"Don't worry user gym showers are fine"
Gym showers
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How the hell can the shower fungus after people soap?
soap is bad for your skin and dehydrates your dick
well typiclly people don't lather up the soles of their feet, not to mention the soles of your feet have a lot of small crags and cracks that fungus likes to hide in
This is why I don't use soap
You can have a dry dick or a fungus dick, your call.
I'd rather have a symbiosis with a bro fungus. Some small type of fungus who releases testo in my blood stream while in exchange consumes small amounts of my blood.
soap doesn't stop fungus
the fuck are you talking about
urine kills fungus though
also, what's up with the heavy pushing of gym showers on Jow Forums
Feetfags on suicide wash
That’s repulsive
Wear sandals kids
Showering at a gym when you literally have your own shower is repulsive.
Just go home and shower, why the FUCK would you ever voluntarily use a communal shower
Coping with insecurities of beeing naked around other guys.
Wtf, i never liked showering at the gym but i started doing for convenience cause i moved and my house is 15km away but this shit makes me reconsider. How tf does shit like that happen
Some people go to the gym before or in between work hours you retard
Maybe if you went more often you wouldnt sweat like a dyel pig
I'd change my gym time if this was forcing me to use a communal shower
lmao just use some sandals
I pay good money for my gym and the least i can do is to use their water instead of going home and consuming my own
>he doesn't shower at the gym
so you get in your clothes all sweated up? gross
just use flip flops you stupid retard, you can even get some anti-fungus sprays if you are anxious like a little wimp you are
>ewie!!! sweat!
You literally just change your clothes then shower at home.
Isn't this solved if just ONE person uses anti fungal soap? Just splash some water around ffs
I'd just cut that shit off
>putting on clean clothes while dirty
>showering, then putting same clothes back on
Greasy. There exist only two ways to do it, showering at gym with change of clothes or showering at home but wearing gym clothes until home.
>urine kills fungus though
I will be the gym hero who urinates all over the floor of the showers every time I shower.
Fungus thrives on dirty feet. Soap is important for foot care. Also dry your toes off properly.
>he uses public showers
But seriously, use shower shoes you monkey, I would advise crocs for maximum protection
Jesus it's not that hard to not get your feet wet in the shower if you're honestly this fucking worried about fungus
What is the alternative to soap?
I tried googling it an google gives shit diy options like rubbing baking soda on yourself
It thrives off of moist feet and lack of sunlight.
Your feet being clean and constantly in the dark makes it easier for fungus to grow.
Keep your feet in the sunlight(which kills fungus), go barefoot outside on the grass, and piss on your feet, or soak them in a mixture of diluted bleach and vinegar..
Also after a bath thoroughly dry your feet and place a thin layer of coconut oil on your feet and betwixt your toes.
Later you dust your feet with a light coating of moisture absorbing powder if you are going to be wearing shoes and try not to get your feet wet.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
cute feet
everybody is probably laughing at what this guy is writing but he's correct.
Just wear shower sandals, like we do in the army.
What's the big deal?
How about you just don't use the gym showers? My gym is either a 10 minute drive or 40 min bike ride away. If I go by bike, I'm going to be sweaty after riding back home anyway, so pointless to shower. If I go by car, I'm home in no time at all. Showering at the gym just seems unnecessary and stupid. Yeah, if you got the gym before work and don't have time to go home and shower then sure. But otherwise the only people showering at the gym are fags and attention whores who like walking around naked in the locker room.
He funny.
i want to eventually get a gorillion dollar equinox membership just so i can use the beautiful clean fancy showers. my gym is 24 hours and cheap as fuck but the showers/locker room are fuckin disgusting
I don't get it. Do people with feet like those actually shower at public places? Or does the fungi not attack the original host?
oil and a scraper.
soap works by being hydrophillic and hydrophobic on either end of the molecule.
This allows it to stick to your dead skin cells and also be washed away by water.
oil will stick to your dead skin cells but won't be as easily washed away by water.
I just use (very) hot water and a shower sponge to scrub myself and never use soap
why do peopel feel the need to use that
>shower sponge
not effective.
Use a boars hair brush.
Dead skin clings to your body really well.
If I go to bed at 9 pm, I can wake up at 6 am, bike to the gym, lift for 1 hour, bike back home, shower, then bike to work.
Maybe I can wake up at 5:30 on gym days, that will leave an extra half hour.
Fuck man. All I want to be able to do is deadlift and squat in the gym, but its packed at 5pm.
I cannot shower since that might happen to me.
Googling shows me this remedy if it's a concern for you. Honestly though I think just taking a rag and buffing the shit out of your foot with warm water would do the trick anyway, as a preventative measure.