Is there any solution for ibs?

Is there any solution for ibs?
I have no hope.

Attached: IBS.jpg (1500x1296, 106K)

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Keto or zerocarb. Not that reddit shit
>lazy keto
No more beer, pizza, or soda for you ever again. Fake sugars will also fuck your bowel up. Go carnivore.

Remove animal products from your diet

Low FODMAP diet

Follow your doctor's advice and don't de meme diets

Ironically high fibre vegan diet.

Your gut needs good fiber. It's good for your brain too

not working
I need a solution, not a relief of symptoms

This crap will kill you, fiber will literally tear your bowels apart.

my doc actually told me to do this for IBS, couldnt be fucked though (not OP)

Try zerocarb for a week. You have nothing to lose.

the doctor told me, "medicine has not found a solution for ibs so far. Take the pills"

Literally do the opposite of this

This is helpful

Also kefir really helped me. Raw milk is another option

What diet have you adopted?

Did you remove all animal products?

Cut out carbs

Whenever I binge eat carbs, especially white bread, pasta, and sugary foods, I get the farts and the poops 24/7

Just stop eating that shit, it’s better for you anyways, and when I only eat veggies, meat and eggs and some dairy products I shit like a champ

Don't listen to this el creatura, now that he's been banned from jewtube, he comes to shit up fit with his vegan propaganda. Veganism will make things a thousand times worse.

Ovo vegetarianism diet

>Did you remove all animal products?

Quit being obtuse, you were still consuming animal products.

Dump that shit and start to feel alive again.

I know the feeling, I have crohn's. Listen to your body. Try different diets and see what works and what doesn't. Consult your doctor.

Try to avoid all soda and junkfood.
IBS and diet go hand in hand.
Don't ask Jow Forums for advice, go on youtube atleast.
Most importantly use common sense.

Don't listen to this cultist.
IBS is exacerbated by stress or bacteria, hence FODMAPs reducing symptoms.

Humans can't digest cellulose and the bacteria will then feed on this in your gut.

Stop eating processed foods and try mend your gut flora with kefir, sauerkraut or other fermented foods.

>I don't have crohn's or cancer or colitis ulcerosa .

My doctor said no wheat and no fake sugar.
but it doesn't work

OP, answer this question first: Are you trying to bulk?


For rest of my life. Are you kidding me ?

eat healthy food. your body is trying to tell you that the shit you are putting in it is killing you. also exercise regularly. our bodies were designed for survival. hunting gathering, not sitting at a desk memeing and eating shit processed foods

No cut. Why?

Try to eat two Kiwifruits a day.

Also, you need to improve your diet. No Junk Food, no chocolate, no milk, no eggs.

Do you track what you eat on a fitness app like myfitnesspal? Can you post what you ate last Thursday.

oh also drink lots of water. if u think you are drinking enough drink double that. your body needs water to do anything especially your digestive system

All this advice from people who likely don't suffer from IBS themselves.
Eat fermented foods

Worst advice in this thread

Either a poop transplant or fasting/carnivore diet

>Don't ask Jow Forums for advice
Should be coded to the very top of this board in big red letters

Are you retarded? You say you have no hope, yet you're opposed to not eating the shit that's killing your innards? Just die suffering, you lazy fat sow.

people dont realise that you can literally cure yourself of a lot of pain and discomfort by eating healthy, exercising and drinking lots of water. they get all caught up in medical bullshit that assumes you're already doing those things when they diagnose you

>poop transplant
you mean taking a shit?

Cellulose feeds the good bacteria

> poop transplant

What ?

step 1: make a list of trigger foods
step 2: make a list of safe foods
step 3: remove trigger foods, eat safe foods

additional information: getting the list right is important so you'll have to eat nothing but the food you're testing for a day and that can be annoying

I don't think i have IBS but a lot of foods fuck up my stomach ( Cereals, dairy, onions, some veggies, chocolate ..)

make sure to ignore the cultist " just go vegan/eat raw meat XD and all ur problem will go away

Also never eat so much food that you're stomach is full, that'll only lead to disaster


almost all problems can be solved through dietary and exercise protocols.

this one seems diet related. First, no processed foods, no processed sugar, no fast food, you get the idea.

start cutting trash from your diet, if you dont know what is trash talk to a nutritionist. a legit one.
good luck

Look OP i know what is like to have a chronic disease, doctors will fuck around with you and people will give half assed solutions. A cure is not gusranteed but if you want to at least have a chance you have to go batshit crazy. I'm talking about zappers, fasting, enemas, diet changes, lacto fermented foods, clean water and a hundred more crazy stuff. There are forums with people obsessed with alternative cures to an almost autistic level. Take for example, 80% is bullshit and quackery, but if you dig deep enough you might stand a chance to reclaim your health and your destiny.
t. Had bowel problems, eliminated all parasites (we all have em) and fasted and used an inversion table. I never got cured 100% but I'm a human being again.

