Pull ups/Dips superset rest 1 min x5
Chin ups/Push ups superset rest 1 min x5
Squats/Leg raises superset rest 1 min x5
Do it 3 times a week, mon/wed/fri or tue/thu/sat, log your reps and increase them a little everyday, for instance, if the sum of all the reps in your pull up sets today were 20, next session aim for 22. Progressive overload is still important, but increasing the weight is not the only way to do it.
Eat a shitload of natural and varied foods, whole bread, rice, whole pasta, fruit, milk, eggs, meats, veggies they're all good. Avoid processed sugar (specially soda) and junk food.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day and drink a fuckton of water, more than you think you need, your urine should be indistinguishable from water.
Do cardio and stretch on the off days for heart and health gains, your old you will thank you for it.
Try to exercise in the sunlight, not intense sunlight, and use sunscreen if you are a pasty white boy.
That should get you covered for a while, if you plateau or get bored, add weights or do harder variations.
Done, you save money and get healthier and more aesthetic than 99% of Jow Forums.
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