallacy.

I'm sure you see yourself as a logical man who pursues masculine rationality and the light of truth.

You're not.

Why did this turn into a race war all I wanted was for y'all to have more gains.

Aw big boy Jow Forums psychologist

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I know I shouldn't expect the average Jow Forums user to be scientifically literate, but there are a ton of problems with that paper.
>Why was the sample size so small?
>Why wasn't there a control group?
>To what extent were hormone levels effected?
>Do these levels reflect long term changes in hormone balance, or is it transient?
A lot of bullshit gets published. Just because you can find one study to support your claim doesn't make it true.

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Welcome to 2019. If that wasnt bad enough, Jow Forums in 2019

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I accidentally just drank out of my piss jug guys
>be me
>home gym in basement, no bathroom
>have idea, save jug from last nights milk to piss in so I dont have to go upstairs
>not looking
>take a big swig from wrong jug
>salty as fuck
can I expect some bear grylls gains or am i gonna get sick bros

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Logic and reason? On my Jow Forums?!

Better finish it, fag. Might as well not waste it.

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Absolutely btfo

milkbois will never stop coping. literally drinking glasses of estrogen filled milk like little babies and then shifting the goalposts to racial debates instead of acknowledging their gynecomastia.

Milk is for effeminate cancer cucks

youre not gonna be sick from one swig of piss lmao
why is your milk blue

There are only micrograms of estrogen in milk -- not enough to have any impact.

OP's papers only shows a that consuming milk has a transient effect on testosterone.

see the paper posted in

More trash by vegan shills who can't lift a jug of milk let alone drink it

"""Reseach""" that says whatever the grant-giver wanted it to say.