What type of mental illness does this guy have to think that this hair actually looks good?

What type of mental illness does this guy have to think that this hair actually looks good?

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Male pattern baldness. Somewhat common too.

But it does look good, you jelly dyel bitter fag

>OP is talking about him
>he is not talking about OP
Seems to work out pretty well for him



he should just go back to a buzzcut or high and tight

This poor tard just can't face reality. Why is that so hard for everyone? Fatties can't face the fact they are fatfucks who eat too much, this goblin can't face up to the fact that his appearance mixes the worst attributes of 90s boy bands and homeless people

delusion. thinks he looks like momoa, in reality just looks like a basement dweller. cringe as fuck

Post physiques. Let's compare your lifts and looks to his


Alex fuck off, you're actually autistic wtf

Dont ever compare him to 90s boybands

even at their worst, they are more based than cuckdestiny

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>let's pretend we're talking to a fitness youtuber on Jow Forums

Post physique if you're not dyel faggot losers. Let's see what position you're criticizing him from


Attached: BC01036C-5381-4FD3-89D6-17D9E6030857.jpg (1080x721, 61K)

Uh lion mode? Nigga looks like Scar from the Lion king

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>you’re trying to address someone with a crumb of fame in hopes of feeling acknowledged!
>I-I know, I’ll demand he (and someone who (clearly jokingly) actually did address the YouTuber) show me their bodies, I may be a cringed beta cuck but at least I’ll have some guys send me pics of their bodies to wank over

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He looks like coconut head from neds survival guide

This nigga look like scar from the lion king.

He looks good. Big lucius mane silky and clean



C mon man. I know its 4channel and were all anonymous, but cmon. Be real he looks like chia pet

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Is that James Hetfield?

He should slick it back desu

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He always promoted short hair until he fell in love with pic related. I bet within a year a new fitness youtuber will appear that he looks up to and he will change his appearance/style/mannerisms to copy them.

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fuck off you made me lol at 3am and wake up my roommate

Highlord Bolvar! Thank the Light!

Damn! Alex looks badass!

King's honor, friend.

>not wanting to become a lion
Never going to make it bro

He's a 5'3 turbo manlet and he's going bald to boot. It's not really surprising.

Nah, he's growing his hair out to hide his receding hairline. It looks ridiculous with his terrible hair and beard genetics thoug.

Tell your mom we said sorry