Anyone else suffer from Bipolar disorder?
Shits really fucking with my gains
Anyone else suffer from Bipolar disorder?
Shits really fucking with my gains
what happens
>fucking with my gains
Cope. Just go to the gym.
yep. sucks majorly, but there isn't much that I can do about it. meds didn't help me much - actually got extremely suicidal and tried to end it all, which resulted in 2 weeks in a hospital. lifting and running helped a lot, since the progression and such motivates me. I can usually avoid having a bad episode if I stay away from negative media, Jow Forums included.
lastly, find a passion, something to which you willingly devote yourself, and avoid psychedelic drugs. The paranoia is overwhelming sometimes and i'm still recovering from a bad trip from years ago
does this shit really exist?
like i'm an eastern yuropoor and i swear to god the amount of fucking mental illnesses invented by you western faggots is insane
i can't even remember them all
i've never even met anyone here with this shit
here you either have normal people or straight up fucking loonies that get locked up
none of this in between shit you people have
i swear to god something is wrong with you people
In the free world we’re educated enough to diagnose our problems and try and fix them
oh so now we're undiagnosed instead of just normal?
lmaoing at you and your jewish illness
>tfw started watching that ted bundy documentary
>he displays a number of mannerisms I understand perfectly
>afraid the waifu will watch it now
>she already says I have serial killer eyes
Was not ready for those feels
yea it sucks but you know what makes it better? going to the gym and trying to lift really heavy stuff up and down.
>the "free" world
But anyway, pushing that total crap aside, I used to know someone with bipolar. One day he was my absolute best friend, obsessed with me like I was a cult leader. The next day he was spewing absolute hatred as if I murdered his mother in her sleep, and then raped her corpse till it orgasmed to resurrection.
Fuck bipolars, you loonies are the literal scum of the earth.
I've recently been diagnosed and I'm on meds since December.
I now live in fear of manic phases never coming back since they helped me to return to lifting and make some progress every time.
Bipolars and Borderlines all need to be shot
how is it possible for five of you people to be on this board
is this the result of putting shit in the water?
i swear to god this shit didn't happen this often just a couple of years ago
>One day he was my absolute best friend, obsessed with me like I was a cult leader. The next day he was spewing absolute hatred as if I murdered his mother in her sleep, and then raped her corpse till it orgasmed to resurrection.
Basing your bullshit on pop culture knowledge is not a good idea user since anybody who read at least wikipedia page on bipolar knows you make no sense at all.
1 or 2?
not your secret clubhouse anymore faggot. if you haven't realized cunts like pewds have opened the floodgates to retards.
>using "muh wiki" argument versus my 6-month actual experience with a real, live diagnosed bipolar.
Do the world a favor and neck yourself, or jump off a cliff. We won't miss ya. Trust me.
Not him but my mom is bipolar and borderline. They’re completely out of control and will turn on you outta nowhere for little to no reason.
>tfw everyone thinks I'm some kind of monster
>tfw either want to kill myself or be overly happy, mostly the former
Fucking this. Neck yourselves bipolars and save yourselves from the day of the rope.
it's not a real disorder, special snowflakes
that's not what i mean
i mean how is it possible for 5 people to have some shit that basically no one has in real life (at least where i'm at)
are they larping or is there some shit that causes people to go insane in the water
I'm just lurking because I know I'm gonna see a post that everyone replies to autistically and then screencaps it for future humor threads
My mom does. Please don't breed, thanks
oh, americans are fucking retarded dawg iunno what to tell ya lmfao
You are a monster and I bet anything you’ve made countless people miserable. Boo hoo poor you.
How is that even a thing lol just be happy haha
Feel sorry for ya bud. It's even fucking worse when it's your own fuckin momma. Can't turn your back there. But maybe you should eventually for your own sake. You only get one shot at this life. Screw all fucking burdens I say.
This is Jow Forums - the place where all the retards who think they're special snowflakes come and shitpost as anonymous.
> mfw the op made a thread about gains and ends up an hero
that's not true though
Jow Forums is explicitly a reactionary website and when every normal fag larps as a special little mentally ill snowflake the reactionary thing is to be normal
2% of humans have bipolar
It’s more common than being a fag
Jow Forums attracts the mentally ill like flies to shit
Do the math
My Mom has bipolar disorder type 1, that's not how that works faggot. Bipolar disorder isn't just mood swings, if you're off your meds for too long you can literally have psychotic episodes. Here's the kicker though, the medication fucks with weight loss and generally makes losing weight/getting in shape physically more difficult.
