What happened to all the high test threads

what happened to all the high test threads

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well well. now who might this magnificent lady be? until i know her name she will be known as slampiggeous brapphoggeous

The 4 dyels spamming them are probably at school

Mods mostly

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Uhm right here sweety


girls like this unironically have super gross genitals. Their assholes always smell like sour poop and the pussy is just unbelievably dank and pukey. The bacteria causing these smells grows so fast because of their flesh always smushed together

breh its not nice lol they stink like shit
hook up with this fat thicc 17year old from work, go to put my arms around her fuckn sweat everywhere even jesus christ it was such a putoff

i bet her braps smell gross haha

Jesus what a sweater cow!

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Got hijacked by some feeders who tried to use Jow Forums as their personal arm to meme girls into becoming ham planets (look up Brosnaning).

That was just nervous sweats bro. She liked you


have to go do stuff, hope there are replies when I get back

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Tranny discord shilling

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We’ve reached the late stage of high test threads with feeder threads now. It will only be a matter of time until immobility threads start appearing which is what their end game was all along

Belly fat is fucking disgusting. Same with arm fat

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I hate her, can’t help but think how awful her underwear must smell after being rammed so far up her disgusting ass, also fuck ugly with a terrible fringe

Gay and cringed

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Mmm have that sit on your face

I told you to stop using my name.

they worked. we all have high test now

high test reporting in

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>high test

literally the opposite

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Can confirm. It might be a little too high now.

is that some of Leonard Nimoy's work?

Would unironically fuck the 3 in the front and maybe the 1 in the back right. Being a fatty lover is a blessing and a curse

holy kek

gib milk cow pls

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this ain't it chief.


>what happened to these shitty low quality porn threads?

None of these girls are big enough for me. All my gfs have been 300 lbs+. last gf was 600 lbs, sad thing is I'm attractive and I think skellykellys find me attractive but I'm not that into them. I mean I can fuck a skinny girl sure but if put between a bbw and a skinny girl id fuck the bbw.

don't know why it was deleted

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Cont. I lost weight and got fit and stuff but everytime I try to not bone a big girl I always end up boning one.

>last gf was 600 lbs
could she even walk?

Imagine how big those things are now...

not gonna post a pic here, but i found a camgirl named bellamonroe18 who only does solo stuff, can you guys tell me if she's thicc or just fat

Far left and back right can gettit
Nah fuck it I'd pound all of them except for maybe the uggo in the back

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Its always just ugly fat chicks

Holy ducking sauce please

haha yeah that sounds super gross lol

based haha poster

>be me
>newly single
>browsing Jow Forums
>high test
>buy in
>fucking thicccccc tiddy goth girl
>look down at slab of meat I'm fucking
>can't tell if male or female

Ruined by obese posters like you.

It’s an app filter... they’re all the same girl

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I can't answer that question. But I can tell you why the threads appeared.

Fat women are "bad", and what is bad has an appeal all of its own. Women putting on weight is even more bad, and that makes it more appealing potentially.

In summary, we sometimes like what we are not supposed to like.

End of boring speech. Audience is already asleep.


>be me, young 12/13 year old
>hit puberty
>girls start making my dick hard for some reason
>realize that it's happening more for the chunky girls around me
>very thin athletic girls can walk past me and bend over
>dick doesn't jump at all
>fat girl with a cute face waddles past me between classes
>have to awkwardly cover crotch to attempt to conceal raging boner
>no idea what to make of this, conceal it as much as possible so I don't get made fun of, try to go with conventionally attractive girls
>always find myself wishing they were fatter
Yeah, sure, it's some kind of rebellion.

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>High test
Which one is it

>prefers starving women
>never gonna make it

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meanwhile on the same board...


you guys are pathetic

High test threads are meager temptations of the devil. Satan knows no bounds and will tempt to corrupt you with these images. Stand strong, and only gaze into the light of the Lord, for He will be able to grant you massive gains and eternal life

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Legitimately repulsive, and I'm mostly tolerant of chub

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I love these posts

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i have a thing for chubby girls but this is absolutely disgusting, fuck

Cringe and bluepilled

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sincerely answer me this because my future marriage relies on it: where do you find feminine, miltruck mommy gf's? do they have a general area they like to hang out at?

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Gonna need a sauce bruv

Based and christpilled

This board is so fucking gay


nuking my test fueling brap threads

You’d be surprised, these and the fatposting thread stay up long enough for me to suspect at least one mod has a patrician preference

Certainly a scholar and a gentleman.

Only true men appreciate perfection

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The chicks in this thread are fatter than usual for a high test thread desu

/OpBrosnan/ has only just begun user

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Don’t complain, just indulge

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why do i like it so much

Embrace it user, you have good taste

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Superseded by the architect threads

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>what happened to all the high test threads
They're cancerous shit and don't belong on Jow Forums NOT FITNESS RELATED just watch porn or just fuck off


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>what happened to all the high test threads
The meme was ruined by fat fetishists such as yourself, and everyone moved on with their lives.

>more fat cunt pics posted

>what happened to all the high test threads

Absolutely seething

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I was thinking exactly this a few minutes ago. Even nofap threads have porn in it. I think it's time to leave ole Jow Forums for good tbqhwyfam

super high test

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