He lifts heavy weights putting his joints and tendons under extreme stress for no reason

>he lifts heavy weights putting his joints and tendons under extreme stress for no reason
>he doesn't just do bodyweight exercises to increase strength, mobility, and balance while reducing stress on the body at the same time
>bodyweight exercises create an extremely aesthetic lean body almost by default

Why haven't you taken the calisthenics pill yet, Jow Forums?

Attached: 2015+World+Artistic+Gymnastics+Championships+d-dCYoxIfaMx.jpg (1024x713, 92K)

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No legs manlet lol


Attached: ronnie-coleman-progress-report-Fe-14-2016.jpg (596x594, 80K)

>Not doing both

Oh fuck lifting weights turns you into a nigger?
Well I’m convinced nothing but body weight for me now

who here

Bought a used pair for $30, but I keep sliding because my floor isn't sticky enough

>>he lifts heavy weights putting his joints and tendons under extreme stress for no reason
You think the guy in that picture isn't putting his joints and tendons under extreme stress? Lol

The point of exercise is to stress your body, so that it overcompensates and grows stronger than it was before.

>calisthenics make you lean
no they make you not have gains so you will only look impressive if you are shirtless and lean because in a medium t shirt you will look like a kid

You know that ringwork is pretty hard on ones joints, dont you?

Lifting heavy weight is badass and calisthenics are fucking homo.

100% agree

>The point of exercise is to stress your body, so that it overcompensates and grows stronger than it was before
No it isn't

So glad this thread is here. I was curious if anyone has tried the Diamond Dallas Paige Yoga program? I thought about taking up but wasnt sure if it was just some housewife shit.

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i do some gymnast moves in my current work out, ring muscle ups, ring push ups, iron cross etc.

its fun finding something you're surprisingly weak at and then hammering away at it until you're not.

Attached: 1547519318109.png (241x209, 7K)

Attached: QaYqtd7.png (645x729, 90K)

you understand that gymnast bodies are typically more fucked by age 30 than professional footballers right?

Because I'm fat and by lifting weights either close to my bodyweight or slightly higher than it I'm working on it.

Bodyweight exercises also give you great agility gainz so you can impress all the grills.
>do your trick user
>start doing handstand pushups and pullups
Meanwhile bloatmaxxers will awkwardly lift the nearest human being, embarrassing everyone.

When I was in high school the beat gymnast spent as much time in the gym as he did working on his routine. His lifts were impressive even though all the footballers joked about how gymnastics was gay.

Lifting is the shortest way to quickly get stronger, of course an athlete will lift. The real question is why many lifters don't work on their agility or even worse, cardio.

>The real question is why many lifters don't work on their agility or even worse, cardio.
Easy. Cardio is gay.

>swoops in overhead
>”heh, looks like you could use a pilot”
>”alright I’m in, one last job..”

gymnastics fuck your shit too

retard alert