Attached: 1547367049160m.jpg (1024x768, 170K)

There is no good bacteria left, our guts are barren. All foods are pasteurised or sterilised.

This is where fermented foods come in, replenish the good bacteria then eating these other foods won't cause you discomfort


Fecal transplant is a thing. This is great advice OP.

So tell me : where carbohydrates are digested ?

Maybe I should look for a problem in organs?

do the opposite of this. eat only animal products.
then if you have less issues you could try and introduce plant foods back into your diet one by one so you'll know whats giving you issues.

for me when I eat a lot of bread, I have hard painful shits.

I also got diagnosed with IBS a few years ago. I was a skelly desperately trying to bulk. I had tried everything, nothing really helped though. Especially nothing I was prescribed. The only thing that helped a little was watching out for and avoiding FODMAPs. That's just fighting symptoms though, not a solution.

It took me forever to realize that the size of my meals was too large. It's as if I can't process more than a certain amount of food at once. I know, not really scientific. However, reducing the size of my meals made 99% of my problems go away. These days I eat just about everything.

I never thought about it.
I have to try.But you mean calories or grams(oz)

The average human gut contains 100 trillion good bacteria.

We are not barren

In my case it might have been both, since I was eating both *physically large* meals AND high calories.

But I'm pretty sure it was mostly the amount, hence volume and weight of the food.

Wow, great work with your autistic literalism. You made yourself look pedantic while contributing nothing of worth.

IBS symptoms will (in most cases) be improved by introducing more good bacteria in the gut through fermented foods or raw milk

"there's no good bacteria left"


>What is an exaggeration

calling it poop transplant is misleading since the point of it is to transplant healthy microflora from a dude's innards to someone else

Does it have to be a dude?

ok . Thanks

I have IBS too. What worked for me is vitamin D3 supplements + what says, probiotics/fermented foods like yogurt. I eat yogurt after dinner almost every day.

Also, quit soda. I only drink water and occasionally tea.

Just wear a diaper lmao

n-no homo

Is your IQ below 75?


for plants ?

There is no true solution you lazy shit, relief of symptoms is what you have to go for.
>I have IBS

Geneal things You can do:
Go low fodmap diet. As your gut gets better over time gradually introduce high fodmap foods back one at a time.
Don't eat mega sized meals at one time. Eat a predictable and regular diet and be willing to cut out foods that are difficult for your body to digest.

Take probiotics. There is debate whether they work or not but they can't hurt you.
Could try gluten free too. I wouldn't recommend it unless absolutely necessary but I'm a glutard so I do gluten free.

>Don't drink a lot of alcohol. It will wreck your gut

Unironically smoke weed

FYI there are no "good bacteria" in fermented milk for humans. Thats the shit that causes it in the first place, most people with IBS have a lactose allergy or intolerence. EAT MORE BEANS

>fermented milk
>lactose allergy or intolerence
You're retarded, there is little to no lactose in fermented milk. The bacteria used it up.

Furthermore lactose intolerance is a consequence of pasteurisation of milk not milk intake itself. Most so called lactose intolerant people can intake raw milk fine

I just started eating carnivore and then transitioned into keto

how much?

People with IBS have a higher pain receptor count than other people in their gut. Leading them to be very sensitive regarding high insoluble fiber and gas creating food.
What went through your mind when you just tried to recommend eating more beans?

OP should eat Vegan, that solves IBS.

Limit your fat intake to at max 8 grams a day. Take Omega-3 algae supplements.

You need to track your foods. Track everything you eat on mfp app.

If your overweight, you might just be eating too much at one go.

>OP should eat Vegan, that solves IBS.
Is this bait? If not this is pure malice

>eat Vegan, that solves IBS.


Look up fecal transplant

OP is probably drink a ton of milk a day, eating cheese pizzas and eating fatty meats.


Yes. I IBS years ago during my junior year of HS (I'm in my 4th year of university). I adjusted my diet a lot, which helps significantly. I also realized my anxiety was making my IBS worst so I tried to relax and skipped school at the time with excused absences from doctors. I haven't had IBS for 5 years.

