>be me
>omega white midget male
>no ambitions
>too lazy and spineless to starting to go to the gym
>see many former highschool classmates going to the gym and be happy.
I really envy you guys. How can someone like me start what you do?
This is not a bait or anything like that.
Be me
> beta
> a fucking doctor
You need to gain confidence, nothing in this world is easy, once you go out and start you’ll realise it’s all not actually that hard, everybody in the world to an extent is insecure and nervous about everything to some extent it’s all a facade
But be confident in yourself
But at the same time
Stop being such a bitch
this chart is probably made by a feminist or troll, like those infograph with 9 inch dicks as the "normal" size
>had 5 hookups and 4 prostitutes
>never had a gf
how the fuck did I manage to get laid in the first place
Im a sigma.
I like it.
Leave me the fuck alone or Ill punch your face and steal your girl.
I'm not a feminist. I'm just worthless.
I will try. I don't understand the meaning of self confidence. Is something beyond my comprehension.
>5 hookups and 4 prostitutes
>successful with women
I've got some bad news for you bud
You're still better than me tho
I'm 19 pal ,lost my virginity 2 years ago you fucking grandpa
>letting an unsourced infochart by a literal who tell you how society works
This kind of thinking is the real reason you're not getting a gf.
Well it turned out what I expected. Asking advice on Jow Forums is like asking a drunk bling old man to guide you. Well at least I tried.
lift weights retard
One of the most autistic advise somebody ever gave me in my entire life
Do something useful with your life. Rinse and repeat until successful. Get confidence. Women are the byproduct of this. Ez.
When chad says “be urself” he means “be confident in ur abilities and keep trying”. Someone who tried and failed is always respected more, and respects themselves more than the wimp who never tried.
kill yourself than
Is any gradual start for a beginners? I haven't done ANY sport in my entire life.
>When chad says “be urself” he means “be confident in ur abilities and keep trying”. Someone who tried and failed is always respected more, and respects themselves more than the wimp who never tried.
>implying chad ever failed
Matthey 13:12
Just go to the gym, there's no secret. Just remember that a nice body won't replace a shitty personality.
Yeah I know but maybe having a chance of body and social circle, I would gradually see things in other prospectives. Thanks btw
you sound more like a beta in denial
Go to the gym, make a puddle of sweat. If it was an enjoyable process, keep doing it. Most people enjoy it. I do.
I first started going as a teenager, when I was 15 I think. It was half term and I hadn't left the house. My dad took me an the personal trainer showed me every machine and how to use it and I pushed really hard until everything was sore but I felt great. So I went again two days later. And again. And then I had to start walking there because I couldn't get a lift. And then I'd walk 30 minutes each way every week night to go. I just enjoyed making pools of sweat.
I'm 26 now and 8 days ago I won the British powerlifting championships and hoisted a British record deadlift of 341.5kg
What are you if you dislike women and are socially awkward school shooter tier but somehow found a girl on the internet who loves you to an almost creepy amount where you wake up in the middle of the night to find her staring at you smiling?
It's such an impossible situation that I cannot even answer it to be fair.
>counting prostitutes for anything
whoa boy
You're British? Where are you from in there?
Most doctors are, have you ever met one? Most of them are betas that feel like their title covers their insecurities.
Human beings aren’t fucking dogs, and they’re definitely not letters of the Greek alphabet.
I miss piano
Home counties
>being intelligent or highly successful in your field automatically equates to social skill
That you think like this reveals you are probably beta. Your job/salary is not a substitute for your personality and ability to maneuver social situations.
Wow four hookers what’s your secret?
Sexual success is mainly due to lack of facial asymmetry. Everbody has some asymmetry, thus those who are the most symmetric or least asymmetric are the most attractive.
Furthermore modern features are more attractive (European) while archaic (black, Australoid) are least attractive. East Asians are inbetween, but their lack of forward growth and rounder face adds to their lack of international dating success.
Deal breakers for women if the man is/has, in order of importance:
>1. Ugly or asymmetric face
>2. Shorter than the average men in that country
>3. Has a disorder, especially if genetic
>4. A pussy mentally
You can barely make up for an ugly face, but if you have a good face or are attractive, you can make up for SOME disorders, pussy mentality and/or shit personality.
Do you have a good face, shit body, boring personality and a small dick? Why not have a good face, great body, interesting personality and small dick instead?
Change what you can and worry about the rest. I have a clinically small dick and am still able to date young cuties. Also learn about women's sexual strategy, and shit tests. Good luck bros.
isley isley isley
it seems like you finally learned
Oh and also this graph is retarded. Everyone will think they are one of the top 2 haha.
This. Nothing is more chad than doctors
im jealous. yanderes are perfect
Doctors are dealing with patients 24/7. its literally their job to talk to the patients
>Your job/salary is not a substitute for your personality
Yes it is. What you do is the biggest part of your personality
the terrifying frogman
take care of your eyeballs
Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Mark Zerkajewhfyhh
Alphas in business. Betas at everything else.
Looks like a male nurse to me
Jokes on you I'm 14 you fucking geezer
Hi pajeet the real cash is business owner land owner pro athlete celeb or fun n chad like bartender dj or outdoor advemture instructor like rockclimbinv skiing n shit
>he thinks 9 inches isn't average