Why is everyone here so dumb and only parrots incorrect broscience...

Why is everyone here so dumb and only parrots incorrect broscience? Is Jow Forums the cesspit of dunning-kruger on Jow Forums(nel)?

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because most of dudes here are fat incels who have never lifted and arent planning to start

If it's so dumb and incorrect why the fuck are you still here? Jow Forums is the alpha board on the whole internet. Better deal with it, twink.

Another parroting of pseudoscience lol

>implying I'm not desperately trying to correct all of the DYEL twinks like your projecting ass
Your maxes are my warm ups.

Are you one of the retards who think ketosis is fake? lmao @ ur life

t. Beta

Post body with timestamp and thread id.
Protip you won't, because you're a twink shit and I'll ravage your ass in a no homo way when I see you outside.

>post body
>w-with timestamp!!
The cry of the DYEL. I bench more than you squat lmao.

Because you are a porn posting incel

Who gets a tattoo that says "Oh Hey"?

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First day on [any only fitness forum]? I remember when I struggled to bench the bar haha stick around you’ll get big buddeh

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>Is Jow Forums the cesspit of dunning-kruger on Jow Forums(nel)?

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sub 2pl8 squatter detected

its a forum full of meatheads wtf did you expect

what broscience?


>won’t post body
>i bet I squat more than you! hehe

be specific, which specific things did you see parroted here that are "incorrect broscience"?

i bench more than i squat too

Why do girls pierce their nips?

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (800x450, 40K)


Because its fucking hot.

Somebody, give me a name pls. But only if she's done nude/hc.

>watches adam ruins everything

baits with thot

Because the only retards that post here are fat virgins and 14 year olds. Not even joking, the Jow Forums discord is full of kids and retards that haven't even read the sticky and go around asking the most retarded questions like "hurr is this routine with 10 exercises a day good"