Don't forget to be both, Jow Forums and /fa/

Don't forget to be both, Jow Forums and /fa/.

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how do I ask for the "Aryan Ubermensch" cut at the barber?

Ofc bro.

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You're always /fa/ when you're fit unless you go out your way, then you just look like a retard, see

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"Aryan Ubermensch cut”


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it doesn't matter what situation you're in, if you wear a Nazi uniform you're going to look like a huge faggot

Nothing cringier than a commie manbaby.

No one said you should wear a nazi uniform, not sure how you even got that from the thread.



>jews are smar-

>give me the Hitler Hairdo
>give me the Third Reich Trim
>give me the Wehrmacht Wave
>give me the Panzer Perm
>give me the Heinrich Himmler Haarschnitt
>give me the Auschwitz Camp Guard Coiffure

Name my band

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Too bad the picture in OP proves that there were some 11/10 lads, my dick sucking commie friend.

Pro tip: dress well but also accessorize. You get so many comments on nights out if you wear a ring, a chain and a wristwatch

Hot damn.

Did someon mention SEX?


>everyone who is not a nazi like me is a commie

like, how big of a c u c k do you have to be to be a nazi in fucking >current year

>everyone who calls me a commie must be a nazi

>larping this hard
you're like a delusional cosplayer at comic con

Zwölf böse Männer


Just the average American teen who discovered one of his ancestors was a Hessian.


Yes i would love one large order of SEX please

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>lemme get that mid taper and nothing off the top
>and of you cant skin it get the fuck away from me and find someone who can

They look like slavshits.

I really want to wear a full nazi uniform on campus, but not sure how these sjws will react. Is it a good idea?

Nordic Monkeys

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