Tfw fell for the casual sex meme

>tfw fell for the casual sex meme

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used to be living the casual sex meme until I started the gf meme
realise now that all I wanted was the casual sex me and I don't like the gf meme but it's too late to go back without hurting her feelings
shit meme 2bh

>hurting her feelings

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yeah mate, I'm not a psychopath

Been there, just cut the cord now before it gets too painful for both of you

I wonder what your girlfriend would do if she were in your position...

Probably begin by talking to a guy about how she feels

And end with a load on her face

Just start acting like a piece of shit and make her dump you retard

She would keep the boyfriend but also go clubbing with her friends, just to see what it’s like heehee no user dont worry its not like that

she'd dump him the cuck faggot he is

and yes, user IS a cuck faggot
>worried about hurting the feelings of a chick he doesn't even care that much for in the first place
neva gon make it

Shut up whore

oh boi, it's not gonna be possible to live life without hurting any feelings whatsoever so... do what you think is right for yourself mang, you don't have to be a total douchedick to break up with someone.


>Baby's first interwebz word

I care about her a lot, I just don't want to be in a relationship. This is core of the problem. If I didn't care I could just "lmao dump her".

Whatever, but unless you're a turbo chad who can score just by existing, never fall into the open relationship meme, trust me

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I know this is sad if it happens with you, but I have cummed on a girls face in that situation; she went to my house just to talk about her feelings about a dying relationship with her bf, and left with her face smelling of cum. I take 50mg o zinc, so imagine the amount... felt good
I dont ever want to be cucked, but damn, it feels good cuck others

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This, open relationships are incredibly unbalanced because it’s much easier for women to find casual sex. Unless the man is a turbo chad, in which case he can get away with sleeping around on his gf without letting her do the same

The combination of knowing you’ve effectively ruined the relationship some thot was trying to salvage and that you’ve proved yourself to have a higher status than her bf is a perfect mix for a blackpilled individual

I had this exact same situation, she was my first tho, been together with her for 9 months, broke up multiple times, came back together because i felt bad for her, she really loved me with all of her heart but i had to end it

Lmao what a virgin.

>came back together because i felt bad for her, she really loved me with all of her heart
this is my problem
how did it go down when you ended it?

I know this feel. I'm even about to fall for the breeder meme even though I enjoy being single more than anything else because I can't imagine a better mother for my future children

She cried alot, was trying to keep me from leaving the house, i eventually found my balls and pushed her out of the way and left, i only cried once i got outside.
Wasnt nice at all, but i still believe it was the right thing to do, she was already hinting at marriage and shit like that

>worried about hurting the feelings
That's called empathy. Non-psychopaths don't want to hurt other people for any reason. You dumb fuck.

>She cried alot, was trying to keep me from leaving the house
this is why I can't break up with her, just don't have the heart to do this

Don't walk away just like that. Sit with her for a while and talk things out. Comfort her for the last time.

that's how you end up not breaking up

Love doing this shit.

My exit plans consist solely of this. When shit starts getting to deep, the girl is slowly spending more nights at my place, slowly starts moving her shit in, starts talking about kids and marriage - i begin the process

>slowly start ghosting over 1-2 months
>tell her she can’t spend the night as much
>only answer a few phone calls or reply to a few texts
>start hanging out more with different chicks, post on social media if you want to hurt the bitch
>start ignoring her completely and slide in with the new chick.

Fuck women, don’t believe for a second a girl has loyalty in these current times gents. Think about how many friends you know that have girlfriends or wives, and count the divorces or the cheating that occured. If you’re not careful, it’ll happen to you and you’ll suffer horrible heartache.

The trick is not to invest emotionally, just act like you do.

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nice larp you VF

Yes, I know, it's hard. But if she's not yelling, throwing your stuff outta window or trying to stab you, you can talk stuff out and comfort her enough for her to accept the breakup as something that has to happen. It's painful but it's a nice thing to do.

Legit just got off the phone with my (ex)gf. We broke up about half an hour ago but have had this conversation going on for over a week. I car about her a lot, but I don't want a relationship right now. We were together for 3 months, then 2 years off, then 8 month, up until today

you folks are forgetting the superior alternative: being gay. why date a girl when you can date a guy who can fuck you and be fucked?

Just remember its not getting easier, maybe wait for the right time.
Also one of my conceens was that i might never again find someone who loves me like she did

>who can fuck you
That's why. I can fuck myself plenty.

So instead of calling it what it is and breaking it off and hurting for probably a month at most, you'd rather go through next few years living a lie.
On top of that your wasting her time, she could meet that guy that could be happy with, and would be happy with her. Wow, your fucking up your finite life, her life, and robbing some other dude the chance to be happy. Your a piece of shit to three people, good job.

isn't there a containment board for cocksuckers like yourself?