Saw my gym crush again after a few months

>saw my gym crush again after a few months

Describe your gym crush anons. Have you ever talked to her/him?
Have you made eye contact?
How does she/he look like?

My gym crush looks like the Augustus, but he doesn't like talking to me:(

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Suspicious lack of stating whether or not you are a male user. Is this a gay thread?

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he's probably just being respectful, catch him at the water fountain or in between sets, ask him for assistance

As for my crush, she is this curly black haired gym pixie (not a thot) with a really bubbly personality. We are participating in a weight loss challenge and are on opposing teams so I get to banter with her all the time and we make each other laugh. The other day, she was wearing shorts and had this massive wedgie and I broke my nofap shortly afterwards. I'm going to ask her if I can borrow a hair band (hairlets vacate) next time I see her.

We're on Jow Forums lad.
It's very gay.

I too have a gym crush user. It gave me more motivation to eat right and increase my lifts along with rape fantasies.

>Local gym is a moderately equipped apartment gym
>qt Azn gym thot starts working out around the same time as me.
>Has headphones on 24/7
>Can't talk to her
>Does exclusively thot glute exercises and erotic stretching
>Deadlifts 3pl8 outta nowhere.
>Muh dick is now DWAYNEJOHNSON.
>Have rape fantasies getting dom'd by weaker looking stronk Asian thots.

Haven't been in love/infatuated in a long time. It's a nice feeling.

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I don't have one, seeing women working out turns me off

Tall muscular and cute, I think he noticed me, but I'll never do anything about it.

Miss me then gay boi fuck outa here fucking fag shit bullshit ass gay fags fuck outa here

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Stop being a cock sucking faggot

>big beefy 6'4 Russian qt
>snatches my max C&J
>met at the same barber, got talking there
>real friendly at the gym
>greets me by bearhugging me and twirling me around off my feet
>tfw can feel the warmth of and smell his body whenever he does that
Can't stop imagining him pinning me down and railing my ass in the gym showers desu help anons

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medium sized tits with a sportsbra pushing inwards.
ass round and real
cute face
would consider 8.5/10. always hits the gym with a natty guy that's alpha but not that good looking. could replace him

>warmth of and smell his body
Fuck you for making me have hope for even a second, you GRIDS infested faggot

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>half black
>ex hurdle runner
>her body is tight as fuck with abs and a nice booty
>smiled at each other here and there
>she introduced herself to me
>talk to her a few times containing my spaghetti
>has a bf though

Based and zendaya pilled

>has a bf though
I feel for you, user

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I want a mixed wife

>Latina braaphog wheyfu qt

Worst thing is that I know she mires back but I don’t know how to make a move

there's a really cute 5'7 ginger boy with a nose ring at my gym that i want to talk to

Please talk to her, I wish my Augustus bf talked to me.
If she stares, she's interested

>nose ring
pick none

You could compliment her in her 3pl8 dl.

She's a small little Indian girl. Very cute, amazing petite body, round butt, etc. We've made eye contact a couple times. She doesn't talk to anyone though.

Sometimes she shows up and leaves with this significantly older gentleman. It might be her husband but I'm not sure. He drives in front and she gets in the back seat though.

>gym crush

imagine grown faggots having a gym crush. What are you 10 years old?

>go skiing with autistic qt3.14
>she's an old aquaintance of mine, but i barely know her
>everyone assumes we're together even though we haven't done anything openly
>literally get assigned a ''honeymoon suite'' with a king sized double bed accompamied by lots of *wink, wink*s
>both too autistic to correct anyone when they refer to us as eachother's partner/bf/gf
>tfw way past the point of no return
>tfw she's literally taking a shower right now
What the fuck do i do broskis

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I want to, but her headphones are in the way.

>small Asian girl
>does PPL
>only ever talked to her once to ask if she was doing chin ups
>shook her head and looked away
>I’m head over heels for her and would eat her perfect ass daily
Maybe in another lifetime

Take her out on a date?

>When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

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based and straightpilled

Yeah I see the stars in her eyes

Thicc blonde girl with a perfect body and a nice cute face. Always sweaty and moaning. Unbelievably fuckable. Haven't seen her for a long while. Not really a crush though. More like 'I really want to ram my dick deep in your asshole and fuck you in your mouth until you pass out' -kind of thing. Not interested in romance with some gym thot

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Walk into the shower and join her.

