is it a realistic goal a 150 KG muscle clean strict press at a bodyweight of sub 170 lbs ?
look at the video, im not talking about CLEAN and jerk or CLEAN and press
MUSCLE CLEAN (not even a power clean) and strict press
is it a realistic goal a 150 KG muscle clean strict press at a bodyweight of sub 170 lbs ?
look at the video, im not talking about CLEAN and jerk or CLEAN and press
MUSCLE CLEAN (not even a power clean) and strict press
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If you are very talented and train for ten years maybe
the only people being that strong are all over 225 lbs stocky and gifted as fuck
i wonder how well would a 150 kg muscle clean and press translate on athleticism into a 160-170 lbs person who isnt a turbomanlet
That's going to be out of the reach of the majority of natties and even the majority of mild roiders. Good genetics will be a requirement
No, not in the slightest, Klokov has an Ohp all time PB of 164kg, after decades of elite level WL training. Even 100kg strict as a plate milestone is way out of reach of 99% of lifters
Im doing amateur strongman and know a lot of people a lot stronger than me who weigh 120-150kg mostly stocky muscle. Being able to strict press is extremely rare. Noone I know can do it. I push press 130 and Ive got friends push pressing 150kg. But strict pressing 150+ is competetive at a national level.
do you think koklov would make up a good mma fighter/boxer with that pound for pound strenght he got
No lmao
Not even if u roid ur ass off
how much can you guys strict press ? and who is the lighter person you saw struct pressing 225 lbs and 250 lbs
I know a guy who is 95kg who strict press 110kg and I know a guy weighing 130 strict pressing 125kg. I strict press 95 at 105kg. My push press is as good as the 95kg guy tho. Id say strict pressing 100kg is a possible goal, even if its pretty ambitious as well. After 100 youd be strong, but can set new goals
damn it looks like everyone strict pressing over 230 pounds are HEAVY and big
i think having a crazy strong OHP at sub 170 lbs is hard specially natty
do you have any idea of the heaviest OHP at 160/170 pounds bw ?
also how long did it take you to reach your level of strenght and what are your other lifting numbers like pull ups squat deadlift,muscle cleans power cleans
yeah, but pressing 150kg at
Its very rare at any weight bro
Im not sure, I dont follow the light weight scene much, but this guy who is 95, he competed in national qualifiers at below 90kg and he dominated the viking press.
I do 240kg deadlift 230kg squat. I dont train cleans really since its allowed to continental clean. But Ive cleaned 120kg logs pretty easily and axles too. Ive been thinking of putting cleans into my routine tho. Ive been lifting for around 7 years, and some of the years havent been that productive. Natty.
essentially 0 natty people that can do this
natty caps somewhere at 120-130 kg for really big and talented guys
Klokov is one of the most gifted overhead pressers, not natural and gets 164 kg at ~110 kg bodyweight (not competition weight)
sub 170 lbs ? 77 kg? Not a chance in hell
any idea of the higest OHP at sub 170 lbs ?
then steroids are powerfull as hell
if a extremely talented man NATTY can OHP 130 kg and with roids there are some reaching the 200 kg even 230 KG range it makes me think steroids can turn you into a monster with the correct genetic make up
iron biby can strict OHP 210 KG but guy is roided freak of nature and weights almost 190 KG , eddie hall pressed 216 at a bw of 189 kg and the the guy who strict pressed 230 KG at 140 KG on the 1978 olympics, sergei redding or so was on roids and gifted as hell
this reminds me on ben johnso, on roids he was nailing a sub 9.80 anytime, natty he was struggling with a 10.25
i think steroids kind of ruined everything
just to give an idea about rarity
i think a 130 KG strict press at 75 kg and under BW will make you the stronger 75 KG and sub, man ever
maybe a 120 kg as well, 110 kg and 100 kg doesnt seem that impossible at all
>the stronger 75 KG and sub, man ever
Do you mean strongest man ever at 75kg? Because that seems reasonable pound for pound wise. Strict press, particularly with perfect form is rarely done in the gym as I see it. People almost never go even close to the weights discussed above.
Is 100kg a reasonable goal for an 80kg guy? I'm talking long term goal
see ...
You'd need to be far above 200 to manage that. 225 and LEAN at least.
yea pound for pound wise i mean
I’m 65kg and hitting a strict 60kg OHP was the hardest thing I’ve ever done
No, pressing those weights is extremely rare. When the press was still a contested movement in weightlifting, the record for the 75 kg weight class (165 lbs) was 166.5 kg. But mind you, that was back when people actually trained for it, now it's merely an assistance movement for most people. I'm hoping Rippletits' Strengthlifting gets big, so we get to see some heavy presses again.
A natty with average genetics MIGHT get 150 kg strict press after a decade of bloatmaxing and training seriously. If you had the genetics to do that under 170 lbs, you'd already have been recruited to be a professional athlete.
See above
Strengthlifting is a meme
OHP doesn't add much to a total, so competitive people will just focus on squat and DL
He's addressed that in one of his videos, says they'll do some math magic and come up with a sensible multiplier
The Olympic press is also not really a strict press, those big weights were done with so much lean back it was basically a bench press.
who had a 166 kg press at 75 kg bodyweight ? wich athlete
>The Olympic press is also not really a strict press, those big weights were done with so much lean back
You can argue it's not strict because of the hip sway, but usually strict press simply means there is no knee action. Some degree of layback is always going to happen when the weight gets heavy.
>it was basically a bench press.
No lol
wow insane, how do i find videos of these historical records
are you reallly this delusional?
Your best bet is youtube, but it'll take some digging if you're looking for a specific one.
Layback Press is far closer to a push press than an actual strict press. Also explains why Reding could not push press even 110% of his layback press. The best strict pressers are modern age strongmen.
>Layback Press is far closer to a push press than an actual strict press.
I don't think so. In my experience you only really need to lay back when the weight gets heavy (both in relative and in absolute terms). Push pressing typically (it seems to depend on people a lot though, and there'll be less benefit the heavier the weight) allows you to put a fair bit of extra weight on.
>The best strict pressers are modern age strongmen.
If you're talking about overall, sure, amateur strongmen tend to be much better strict pressers than weightlifters or powerlifters. Otherwise, if you're talking about top levels only, it'll have to be late 60s / early 70s weightlifters.
Let me guess. You can rep 50kg after a few months of lifting and you think it will continue forever at this rate ?