Fuck Strength, I just want to be big

I don't care about how much I lift, I just want to look good

I'm a tall and skinny guy with a shit frame (I look like pic related but taller and much skinnier). I thought about following the 5x5 Stronglifts workout program, but I have heard that it focusses too much on strength and not enough on actual muscle growth. As I said before, I don't give a shit about strength. I just want to look masculine and intimidating. Now, taking that into consideration, would it be a good idea to follow a program with high reps and light weights?

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do you honestly think there is a big guy out there who can't bench 2pl8s? get strong first, getting strong will make you big, then, you can focus on getting big when progression slows.

I have heard horror stories of people who follow 5x5SL (or SS) who just become fat and add little to no muscle mass. Plus there is the risk of injury with lifting heavy weights.

For how long do you recommend me to focus purely on strength (with 5x5SL)?

no OP, but dyel noob with the same questions. been on SS for a little over 2 months now and I want more upper-body focus, I've been looking into Ivysaur 4-4-8, is that a good program? is the press and BP every day crazy?

i really need to get my BP up.

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They look like shit because of the squats and deadlifts, they widen your hips and give you a fat ass if you do them too much, especially if you have a bad frame

Yes, that's what I mean. The guy in the picture in my initial post did SL5x5 for 7 months and that's how he ended up looking

So what's the solution? Should framelets like me not do strength programs like SL5x5 or SS and instead do...???

Personally I don’t do squats or deadlifts because I have scoliosis and a spine torsion AND fucked up knees from flat feet
I’d do a basic beginner program and just add isolation movements and replace the squat with leg presses or single leg squats if you must, deadlift is great for strength but you don’t absolutely need it imo, you could also replace it with cable pulls

german volume training

Do calisthenics and bulk, calisthenics will make you aesthetic, but don't tell anyone on fit though because they're all biased blahino fanboys

doesn't SS require you to drink a lot of milk? Doesn't milk have an unusually large amount of estrogen in it?

user, the stronger you are the faster you can get aesthetic. The point of the people doing SS and GOMAD is that they bulk up and get strong, then they can cut and start doing workouts for aesthetics. You build muscle a lot better when you can lift more than 45lb.

Pull ups/Dips superset rest 1 min x5
Chin ups/Push ups superset rest 1 min x5
Squats/Leg raises superset rest 1 min x5

Do it 3 times a week, mon/wed/fri or tue/thu/sat, log your reps and increase them a little everyday, for instance, if the sum of all the reps in your pull up sets today were 20, next session aim for 22. Progressive overload is still important, but increasing the weight is not the only way to do it.

Eat a shitload of natural and varied foods, whole bread, rice, whole pasta, fruit, milk, eggs, meats, veggies they're all good. Avoid processed sugar (specially soda) and junk food.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day and drink a fuckton of water, more than you think you need, your urine should be indistinguishable from water.

Do cardio and stretch on the off days for heart and health gains, your old you will thank you for it.

Try to exercise in the sunlight, not intense sunlight, and use sunscreen if you are a pasty white boy.

That should get you covered for a while, if you plateau or get bored, add weights or do harder variations.

Done, you save money and get healthier and more aesthetic than 99% of Jow Forums.

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Unironically mostly correct. Arnold said himself that any exercise which can be done with just body weight was a great exercise, just add weight as you go

Post body slim th skin all that shit how u fun the gym bro

Post body

I have been doing StrongLifts for about three months now. Have seen some great progress in strength and muscle building. Pic is what I look like now

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If you want to be big you have to be strong


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Great trap progress bro keep it up

I asked the same question and all I got was a bunch of retards arguing about ss and "just pick any one, bro heh heh". Yes, these programs are similar but there are differences. Beginners are asking because they don't know anything at all. I too want to focus on aesthetics only but can't seem to get a concrete answer as to what program to use

Just stick to compound exercises and eat plenty

Why does everyone keep posting this poor guy, he doesn't look like that now

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Hey can you fuck off and just let people enjoy their memes?

he would have got a better physique with a year of PPL