Your opinion on chocolate

Your opinion on chocolate

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satan's physical form

sugar, therefore bad and only for special occasions

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There exists chocolate with little sugar.

Needless blood sugar spike. Avoid if possible.

Eat it all the time and I have better lifts than 90% of this board.

little sugar is sugar nonetheless, sugar is supposed to be just like alcohol: for special occasions and infrequently

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What's so bad about little sugar if you aren't an addict?

Good in moderation.

it has caffeine and sugar in it so that's a no for me


You tell yourself that you're not an addict as you gobble down kilograms of "low-sugar" chocolate

I don't gobble down anything. Not everyone is addicted to food, you know.

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Dark chocolate is really good for you. I see a spike in my testosterone after I eat a bar of 86% chocolate. It is also a great food for bulking.

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cacao is redpill and bitterbased
chocolate is for faggot yuros desu


absolute GOAT chocolate. 0g sugar, 2g net carbs. if you're on a low-sugar diet already, this shit will taste great. only sugar-addicted fatties think 100% cocoa chocolate is too bitter. Trader Joe's has it cheap.

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>Ingredients: Chocolate Liquor 93%

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why is Jow Forums so scared of sugar?

>moron doesn't know what cocoa nibs are

How is that relevant? I'm just wondering why they're turning chocolate liquor into chocolate, or how.

Then I realised it was liquor and not licqueur shortly after posting.

Don't listen to that moron, sugar isn't inherently bad for you if you keep the dosage low as like 30 grams a day

I eat it every single day. Hershey most days, because it's cheap as fuck and still pretty passable, but good stuff if I'm feeling like I have disposable. At least half of a King size bar, but some times as much as a full Giant size bar. Usually dark, but sometimes milk with almonds. Chocolate is an amazing caloric supplement.

I have a small square of it after each cardio session for positive reinforcement. The calories are negligible compared to what I burned and its a nice little thing to look forward to.

If you eat chocolate with

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Is there any reason to not buy some cheap, 100% cacao bakers chocolate?

tastes good

Milk chocolate is ass, "white chocolate" doesn't even count as chocolate.
Dark chocolate is fine. Satan's big black nuts draped across a piece of cocoa is even better.

Don't eat too much.

Absolutely none at all. Way more versatile too.


i bake all the time and it really helps.

What the fuck is wrong with you amerifats? Chocolate does not equal sugar. Chocolate bars have sugar added to them, but you definitely can get 0% sugar chocolate. Just buy bakers chocolate.

Bakers chocolate is king!
Dark chocolate is packed with beneficial minerals such as potassium, zinc and selenium, and a 100g bar of dark (70 per cent or more) choc provides 67 per cent of the RDA of iron.

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Muslims are not allowed to post here

You're right: you totally can. But I have a sneaking suspicion that isn't what OP had in mind.
t. and

I consume 32 ounces of cacao Powder every month and have for the past two years... I can't do without at least an OZ a day usually just mixed with Coconut Milk, liquid stevia and cinnamon. I add it to my morning coffee or just eat it from the container

>99% cocoa
Deer god

Coconut milk like the dense milk in can or coconut milk like watered-down milk in bottle?


>absolute black
of course you would like it

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This is what peak chocolate looks like

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I eat 100g each day in order to gain weight im still missing hundreds of calories at the end of each day, bulking is a fucking joke.

No this is like the worst chocolate you can buy in germany XD
chocolate is based

delicious, give me more

Oh boy, my favourite.

100g is a joke. I could eat a kilo a day easily, twink.

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have you tried eating more than that you dumb cunt

>still think about killing myself on a daily basis

Highly inflammatory and will give you pimples.

Expensive chocolates are scam. I buy normal brand with high cacao content, and it's exactly the same stuff.

I eat a fuck load of 90% chocolates but I don't understand what you mean by "see a spike in test". How da fuk you measuring this shit?

you actually have a fulfilling career?

This is the best Tesco has. One full bar a day split in two in my morning and afternoon smoothie.

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Nutrition pic. I need all the calories I can get because I’m skeleton mode. Am I fucked?