>ah yes goy just keep eating your big macs, take these pills, they're good for you

please don't listen to any of these fucks, the best way to control your ibs is to fast for a few days and then start eating bland foods, one at a time. this will take awhile but you will be able to pin down exactly what causes the problem in the first place. find a food that doesn't agree with you? don't eat it a lot.

a lot of the foods that will degrade your intestinal lining and upset your gut will be obvious, like raw vegetables, over-processed foods, dairy etc... make sure to chew thoroughly and always remember how certain foods/combinations make you feel.

I had really really bad intestines before, i used to shit once a week or less, it changed when:
>Ovolactovegetarian diet
5 years ago i became ovolactovegetarian and in the first year i was pooping once 72hr, the second year till now i poop every single day (sometimes twice a day)
That's a HUGE point, even now, when i drink less water i have hard times pooping (even tho i still poop everyday)
It wasn't necessary but sometimes i eat oats and i shit like a damn king
>Walking a lot
>Eating fruits
Same as oats, not necessary but really good

Bonus: i had bad skin and i stopped eating chocolate and processed food, my skin is getting really glamourous. Sometimes i still eat those garbage but they aren't part of my everyday food

It's not true.
I don't drink milk, eating chesse or pizzas and i dont eat fatty meats

I forgot to say, people are talking about quitting carbs, in my experience it didn't help anything, i still eat carbs but i usually prefer whole-grain versions. Actually, when i don't eat carbs my poop can't form a good nice and clean shape, nor a good amount of shit (which makes harder to poop)

Just don't stress, right ?

nothing, just his vegan propaganda

IBS is the generic medical term to say "we dont know whats wrong with your gut". Now for some people its fiber (broccoli&such), for others its carbs like pasta and bread and for me it was eggs. Trial and error is your best friend. Also vitamin d3 (600-1000 IU).

I had best shits of my life during a period where I ate only eggs, oats, beans, potatoes, bananas, and kiwis. I was doing it cuz I was a poor vegfag though.

Now I eat pretty much whatever natural foods I can and just avoid processed carbs. Protein powder is the only weird shit I regularly eat and it actually stops me up enough that I don't get liquid bowels the times I binge on garbage pizza or whatever with friends/family.

I've found that kratom is excellent for coping with symptoms. It can cause constipation for people who have normal shits, but can cause normal shits for diarrheafags. I took small amounts for a year with good results but have since quit and cleaned up my diet.

Ibs-d here. Low foodmap diet fucked me hard. Not only i was still shitting lava but reintroducing a normal equilibrated diet after it made me destroy pompei

>tfw ibs
>tfw constantly bleeding but too afraid to know why
It's been 10 years

If it's red blood it could be haemorrhoids.
Dark blood you need to worry about.
Either way go to the fucking doctor

It's red. I think I have weak colon walls, a result of being sick since I was 10 (28 now). I'm just afraid the only fix is surgery.

I doubt surgery will do much. If one exists for your case. How would they thicken the walls? Steroid injections?

Have you tried Kefir/fermented foods/raw milk? it did wonders for my IBS

I knew someone who changed his diet to be mostly raw milk. It's difficult to get where I live due to local laws, though there are loopholes. Still with my living condition it's difficult, since I have a family I need to take care of (not wife and kids, just extended family who live with me). I've kinda just given up and gotten used to it. A lot of colonoscopies over the years found nothing, then with the bleeding starting when I was 18 it just became something I learned to live with. I'm in the best shape of my life otherwise, but that's just something I can't really change.

Kefir is sold in some convenience stores, if you can pick it up within your normal routine.
I can get raw milk but I don't want to drive 25 miles each way, so I get your point

>Retards ITT who think IBS is a single, specific disease with a clear cut definition.

LMAOing at your lives. "IBS" literally means "there is something wrong with your gut but we don't know what it is". Every case could be different.

OP, you will have to try and see. What kind of IBS do you have, anyway? Constipation? Diarrhea? Pain?

Yeah, stress can actually cause IBS. Once you get IBS it'll make your anxiety worst when in public, which makes your IBS worst. Although it isn't the same for everyone. Mine was originally caused by food poisoning, and I developed IBS afterwards. Although I haven't had it for years now.

carnivore diet
vegans are only there to troll you

I had brutal bird shot shits till I did keto.


Stop drinking milk.
Diaphragm breathe, all the time.
Exercise, and get some sunshine.

Cut out gluten and milk

pain and wind