Who here lifts to fight against 6'4 gene edited Chinese soldiers in the inevitable Chinese takeover?
Who here lifts to fight against 6'4 gene edited Chinese soldiers in the inevitable Chinese takeover?
why is he wearing underpants in the gym
girls do this shit all the time and get away with it
I am content with mowing down countless communist chinks in a rambo esque rampage until I reach that disgusting, vile snake, xi jinping and slit his throat or pass out and die from the multiple bullet holes I collect.
very based friendo
based antichicom warrior of Christ
fight the insectoids brother
Not a worry, they don't know that diversity of ability and discord is a strength. Their homogeneous superhumanity is lacking in the wealth of human lived experiences.
Right! Could you imagine living in a society where everyone around you feels kinship towards you and has a natural inclination to cooperate with you because you're part of the tribe? Diversity is obviously much stronger haha
Being tall is bad when you are in a war. You need more calories, usually slower, need a bigger cover. 6ft is maybe the tallest you want to be when using a rifle.
do you not see the irony--- you are claiming diversity is bad because it causes people not to cooperate, and thus weakens a country, but that same tribal "inclination" you seek is exactly why diversity does not work out all the time, however if everyone was connected through a social culture and accepted diversity as an identifying part of their tribe, you'd have a much larger tribe that has many different facets of ability, whereas being segregational actually will weaken the country and that is exactly what they want. Be uncooperative with your fellow countryman because they look different from you! Surely that is the way to defeat the enemy!
a new breed of manlet cope
civilian cope
I'd rather be ruled by the chinks than the jews
The future of China is white
Why would you stay Chinky if you can look anyway you want?
Ah the civ nat chrysalis stage of thought.
Future chinese will be aryan looking and tall while future europeans will be negroid mutt manlets. Quite ironic
Totally, if everyone went against their basic instincts and united with foreigners based on social values instead it would be much better! Working with peoples instincts is so much less effective than working against them haha
I'll join fhe chinks to get easy access to that yellow poon
Based and mowchinkspilled.
Ill be right beside you my brother.
sometimes this place is worth wasting my life on
>Asian invasion is taking place!
>We're slowly overrun by the yellow race!
the movie soldier with kurt russell is about that. white male intelligence and ingenuity wins again so i think im safe. or just sic japan on them
The best genetics can't save you from a bullet hole or a bomb.
kek. you'd have loved the korean war. waves of futile chinese bayonet charges until your ammo runs out and you're forced to retreat
based and not redpilled
you tards realize that if you kill all the chinks, you won't have any more anime or futa trap porn that you fuckers jack off to, right?
>he watches chinese cartoons
I don't, but we're on an anime board
I will just let one of them take me back to China as his boybride and spoil of war.
>tfw no Maoist genehunk husband
It was a joke about the Chinese part. I actually do watch some anime tho
No, not against.
Pretty sure the Party loved the opportunity to get rid of unproductive males as well.
BASED AND anticommie-pilled
Communists aren't even human
Very based brother
You're confusing Chinese with Japanese Baka