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High cacao is the way to go. I don't buy it or eat it anymore, but I'm glad someone sees through the price ruse.

used to eat this, its better than "milk" chocolate because that shit's full of chemical sugar


Still an exceptional choice

But remember, in moderation user


> a kilo a day
back when I was fat I could just eat chololate until I'd puke

born sticcs dont realize fat ppl become fat not because they have bigger appetites, but because they have infinite voids that they must fill with tasty food until their body gives out


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>no go

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I'm a doctor. It's not as glamorous as some people think but it's not too bad either

but is it fulfilling meaningful work for you?

I don't get it

4/7 and I feel about a 4/7 most days (56% kek)

i eat cheetos instead

>t. chocolate manufacturer
>"we totally didn't pay for these studies, you can trust us, promise!"

Chocolate is empty carbs, caffeine, and sugar. Zero nutritional value.

Chocolate along with other sugary things are the reason why I will never make it. Sometimes I can go a few months and start to look well then one day I just cave and buy the whole lot when doing groceries.

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>Shitposting about how hard you didn't read

Its high calorie, extremely processed, and usually has sugar/oil added. Cocoa powder has the nutrition of chocolate, without the oil/fat and sugar. I usually add it to oatmeal or pancakes. I work at a grocery store and i often see fat people buying 10 full size bars of dark chocolate at a time.

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about to turn 23, why even live when i dont have a career i only get to fuck one night stands

Girls like it. I sometimes have a piece when I buy some to share. I used to buy chocolate whey powder but its been vanilla for years now. Like some foods there's a time and a place and those are certain social settings where being the diet weirdo has too much of a social cost (among people who aren't understanding/like-minded or the occasion is special aka hedonistic.)

My one vice tbqh, lads.

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Don't need to read a study I've seen before, bro. It's all the same bullshit propaganda from choco 'dustry.

Ancient man didn't eat chocolate, therefore it's not good for us. Out bodies aren't designed to process it. Chocolate was only introduced to europoors 600 years ago. But sure, believe whatever you want to believe.


Muslims don't alcohol at all.

I've heard too many women craving and loving chocolate so I discard it as gay.

Except we're Europeans, not injuns


>everyone on Jow Forums is white

Tasty and the darker 70%+ variants are healthy. Alot of theobromine tho so if you cant handle stimulants or already use alot of them be mindfull.

the absolute state of Jow Forums science

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full fat dense in a can.. if I can hear fluid when i shake a can I put it back and keep shaking.. I also can add some coconut oil to thicken it up.. I have also been known to blend it with an Avocado...

nothing like a bar of dark chocolate on a friday evening

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Chocolate in pretty much my kryptonite so I've hidden it away for the time being otherwise I'll sit there and eat an entire block. FUCK WHY DID I BUY SO MANY FLAVOURS?

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This shit it great for hiking and stuff. I buy it in boxes of 10 tins, my friends usually end up buying more than half the tins though.

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Where is this a thing? Do amerifats get this while in Aus the cooking chocolate is basically milk chocolate?
Also I've made my own chocolate and truffles a few times, definitely recommend it. Anyone else?

You can eat chocolate every single day if you want

As long as its in moderation.

This image is absolute bullshit

You cant have a fulfilling career and include sensible bedtime, healthy eating and active romantic/social life. Its literally impossible.

Now you can have some dead end shitty job, like male nurse, but you cant have a career and all those things.

Where do you get it? Any place where it goes for less than €1.79 / 100 g?

Simple carbohydrates dont serve any useful purpose for someone who wants to get Jow Forums. The body likes them because it gives you a quick burst of energy and feel good hormones, but in a long term discussion about being and staying Jow Forums sugar doesn't have any useful traits. Its not the same as protein, which is needed for muscle growth, fiber for bowel health or complex carbohydrates for energy.

Also you get your daily limit of sugar every day by just having some fruit, or in most foods as everything is fortified with sugar these days because of its addictive qualities. Milk, cheese, yogurt, even eggs have sugar in it.

That all being said there is nothing wrong with having sugar in moderation, you can have some chocolate every day if you want, as long as you're controlled about it. Eating dark chocolate is the best as it has less cocoa butter (which has more sugar/fat in it), the darker the chocolate the better. Choclate by itself, ignoring the sugar content, gives similar feel good responses in the brain as sugar does without the consequences.

makes my shit mushy