>been lifting for a year
>few people noticed
>started taking creatine month ago
>friend added photo with me on instagram yesterday inb4 normie
>few comments about how "big" i'm right now
>people messaging me like "wow user didn't know you were working out, when you got so buffed haha"
Name ONE reason why you are not taking the best legal drug yet
Been lifting for a year
I don’t wanna be balding at 22
I've been taking it since I started so I don't even know how much it helps.
U realize that a fuckin meme right? There was absolutly no correlation found between taking creatine and hair loss. Taking it for forever, got a mane like a fuckin lion king.
>literally taking supplements to look fatter than you are
If your water weight doesn’t skyrocket, you’re killing your kidneys
Infertility and testicular cancer
Balding is an elaborate meme in fitness just like rest days and no fap to name a few. People make this shit up to hold you back
NoFap is not a meme, my lifts went up 20-30% after 30 days
I smell twink here
>anecdotal evidence
There have been studies. If you're already prone to balding, it accelerates the process.
almost like you got progressively stronger over time, like you would have, even if you fapped.
there was literally 1 study that tangentially hinted that it MIGHT be a possibility.
in the study the dudes took an absurd amount, 25g a day. The only conclusion was that it might have contributed to slightly raising their DHT, which some other research said MIGHT be a mechanism behind hair loss in men.
The study everyone talks about for this didn't even mention hairloss at all.
Meanwhile there are a multitude of studies showing how beneficial creatine is to muscle performance and gains.
Like even if you were brainlet enough to fall for the creatine balding meme, why wouldn't you atleast try taking it for like 2 weeks and when you shower keep track to see if you have more hair falling out then usual ? If you do, stop taking it.
t. 2+ year creatine user my hair is the same as it always was.
>He wants to die old with kids
Never gonna make it
I dont wanna go bald. I'd rather be a twig than lose my hair
You've inspired me user, I'll take creatine.
Is it cheaper to buy in pharmacy, or in sports supplements shops?
Just order it online off My protein dot com.
They always have discounts going on.
Sports supplements shops usually have it in low prices, monohydrate it's one of the cheapest supplements available
i call bullshit
mainly because my lifts have gone up when i STOPPED taking creatine
>If you're already prone to balding
Then it doesn't matter.
Bald with a beard and muscles is peak manliness. I was stone cold steve austin for Halloween and had to swat bitches off me the whole time.
Sure you did
creatine made me lose my hair much faster.
After I stopped some regrew back
I drink it during my workout. Is that proper?
Lmao hairfag twink detected
nigger larper fuck off back to your cave
If you dont lose hair while on creatine, well, good for you
If you cant make gains without creatine then go fuck yourself you inferior being
Trips don't lie
Lol the marine corps took my hair line from me and i an unabashedly bald ever since. Chicks really do dig it, especially latinas.
Reminder that creatine is an essential nutrient found in meats that has numerous health benefits and should be taken by everyone, not just athletes. For athletes, it has consistently been shown to be the most cost effective supp available due to its effect on ATP production. If you are not supping 5g of creatine daily, you are a fool.
>After working out for a month I was able to lift more
If I bothered to have a meme folder I would post a picture of Chaika saying "shocking revelation" or something.
>hurr durr supplements are literally drugs
what's cheaper than creatine?
20$ and you'll get enough for a year my dude
I hate how sports science journals always publish statistically insignificant results, literally fucking brainlets in the entire field.
no, I'm asking literally: what's cheaper than creatine because I want that too
creatine makes my epilepsy meds stop working
Are you fucking confused? Creatine is a natural organic substance normally found in meat. It's not some weird drug that's synthesized in a lab from a fungus grown on coral or some nonesense. You could just eat more meat.