What do you think Jow Forums?

What do you think Jow Forums?

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It’s true, spend less time on vapid shit on your phone or playing video games and spend 20-30 mins bettering yourself

There's no way it takes him half a fucking hour to inject tren

What the fuck are you supposed to workout in 30 mins that will make noticeable changes

Incoming triggered tweets

Most people who think they don't have time to do things like read or work out don't realize how many hours a day they waste doing stupid shit. I've noticed a lot of people who talk about how they don't have time to work out love to go on and on about whatever vapid TV show they just "marathoned."

I work ten hour days and I still go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

30 minutes is on the low end of what's reasonable, and certainly far below what's ideal.

realistically one should find more like 90 minutes per day, which is still very doable. I work out for 2 hours per day.

Most workouts can be condensed to 30 minutes. You probably spend a lot of time on your phone at the gym.

bodyweight routine

100% true

>I work out for 2 hours per day.

You mean you're at the gym for two hours. Your actual work out is far less than that time.

SS doesn't take much more than that for beginners. 3 sets of 3 exercises @ 1 minute/set, 90s rest/set = 22.5 minutes of work + warmups. It's only after you establish some strength that your rest periods become longer and you add accessory work.

Imagine autistically working out every day and not taking 1-2 rest days for your muscles to heal and grow.

why do you boys get triggered at the "20-30min" part
its good that you work out more, I work out more too, but how is that in anyway contradicting what he said?

>I can't afford a gym membership and have no time
It costs about 120 dollars once to get some plates and a bench. Take it home, put on your favourite show for 30 mins and lift.

No excuse. You'd do that anyways at home just without the weights.

Go do 30mins of press ups or pull ups

No, I don't even go to the gym. I have a home gym.

60 mins cardio, 60 minutes actual lifting. I spend about 90 minutes on the lifting session if you include break times.

Yeah it's true. I don't know anyone who's said that and hasn't turned out to be dicking around with videogames or Netflix in their spare time.

It's not Jow Forums's standards of workout, but for the average joe looking to not be fat it's a start.

Now imagine if this was in a woman's magazine

>Workout for 20 minutes

Maybe thats why you look like a dyel despite taking steroids

hey bud that's far too much

>What the fuck are you supposed to workout in 30 mins that will make noticeable changes

my squat and press takes around 30 min altogether, and chinups can be done anywhere anytime

that's bare minimum for full body right there

Yes and no.

I go to the gym four days a week usually, after work and on Sunday morning.

On Wednesdays I play games with people after work, either DnD or vidya.
On Fridays I go out and do stuff.
On Saturday from midday I play DnD.

I could plausibly work out on Saturday mornings, and in theory I could get up earlier, but I find it much harder to do my job if I don't get enough sleep.

Plus, although I could do bodyweight or home dumbbell stuff in 20-30 minutes, I don't find it as effective as a gym workout. And to get to the gym either requires me to go from work or take a half hour trip. The half hour trip is at both ends - which means a 30 minute gym session on a day where I'm not going from work is actually a 90 minute requirement.

Imagine being this retarded

Zoomers with no attention span

Based and truthpilled

Literally anything even somewhat intensive.

post body

I do Greyskull + three accessory lifts at 5x10 each. I'm in and out of the gym in 40 minutes. Then again, I don't take long breaks or spend time circle-jerking with my gymbros.

He's right, but most people work outs last between 45-90 minutes. Like other anons pointed out though, most people complaning about not enough time to work out are doing shit like hanging in front of a TV for hours a day.

> Hemsy
> Looking like a DYEL

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>work 7-7
>gym closes at 9
>have 3 kids
>15 min drive to the gym
>can't take kids

So this is the power of dadbod

pushups pullups

Too true, you can do a decent routine in 30 mins. No you're not going to get jacked doing a brief workout like that but you can look decent and stay in shape.

Go before work. Get ready at the gym and go straight to work from there.