These threads totaled over 600 replies. There needs to be a serious discussion about the correlation between lifting weights and liking bigger women. Let's get to the bottom of this Jow Forums
What's been going on the last few days on Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
For Queen and Country James
My wife loves soda and sugary drinks. We've drank sugar-free stuff for years now (due to my autism) but I just swapped her over to sugared drinks a few weeks back. 170 cals per can and she'll drink at least 1-2 per day. what else I can do bros? I want to go full architect mode
For Whales
We're changing the world user, for the better. Join us. I'm sure you've always wanted a bit of meat on the side?
Seems like the key to this is to really spin this as an "eff your beauty standards" sort of thing, you know? Find couple of e-thots with influence who either already use those kind of hashtags and just start memeing it even more.
alternatively, spin up a few fake profiles and post a story about how they used to starve themselves so they could look like women in magazines, but then they decided to stop one day, they put on 20-30lbs and now they're so much happier with the way they look. and then just encourage other women to do the same.
The eff your beauty standards stuff is a bad direction, you just get all the weird SJW type girls doing it.
What you really want is just the second option. Just attrition with so many women/profiles saying how "20lbs makes you so much more happier".
We’ve got an user who said something about making a few mockups of a female-oriented protein powder. Don’t know how that’s gonna go.
So is there some way we can make an image catalogue that other anons can contribute to so we can collect images like the one you just posted?
>you just get all the weird SJW type girls doing it
true, but those are the types who are journalists, etc. get their buy in and they'll shill it for us.
>female-oriented protein powder
could work, maybe if it's marketed as "this will build muscle" so that they'll think they're getting muscular instead of just deliciously plump
stufferdb literally has hundreds of before-after weight gain images. not that I'd know about that or anything...
I don't care as long as these and pseudo-high-test threads can be contained into a single /feeder/ general.
Stufferdb is good, but the compilation should be mostly influencers/plus size models with a few sneaky feedee models thrown in for laughs.
An imgur album should do fine imo.
Honestly the mods should just give in and allow one general, so there aren’t like 5 feeder threads up at the same time.
Ok here you go, can anyone add images to these albums? if not I'll post the login to the account.
Wrong image fuck, didn’t notice someone had already posted it
Yeah I think we’re going to need the login, I can’t access it.
Also everyone should use the archives because there’s already been a few before/afters posted.
OK username is PBrosnan
Password is pierced1
I’m going to delete the account. You fags are promoting obesity and are going to harm real women. Women are fat enough as it is just gonfind one of the ones that are already fat it’s swriously like 60% of the population
I’ve added a few. A couple are feeders and a couple aren’t. I’ll try and find/make more.
Good point. Aren't there blogs where anyone can write articles? Any writefags want to write an article along the lines of, "I gained weight and have never been happier" or "Beauty standards are oppressive. Here's how you can feel empowered". Just shit like that. Then tweet it to some of these models to get them to retweet or repost it?
For every one that you delete, 3 more will take its place.
Yeah, just get some writefags to cook up a few fake stories, add in some real stories (hopefully models/influencers but feedee models will do if need be) and there you have the beginnings of an influential website for impressionable women.
I’ve added a good few comparisons, it should be a good start.
This ones one of my favourites
Absolutely, cracked and other websites take guest submissions, you even get paid for them too. They might do some basic background checking though so it might be hard to sneak a LARP past them. I can write one myself once I make it through these busy next few weeks at uni.
Good luck user, on the uni and the larp. There was that one user who said they knew Layla, maybe we can get a story from her. I imagine she’d obviously be up for having others gain.
Hell once we get a few insta accounts up and running I could do some astroturfing and write an article on the 'phenomena'.
I made the screencap yay!
#become more
The accounts will need to be believable though, how will we get the followers? Bots?
To think I started this whole thing from phone posting in a very good fetish thread. Jesus.
Nutty isn't it
Also, could we contain this autism in one thread at a time, please? no need to spam the catalog with a million fetish threads
2 years ago I decided i could be beautiful at an size and went against the standards. I have never felt any better since!
LOL based Brosnan
Imma Brosnan my gf if you know what i mean ;)
Okay there have been a million threads discussing this idea, is anyone actually doing anything??
The bigger I am the better I feel.
From now on there will only be one /OpBrosnan/ /fetish thread up at a time. A new one will be made only when the current hits image/bump limit.
You guys that are into fat fetishes fat your selves are actually fit?
It’s been quite scattered, and the last thread didn’t have much discussion till the end, and then it got nuked. A good place would be to get a solid manifesto/goal list written up. There was one in another thread let me find it.
Yeah, I think of you want a fatty, you’ve got to be able to bench at least half her weight.
I used to be so depressed, not happy with myself, the way I look, the standards i had to be at. I decided to embrace my true self and I have never felt so happy!
and what is it that's so attractive about big girls?
Could I get some links to articles from Cracked/Buzzfeed/Other Women's lifestyle websites on topics related to loving yourself, unintentional weight gain, body positivity etc.
