When benching alone what safety precautions do you take?

when benching alone what safety precautions do you take?

I leave the grips off one side so if I fail I can tilt the bar and the weight comes off.

I make sure to push really fucking hard so I don't die.

I usually warm up with your 1rm to form check.

This. Only once it happened to need help. Otherwise I push really fucking hard regardless of form, so that I don't fucking die. Probably what fucked my left shoulder too.
Monitoring this thread because I progressed my bench really slow due to being afraid of fucking myself up even further.

Safety bars, lower than my chest but higher than my neck/face

I just don't care anymore.

If I die, I die.

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I put the safety catch just a bit lower than my chest, so if I can't make it I can wriggle out of there.

I'm so ashamed of my bench I hardly ever want to do it. Progress is slow and my bench is weak, only 100lbs...


i have catches that are right at my chest height so if i fail a rep it just sits gently above my ribcage. i can twist the bar away and sit up no problem

Don't put clips on. Ask for a spot.

i practise escaping from a failed lift by intentionionally putting too much weight on, about 1.1x max. its really not even hard unless you are moving serious weight (160kg+)

It baffles me that there's gyms with otherwise functioning and sound equipment but no safeties on the benches. If there's no safeties available, i just use dumbbells. I don't want more variables to mess with my workout like carefully examining beforehand on will I or will I not make the next rep. I'm no Hamlet i'm a manlet, lifting weights to cope. Fuck that to be or not be bullshit.

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This; but also


I strap a dildo to my he- oh I see your a fello dilbro bencher, howdy

Should you have grips on one side or at no side at all?

If you leave the grips off birh sides as soon as you fail and the weights one side will fall off, this will imbalance the bar, it will tip the other way and the other side of weights will fall off but this will catapult the empty bar into the air and across the gym, impaling a cardio bunny or someone.

If you only take the grips off one side the weights will hold the bar to the floor, preventing unnescesary injuries.

Safety bars


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Nothing. If i cant get it then i don’t deserve to live

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My trainer told me to lie completely straight on the bench so if I can't push the weight then I can just arch my back and get the extra strength needed to get it up. Is this good advice?

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Nope, thats what pushing with your legs and raising ass from the bench is for.

No, your trainer is dumb and you are dumb for paying for a trainer.

Hey that's my picture!

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Its mine now boyo

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Literally and unironically this.

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Based cage at my gym has very poorly adjustable safety pins, but one setting just happens to line up perfectly between my inhaled chest and exhaled chest. I'm pretty pissed I failed my 5x5 of 165 even worse than last week, but I'm happy it was as simple as sitting up and doing half an upright row (jeff pls) to rerack it.

Does this work?

>does cheating a rep make it easier
Sure, it won't necessarily prevent it from failing though.