I know the meds suck but you need to stick with them user. Look up the kindling effect, I'm sure your doc has already told you about it but trust me that's not something you want to fuck around with.
>You have a severe mental illness that will last your entire lifetime and requires heavy medication to control
>You're an intrinsically shitty person
Pick one you fucking spergs.
then why have i never met one irl
Feel free to try it if you want to find out what 5.56 traveling at high velocity feels like you larping cuck.
>Literally have auditory and visual hallucinations
>Can have full on psychotic states
>Not a real disorder.
Let me guess though user, your faggy fucking depression is very real though right? Don't deny that you think you're depressed, you're on Jow Forums fucking everyone here does.
Because they don't wear a rainbow shirt and scream "oh actually im bipolar" at every second sentence
We simply don't need you among us. Go live in a cave and spew your loonyness at rocks instead of fucking normal people. Pretty simple huh?
you'd notice if a friend is a loonie mate
How about actually reading the posts you respond to, I'm not the one with bipolar disorder you fucking moron.
>Go live in a cave and spew your loonyness at rocks instead of fucking normal people
Take your normie bullshit and get the fuck off my website you plebbit browsing faggot. I swear to God you cancerous niggers ruin everything you fucking touch. Go suck some e-cock for your meaningless karma you larping fuckwit.
LMAO the shitstain loony even larps at carrying arms and threatens people.
>on the day of the rope no amount of bullets will save you, waste of oxygen.
>Type 1
You poor son of a bitch. I used to wonder why my relatives tried to legally take me away from her repeatedly as a kid. Meds don’t even seem to work on her. Completely denies she was ever psychotic.
pussy, bi-polarism is a choice
you're just a needy emotional vampire looking for attention. LOOK, YOURE DOING IT RIGHT NOW
I've come to believe I might have a slight bit of it, though I likely dont. Some days I feel like everything's 100% great and others its this void where I feel like kys or making major changes even though I dont really see anything wrong with my life and dont feel like even talking or looking at the gf.
I've found that exercise until exhaustion helps my mind forget about the latter state of mind though so in my case I guess it helps my gains because I force myself to go do exercise when I feel shitty for no reason.
>this thread
Why do shitposters all use the same intentional lack of capitalization?
Sounds like your regular hormonal shift bro, happens to everyone.
There will inevitably be days where you're inexplicably tired, or feel like shit for no reason you can tell, etc. I also usually feel better after going to the gym when feeling like that due to the endorphin rush combined with releasing pent up energy and such.
caps is to drive point home to low IQ-ers like YOU
3 of my 7 personalitys are bipolar. they are freaks, i stopped talking with them months ago.
Yeah, but I mean don’t you prefer actual trolling to spewing nonsense everywhere? Where’s the fun if you’re just being obvious?
Good on you user, you don't need toxic people on your life.
The other four of you are gonna make it.
exgf was bipolar. fucking cunt
Yeah, Bipolar II
shit sucks yo
When I'm trying to get better out of a bad spell I have to have the exact same routine every day. I try to include going to the gym cause it gets me on a good path until the next spell. Sleeping pills every night helps too. Nothing throws me off like weird sleep schedule.
I genuinely don't get bipolar disorder.
>"you go from really happy to really sad!"
Still makes no sense to me. I've had people say I was bipolar but I genuinely don't get what they mean.
>be BP1
>have severe depression since 5th grade
>so bad thinking about how to kill myself half of the day and the other half trying to cope
>develop shitty failure/paranoid/asshole type personality bc depressed
>only have two friends until high school
>start to cope with drugs
>make druggie friends
>think drugs are good
>start lifting
>gym and drugs only way to cope with shitty life
>get swole
>start skipping school just to do drugs and workout
>drop out of school
>have manic episode
>think jews doxxed me and zog is after me
>break into some stores
>get found by cops in morning
>almost get shot
>go to looney bin for a month
>year to fully recover from psychiatric drugs
>loose all irl and online friends in process bc of doing crazy shit
>another year to find/balance out right medications
>lose all gains
>start seeing therapist
>find /sig/
>start reading books
>start lifting again
>basically starting life from scratch
>tfw feel normal for once
>tfw feel like guy from limitless
>tfw never felt better
life's good bros
Eurofaggots don't have the luxury of fixing their mental health while you're being assfucked into the third world by Muhammad