I want to study the sentence structure, syntax and word choice of the female contributors to prepare my LARP
I just prefer them, I don’t really know. I think it’s the softness, and the feeling of the fat on their body.
Plus weight gain is GOAT.
something about them, loving their bodies is sexy and the fact that men still shame them is disgusting let them be happy
I used to workout all the time, till one day I realised this was not for me anymore.
Damn don't I look sexy
#bbw pride
#curves rock
here's a few I found from a quick google search
honestly all 3 are really spot on, seems like there are already women writing about this stuff
Here’s a good start. The recap images should be pretty good as well.
Sick thanks, these are all great study material
Not enough to hit mainstream, that’s the big barrier we need to break. Get it mainstream and you’ll be able to easily convince any girl to gain a few just by going “well everyone’s doing it, and they love it”
So skinny girls are disgusting to you or no?
Fake and gay
Realising my true self.
Yes, skinny girls hate the way their body is really meant to be. if society didn't hate us we could all be happy
That should be linked at the start of every /OpBrosnan/ thread Jesus.
Wow she is truly beautiful.
fat tumblr girls trying to get fit men to like them
Got a fat cousin that brags about going to fitness forums and spamming fat fetish shit as propaganda
Half of the
>oh yea id totally hit that thicc girl
are tumblr fatties
>falseflagging in a fetish thread
Good god man have some dignity
This year I have let myself go, and I have never felt sexier.
Fat girls are nasty and will never be attractive.
I think you underestimate the number of fat fetishists. These threads have been here for ages, so it’s just something about Jow Forums that gets them in one place.
Holy shit you guys read the hashtags the plus-sized Instagram accounts are using
and my personal favourite #gainingweightiscool has been used by at least two of these high profile bloggers
133,272 posts already, Jesus
Women are constantly trying to sabotage a man’s goals.
>poking holes in condoms
>lying about being pregnant
>demanding that he eats garbage like she does
>telling him to not go to the gym so much
>making him jealous so she can get moist watching him fight for her
>the list is endless
There is something very honorable in finding a beautiful thin girl and manipulating her emotionally with insulin peaks and valleys, molding her body with treats until she knows that you are the only man that will accept her in her current gelatinous state. Whenever she disobeys you threaten to leave her. She will soon realize that she is too thicc for white men and that black thugs are the only ones that lust for her, and when she screams for you to come back, you apologize with ice creams.
It is the art of taking a woman’s life and making it your own. You feed her and grow her as if she is the cattle and you are her shepherd.
Nah, most or fat girls are men with strangely large noses.
and a few idiots that fell for the propaganda
Seems like the foundation is there, we just need to get major news coverage on active encouragement.
are* fat girls or* men
Thanks user, here are some more I've found
honestly it seems like there is a lot of women who would easily be behind the movement, it just isn't organized very well yet.
exactly my friend. the hash tags are a great way to gauge interest. good find.
Oy Vey
the only reason society shames fatness is because naturally women hold more weight and society profits off oppressing women through beauty standards
It's a meme. Jow Forums started the 'high test' meme in regards to fat disgusting whales and then fat fetishists thought they were in good company and stayed. Fucking faggots. Stop posting off topic threads.
This but unironically
>if society didn't hate us we could all be happy
> we
sorry but I'm asking for a man's point of view.
So any one know why the jannies are letting tumblr make so many threads on Jow Forums now?
Just curious.
These threads need to be reported
also I'm 175 (5'9") and 56kg (123lbs) and can't gain weight. All the other women in my family are the same height and weight regardless of age so some women really are jus skelly by nature.
>what my body looks like doesn’t define who I am
Than why are you taking pictures of your naked body and posting them on the internet? I’m fine with chubby chicks but I cannot stand these body positivity girls who are worse than instathots.
Instathots are vapid and shallow but at least someone wants to look at their pictures. Instead of offering something of value, these body positive women are just posting pictures of their gross bodies that no one wants to see.
Don’t give attention to these women. Their fans are already 5% pajeet fetishists and 95% unattractive women whose natural competitiveness makes them enjoy seeing someone less attractive than they are to lower the bar they compare themselves to and drown out the shame of their own poor decisions.
Please don’t give them more attention I beg you.
Why? Because a woman's word doesn't mean anything in 2019? If anything we've learned that women are the most influential as of late
#future me
Of course it means something. I'm just curious about the male point of view and hy it's attractive for them.Nothing to do with influence just with male biology.
#why go to the gym?
Report the posters too. You'll notice there are 18 IPs in this thread, we are 2 of those. This is a concentrated shitposting raid by a tranny discord.
Also, how many of these posts in this thread are big girls??
Severely underrated
#I did it
based, feels good to be included
i've been fucked in the head this way since i was a kid
#Never felt happier
for me no, just different kind of lust
#true beauty
#so proud of myself
Stop using "big" as if it's a bad thing. In fact, women are biologically disposed to being obese. Stop shaming us for being natural and not starving ourselves