#metoo is for the weak

>she's nice
>offers food sometimes
>looks pretty

Home gym master race baby!

He's Jow Forums has decent sized pecks, muscular arms and legs, and his dirty clothes smell like masculinity. I'm still more Jow Forums than him, but we would make a good couple

my gym crush looked like yennefer from the witcher 3 but with brown eyes
total cutie and great body
havent seen her for like a year or more

based cs lewis

ask to work in then compliment. Sure hope u can DIDDLY beyond 3pl8 for reps tho

Make a move on her? If she hasn't objected until now, maybe she's actually interested.

>Big tits
>Nice ass
>Seems pretty nice
>Never seen her workout there, but is the receptionist on Thursday
>Has a boyfriend
Out of my league anyway. Fuck you, OP.

Never had a crush, is something wrong with me? I'm 22

So this retarded quote is a good reason to have A FUCKING GYM CRUSH THATS GETTING BANGED BY A GUY WHEN SHE LEAVES THE GYM, fucking lmao

Okay bro go gym crush, either you guy fucking her or guy admiring her, and i know what id rather be

I can, but I severely cap myself at 2pl8 for DL's for fear breaking my back.

Who hurt you

i think when people say gym crush they donta actually have a big crush on the girl people just talk about the cutest girl in their gym
if you never had an actual crush thats good because it sucks and its retarded

Gentleman and scholar right here. Gym thots are for degenaracy and not pregnancy.

I dated my gym crush for a year and a half it was a great relationship but it's ended and in the long run it's for the best there were things that just weren't right and we ignored them for two long...the thing is now I don't have gym crush anymore =\

Same age. I haven't had one since high school. Now saw a movie with a extremely attractive female--felt like a crush. Search her up and now she is old, crush gone. I wish I could crush on a random girl down the street to see if I will have enough balls to make a move right then

>>everyone assumes we're together even though we haven't done anything openly

>Everyone assuming you're together
>Literally a ski resort full of people cheering you on

Why would an old acquaintance go skiing with you when you two barely know each other? M8 she either really loves skiing, or you are real retarded.

How fragile is your heterosexuality user yikes. Now I just feel bad for you

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Based and niggerpilled

I dont know i just asked her if shed like to come and she said yes

Everyone already thinks you are together, so step in that shower and drill that pussy, champ

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I don't begrudge anyone gym crushes, and I have a vague idea in the back of my mind that certain girls and guys at my gym are hot, but I personally don't know where people find the spare energy and time to meticulously ogle and rank each girl in the gym the way my friends do between sets. Meanwhile I'm walking around bleary-eyed and wrecked trying to get through my workout

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Take her out for dinner user and go drink for drink with her until you can talk about things without thinking. Then open your heart to her and watch as she slowly gets freaked out, makes an excuse to leave and when you arrive at the hotel later to apologise realise she left early and you blew it!
>friend zoned again

>How fragile is your heterosexuality
What does that even mean?

Why are straight*ids so stupid?

>home gym

I can't even love myself brehs

Okay i'm sorry i don't understand retard speak in current year.

Even though you're speaking it now?
>i'm sorry
Apology accepted hun, just be careful next time.

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user, you can do this. You have to, for us.

Just say some shit like
>isn't it crazy that everybody thinks we're together haha
>I'd fake it just to get this suite again haha
>this bed is real comfy come try it haha
Then fuck her

>I'd fake it just to get this suite again
Change to
>I'll pretend to keep this suite, but we both have to to make it believable

>There are Chaud autists on this board RIGHT NOW that can just sleepwalk into relationships without any effort

why bother

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What does it mean if your normal crush starts going to your gym? She knows I like her and I'm pretty sure she was into me before I sperged out trying to talk to her, but she supposedly has a boyfriend. Even though she's always working out with different girls or beta orbiter guy friends who I know for certain aren't her bf.

Why would a girl with a bf go to the gym without him? She has Goddess tier fat distribution, does zero cardio and only just recently learned how to lift weights.

The whole reason I see her there is because I got depressed over her and lifted away the feels of rejection making serious gains. Maybe she noticed I put on like 10lbs of muscle. Oh well nothing I can do except ignore her and keep lifting.

