Just wanted to remind you that if your poops make you feel like this. You're eating right

Just wanted to remind you that if your poops make you feel like this. You're eating right.

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Sure thing, faggot.

>tfw my daily poops now consists of one or two big thick smooth logs that just slides right out
Can’t help popping a boner every time desu

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Post diet.

>take a minute long shit where I can feel it stretch my ass
>cum a little
am I gay?

Those bedtime sweets keep giving me the green apple splatters

no it's normal. sometimes i force my squatplug up my backdoor just to get that great feeling when it stretch my mangina. it's perfect for nofap too because you can get great orgasms without touching your noodle. nothing gay about that.

>nothing gay about that.

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what do i need to eat to feel like this?

You know why taking a big, fat dump feels good? Because there's a ton of nerve endings and your brain literally rewards you when you expel the waste. Evolutionary trait and whatnot. This is too why anal sex can feel good, not to mention your P-spot being accessible that way.
Friendly reminder that you should try and get into a squat (or as close as squatting) for the comfiest, healthiest poops.

gib sauce

I'm starting to like you, gay poster.

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Tfw pissing watery clear brown liquid out if asshole

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>tfw ibs
>tfw never shit giant logs like I did as a teen
>tfw only 22

mmm delichus

Scrambled eggs with rye toast, a cup or two of coffee.
Water and two cigarettes.
Meat, onions and greens with whole wheat toast or pasta, green tea.
I've also recently started adding wood ears to my dinner dishes.

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I've had daily diarrhoea since most of my large intestine was removed 3 years ago.

Probably will for the rest of my life.

already shit/bros/ ill hit you up with the shit-secret.
prosciutto or any firm, dried meat. eat over the whole day or before and after meal and all shit will be the shit.

>nofap for 2 months and counting
>l-arginine and zma, diet with lots of liquids and frequent teasing by SO ensures I'm filled to the brink with cum
>when I take a big poop it slides over my prostate making me leak

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>frequent teasing by SO
Elaborate on the details. It's for anal masturbation.

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Can I suckle your penis and swallow your seminal fluids?
No homo

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when do you typically poop during this routine?


Right before shower. I've done this since childhood so my body is kind of classically conditioned to do that

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What in the fuck am i witnessing?

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You've been a smoker since you were a kid? That's fucked, but not as much as you are.


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I'll keep it in mind...

back when i used to toy with my asshole while fapping, i would get half chubs whenever i really had to take a shit that was pressing against my hole. really not fun

Oh I should mention that I shower in the evening.

I used to pretend you were some qt cock slut, now I know you're some gay ass dude

If you're going to keep posting you better be a super cute trap or fuck off

this is a normal day on Jow Forums dude

>tfw hurts to shit and my butt always hurts for like an hour after shitting
help? i eat healthy

explorations into human faculties


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autistic gay weebs

Ayy Instagram guy put me in the screenshot

Getting playful during massages, showering together, some spanking, some light fingering before bedtime every couple days. Chastity is also involved.

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what is SO?

Semen offerer

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God i wish I was you.

Oh yeah, i love tunnel snakes, best feel ever.

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>Enjoy poops
>Jerk off while pooping
>Decide to take the plunge and try some gay shit once
>Just a toothbrush handle in the butt
>Butthole completely retreats
>when I try and wipe it bleeds and burns
>have to use wet wipes now
>Can't tell if if it's just gas or actual evacuation anymore
It was only one time, I only fell for the gay meme once but now I'm deformed and in pain.

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Use lube retard.

this happened to me except I didn't feel it leak out

>This guy basically stabbed his ass and his asshole went into fight or flight

>two cigarettes
What’s the point of eating fairly nutritiously if you’re just gonna suck on retard sticks and die early anyway?

Why do anything if we're all just gonna die anyway? Might as well suck some cigs here and dicks there

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stop! smoking is NOT cute!!

>Friendly reminder that you should try and get into a squat (or as close as squatting) for the comfiest, healthiest poops.
This is good and rarely repeated advice. At home, just take your socks/pants/underwear off and squat on the seat. Feels gr8 m8.

>the fag smokes
What a surprise, how hard is it getting cummies on grindr with that tobacco breath?

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Stack Overflow, a baseddevs favorite erotica website.

Keep your fucking feet off of the seat you mongoloid. Simply leaning forward and raising your heals is enough.

That sounds uncomfortable, especially if I had to keep that position up for 15 minutes. You need to go full street shitter mode, just on a toilet.

What's cute is me slobbering on cocks with lots of spit. Smoking lets me produce a lot of saliva on command.
Why are you so interested in what goes on on grindr? Closeted much?

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Who the fuck you calling gay faggot shut the fuck up limp wrist bitch I'll send you to the morgue faggot shut the fuck up little bitch ass I will end you faggot.

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>15 minutes
Who takes that long to drop a log. What the fuck?

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Sodomites get the rope

Could you please stop posting homoerotic responses please.

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I love banana creme whey powder

Post pooper

>when God, your body, and 10,000 years of recorded human history tell you not to stick things up your ass but you do it anyway and destroy your asshole.

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fellas, just dont put stuff in ur pooper
its that simple

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Youre on fit m8 what do you expect

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Just hop on the toilet every morning and perform digital rectal stimulation.
>glove the hand you plan on using
>apply lube to finger you plan on using
>using a circling motion, apply light pressure directly above anal orifice
Usually this is enough to trigger a bowel movement, but sometimes you'll have to insert your finger into the rectum. Soon you'll feel that sensation of poop being "at the gates".
>take your finger out
>watch that poop slide out like it's nothing
>repeat as needed

Trust me, I'm a male nurse.

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is that a dude?

I'm sure that ass is attached to a fugly body.
90% sure.

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Same but I'm 19

He's kinda cute

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Replace finger with plug and you've got yourself one of the best feelings ever.

Nothing like falling asleep with a plug in, only to wake up in the middle of the night needing to rush to the loo. Once you wiggle that plug out to the crest it's going fire out, your bowel will empty and your butt is left gaping with the absence of the plug.

Unironically ahego everytime. Might "accidentally" do it tonight, for shits n giggles

>those calves
>those arms
>on the same body as those fucking thighs
what the fuuuuuuuuuuu

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