Just ignore her and if she’s into you she’ll make the effort. If she makes the effort fuck her off and be rude because
>she has a boyfriend
Eventually when they break up she’ll let you be the rebound faggot

Just move to twitter faggot no one wants you here

I ain't going anywhere hun keep being mad

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>qt beaner
>looks like pic related
>muscular but not too muscular
>smells great
>has that cute subtle spanglish accent
>been talking to me recently
>Im too much of an autistic sperg to know if shes flirting or not

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When are you going to post pics fag

>thick as bow of oatmeal and cutest smile girl talks to me first about my deadlifts
>real friendly smiles sexy to me and says bye in sexy manner
>keeps lifting next to me
>one day decide to ask her out
>ask her if she has bf
>of course she does lamo im retarded
>feels sadman but at least thats done

Now theres one new cute girl thaf just joined cuz >nyr
Shes pretty, but not stunning, has decent body but not amazing, just above average on all metrics and that makes her great desu

Wish i could talk to her but she didnt smile to me or anything when our eyes met, she did lift next to me like twice.
I noticed her staring when i was deadlifting tho (i deadlift a pile of weight)

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I already did multiple times idiot, look in the archives

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Don't enable faggot weebs please

Post them or begone

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fuck no nigga fuck you i aint no fuckin faggot shut the fuck up bitch square up ill fucking curb stomp your faggot ass fuck off post the pics

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I don't see how anyone could romanticize anyone else in a modern social climate.

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>saw my gym crush few times
>asked her out, she said yes.
>got laid after we got home from our first date
>were 1,5 years together
>were hard times because of her depression
>at least she fucked the living shit out of me

Not a gym crush but I was playing games at my local place and this qt was there playing Tekken.
Long story short we play the same character and get talking a bit and I fucked off to do some other shit but got her Facebook.
She replies literally within 5seconds to what I say but is giving me short answers not like yes, no stuff but she's not elaborating.
I'm convinced she has autism but I have no idea how to approach this. I'm easily the best looking dude that was talking to her at the arcade by miles and my power level is extremely high.
Tfw 24yr virgin

real things that happened for tree fiddy

What's with all the fags in this thread, I thought this board being for homos was a meme

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bahaha your smol azn crush outlifts the shit out of you, pathetic. You've got no shot dyel

>I thought this board being for homos was a meme
Well that there is your problem right there

She might be his daughter, but either way she's definitely one of his wives, sorry user.

get your test levels checked soifriend

>Describe your gym crush anons
She's about my age and has the biggest tits in the gym, looks like an Italian-based Amerimutt.
>Have you ever talked to her/him?
No, we almost always have our own headphones on.
I'm blasting weeb music I can only imagine she's listening to normie top 40 stuff.
>Have you made eye contact?
Many times.
>How does she/he look like
What I said above.
Probably 7 or 8 inches shorter than me so around 5'6 ish.
Not the best looking girl in the gym but since she is the token titcow she is my crush.
She's seen me bench the 150s but is indifferent to it.

spare yourself the humiliation, she's not interested.
or maybe I'm just projecting...

Jow Forumsizens who have dated/fucked women you met at your gym, how awkward is it when it ends?

She's excited to play more with me and seemed bummed out when I said I wasn't going to the arcade today so I've got some mixed feelings here

I still remember the day my gym crush told me that I should start only with the bar, instead of risking getting injured with 0.1lmaopl8, after being trapped by the bar during bench press.
Good times

How do you know she seemed bummed out through text? Autists are almost as bad at conveying emotion through text as they are at interpreting it

>my gym crush saw me get out of the sauna
>she stared at me for a while
>i turned away because im an autist
that was about a month ago and i havent seen her since. this nagging pain of regret is killing me. she's a petite, pale girl with black hair in a ponytail and that's my kryptonite

That's a great point user she just said "ah okay"
I think I am fucked. Thank you for your wise council.

>co-ed saunas
either you're from eurapia, or you're lying

This is fit he's definitely lying but my old gym had a coed sauna and steam room in the same room as the indoor pool. I think it's pretty common. Hotels have them a lot too

Was flirting with the receptionist for a while but she hasn’t been there in a few weeks, I think she left

it's a co-ed sauna at my college where people just wear bathing suits. she was miring me shirtless, not nude

Probably due to sexual harassment from one of the gym members